Friday 13 March 2020

Thought Process

Thought Process
An average person has about 12,000 to 60,000 thoughts per day. Of those, 80% are negative and 95% are repetitive thoughts.

If we repeat those negative thoughts, we think negative way more than we think positive thoughts.

As a routine procedure, make a habit of replacing every negative thought with a constructive one. Focus your attention on your goal or ideal, nourish it and sustain it mentally and emotionally and it will become part of your subconscious mind. Great success and happiness are yours now. 

Instead, you punish yourself by negative thinking, and you relieve yourself by positive thinking. Reward is based solely on your thinking and acting. Forgive yourself for harboring negative thoughts; resolve not to indulge yourself in this manner anymore and set yourself free.

Negative self-talk feeds anxiety and depression. When the way we talk to ourselves is shaming, overly critical, judgmental, or punishing, it diminishes our self-confidence, our self-worth, and our ability to make positive changes in our life."

Positive thinking doesn't mean you always think happy thoughts, but it means responding to negative emotion in a productive and healthy way. The more you start to think that way, the more these types of thoughts become automatic, which helps not only fight off anxiety and depression, but improve your physical health, increase your lifespan, and diminish stress.

Self-loathing is that underlying feeling that we are just not good: not good enough, not good at this, not good at that, not good at – or for –much of anything.  It can be subtle, we may habitually compare ourselves to others, for instance, constantly finding fault with ourselves and putting ourselves down, with no real awareness that there is anything amiss. Or, we may listen intently to our critical inner voice while it scolds and berates us, telling us how embarrassing, stupid, or insensitive we are; refusing to challenge it even while we suffer from it.

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