Friday 13 March 2020

Ego Strength

Ego Strength

A strong ego is exhibited in the following characteristics: objectivity in one’s apprehension of the external world and in self-knowledge (insight); capacity to organize activities over longer time spans (allowing for the maintenance of schedules and plans); and the ability to follow resolves while choosing decisively among alternatives. The person of strong ego can also resist immediate environmental and social pressure while contemplating and choosing an appropriate course, and strong ego is further characterized in the person who is not overwhelmed by his or her drives (but instead can direct them into useful channels).

On the other hand, weakness of ego is characterized by such traits as impulsive or immediate behaviour, a sense of inferiority or an inferiority complex, a fragile sense of identity, unstable emotionality, and excessive vulnerability. Perception of reality and self can be distorted. In such cases the individual may be less capable of productive work, because energy is drained into the protection of unrealistic self-concepts, or the individual may be burdened by neurotic symptoms. Ego weakness also underlies the inflated sense of self, which can be associated with grandiosity and a superiority complex.

I, my, me







More and more

Treatment is simply awareness

Ego is hiding in the word “me“. I associated sensitivity and taking things personally as weak.

Ego depletion happens when people use up their available willpower on one task. As a result, they are unable to exert the same level of self-control on subsequent, often unrelated tasks.

Willpower is a limited resource. The idea behind this theory is that willpower is like a muscle in that it can be both strengthened and fatigued. For example, if you exhaust yourself doing sprints (fast running), you will be less able to perform other physical tasks.

Be Open and honest
Value your work
Being in present moment
Spend some time with nature
Play with children
Power of Now book by Eckhart Tolle.

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