Monday 9 March 2020

Happiness is Your Own Choice

How to stay happy

Happiness is attached to purpose of life and purpose of life is to do your duty well. Find out what you can do and do it well. An idle mind is the devil’s workshop. In this case mind would be wandering in past (fears) and future (anxiety and tensions). Train yourself to find out what and how you can do the best in given situation. Keep your mind occupied with duty (meditation, exercise, sleeping). 
Your duty is to increase the energy of your body. To increase mental energy, you would need some physical exercises. If energy lowers, the person will trap into negativity. 
Long breathing, meditation, sit quiet, close your eyes; would enhance body energy.
Use Healthy Drinks; lemon juice, yogurt, milk mix with turmeric, simple foods are rich in energy.
Avoid overeating (waste), sitting on one place for long long time, gossiping, talking long unnecessarily, addictions, smoking, alcohol, excessive spicy food; after effects are low energy, they drain your energy. 
Nurture good thoughts; read good books, remember those events which would be joyful for your mind. We forget easily the moments of joy. We can nourish our mind with proper use of memory. 
Be useful for others who need you. A young boy selected a sick dog to buy to take care of it. Playing with children gives us joy. You feel worth of your life, value of your life. 
Before going to sleep make list of great things which you came across the whole day. 
There are too many things we can celebrate. In some countries, people celebrate the sunrise. Birds' flocks flying, flowers, natural sceneries are good sources of joy. 
It's your choice to be happy or not to be happy. If you attach your happiness on external things, it's not lasting long. Stay in your own control. Even you lift your donkey, all people will not be happy. So please don't lift it.

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