Friday 13 March 2020

Improving Our Communication Skills

Improving Our Communication Skills

No need to say anything, just listen, just be interested 

Be encouraging listener, find interest of the people and then talk a little bit about their interest, don't interrupt, don't look into phone, genuinely attend 

Find something there to be appreciated

Ask thoughtful questions

Body language plays great role; when we are nervous, we close our arms, legs, squeeze ourselves

Pay attention

Don't look around

Genuine smile

Emotions are created through motions, physical or facial; chin up

As dietitian; ask what they eat and appreciate them and then suggest

Rephrase, rephrase your criticism (avoid, avoid)

It's all in the name

Actively use their name in the chat, acknowledge them; to build connection

Like a moth to a flame
We can condition our mind even fake. List strengths, achievements, gratitude, positivity; when the other person is constantly negative

A Measure of Courage

Vulnerability is not a sign of weakness and can be your greatest strength.

“Vulnerability is not winning or losing; it’s having the courage to show up and be seen when we have no control over the outcome. Vulnerability is not weakness; it’s our greatest measure of courage,”.

Vulnerability is a double-edged sword. Those who protect themselves to avoid getting hurt, fail to appreciate intimacy and close relationships.

Everyone is vulnerable, no matter how much they try to avoid it. We are born vulnerable and stay that way for our entire childhood. Our relationship with vulnerability is something we are acquainted with, yet abandon as we merge into adulthood.

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