Monday 9 March 2020

Best quotes and Hazrat Ali (AS) Amazing Quotations

Best quotes and Hazrat Ali (AS) Amazing Quotations

A wise man relies on his efforts and a fool relies on his hopes. - Imam Ali (AS)

To keep silent when you can say something wise and useful is as bad as keeping on propagating foolish and unwise thoughts.

Keep distance from bad women and be careful from pious ones.

Don't curse your children.

Some worries are like speechless babies, we have to just grow them.

You are lucky, if someone cry for you. This is misfortune if people cry because of you. 

I found no comfort in comfort, let me try to find it in pain and hardship.

Sincere friends are treasure. 

There is no reason to boast on false relationships.

People don't change, they change their interests. 

Killing lion by man is called hunting and attack of lion on man is called barbarity; definition of justice and crime is same.

A friend in need's a friend indeed.

People forget the Creator, don't surprise if they forget you.

Don't boast on your wisdom (knowledge, skill, beauty).

Reward yourself with positive efforts to control your anger.

There is no good in silence when it comes to knowledge, just as there is no good in speaking when it comes to ignorance.

Improper utilization of knowledge is stupidity. 

Humbleness clothes you in dignity.

Backbiter will do the same for you after a while.

Thought poison is more dangerous than food poison. So mind words when you speak.

Hypocrite is more dangerous abusive.

Being stubborn and competition weaken relationships.

Generosity in poverty, speaking truth in anger, forgiveness when in power; are great attributes.

We have different standards while wrong doing for self and others.

Use of Anger for true and hypocrite

Angry true friend

Mistakes screen friendship

Failure brings disappointment to heart and success brings pride to mind; both are diseases.

Word fire not burns, be careful what you say.

Forget about

Dead heart is punishment in this world

Tongue is killer.

People are asleep as long as they are alive, when they die they wake up.

Preach with action.

You will always find some people who are very active in finding faults in others, while they remain or choose to remain ignorant to their own faults.

If you want to move from darkness into light, stop finding fault in others. Finding fault in others means finding fault in God.

Never argue with ignorant.

Truth is always sour.

Some words are sweet but unprotifable! Some are bitter but important. First weigh your words on the counter of integrity and speak not only because your words are sweet, but because they contain the truth!

Appreciation and urge of being appreciated is sin. (Saadi)

Bad people are like sword and snake.

Words and actions not always match.

Extreme Love is like beautiful glass, when it breaks, it's better to leave it there than get hurt picking up the pieces.

Some people are walking around to tease people.

Ignorants are always ready to fight.

Don't quote always what you listened.

Wishes storm dims advice.

Complete disappointment releases you from discomfort of crave.

Wuzu like young, pray like old, supplicate like child.

Stiffness destroys relationships.

Fasting in summer has more reward.

When life starts, human cries, when life ends, people cry.

Son is blessing, brother is courage and support, husband is protection of your faith, father is door of heaven. Others are just weak relationships like boys and girls.

Mind limits in friendship.

Mind limits of your needs.

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