Monday 9 March 2020

Building self-confidence

Building self-confidence
Confidence is not by birth, we can learn this skill. Set achievable goals, targets and then celebrate when achieved.
Sit in front of camera and make different voices. Face your inner critic, the most honest. 
[Turn down the volume of your negative inner voice and create a nurturing inner voice to take it’s place. When you make a mistake, forgive yourself, learn from it, and move on instead of obsessing about it. Equally important, don’t allow anyone else to dwell on your mistakes or shortcomings or to expect perfection from you.
The critical voices in our own heads are far more vicious than what we might hear from the outside. Our "inside critics" have intimate knowledge of us and can zero in on our weakest spots.

You might be told by the critics that you're too fat, too old, too young, not intelligent enough, a quitter, not logical, prone to try too many things ... It's all balderdash!

Some elements of these may be true, and it's completely up to you how they affect you. Inside critics are really just trying to protect you. You can:

Learn to dialogue with them.
Give them new jobs.
Turn them into allies.
You can also dismantle / exterminate them.

The more a child is abused, the more the child uses his abilities to anticipate, manage, prevent, dismantle, and challenge the abusing ways of his parents.
Without confidence we feel insecure. We replay the doubting voices on a loop in our own minds.
We established most of our self-beliefs during our childhood, but they were based on our limited understanding of the world around us. They are either flawed or have become outdated. We can’t take these beliefs at face value anymore.

Many people spend their whole lives doing their best to follow the coaching, guidance, and warnings of the inner critic. Society supports this. However, if you choose to pursue inner work, the search for understanding who you are, what your life means, and what reality is; you are by necessity setting yourself directly in conflict with your judge. To explore what you believe, what you experience, why you act and feel the way you do, is to question the authority of the judge. To bring the underpinnings of your psychological reality (how you think and feel) into consciousness means potentially replacing those assumptions and beliefs with direct knowledge. This would mean experiencing that your conscious awareness can begin to take the place of accepted standards and beliefs. Then you don't need to be guided, limited, and controlled by the unconscious through your judge.

Perception of reality is not the same as reality. What we interpret is not the same as what we see.

Words can’t harm you when they don’t mean anything to you.

The inner critic isn’t an enemy.

It’s difficult to see your thoughts when you are in your thoughts.

The truth is everything is impermanent. Nothing stays the same. Flowers wither. Our bodies grow old. Even our thoughts and emotions seem to dissolve over time. When we have a fixed concept of self, we lose ourselves in the past and don’t allow ourselves to just be who we are in the present.
Building confidence starts from building competence. What is learning; doing small things repeatedly over and over, again and again. Make mistakes, face difficulties, don't stop. 
Each trial give you some confidence. 
In the beginning, don't set complicated goals. This is blow to confidence. Breakdown to smaller, achievable steps. Slowly and steadily.
Photography; start to know about camera. Learn how different settings of camera work. Try different lights, styles and find which one suites you. Then try some backdrops, editing etc. Take small steps and do persistently.
Celebrate small achievements; make list of accomplishments. 
We overestimate what we can do in a day, we underestimate what we can do in lifetime. This record will show what we are capable to do. 
Learn to smile and say thank you. Not accepting the appreciation and saying I have done nothing special, anyone can do it; is not very humble style. 
Embrace yourself for contribution. 
Public Speaking: speak in front of small groups then slowly go for big crowds. Persist even in adversity.

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