Saturday 8 February 2020

Substitute of Collective Efforts

It is difficult to analyze self but it's easy to look around at our neighbors, close friends, relatives, family friends. It can be easily observed and analyzed that there is not noticeable change there in the last many years. If we can look and imagine about dead bodies, they change everyday, every week, month, year.

In university, college, school; we are given 5-7 subjects to study. If we are given only one subject or one chapter for the whole year, may be most of us wouldn't be able to master it. Same analogy can be used to make blocks of our 24 hour to use our time efficiently.

Let's recall our student time and feel how we gain and reflect energy when we find people of same focus around us! Every vigilant gardener knows the difference between weeds and useful plants and deals with them accordingly.

While driving in winter, we notice that even expensive cars are stuck in ice and snow due to no snow tires. Same is the case when someone needs boost for starting car. Little things can  matter much, little moves can give big results.

Collective efforts have no substitute. You never know who may need our little help. In religion, it is called ('amar bilmaAAroof wa nhi anilmunkar; and enjoin the doing of what is right and forbid the doing of what is wrong), (watawaso bialhaqqe watawaso bialssabr, and enjoin upon one another the keeping to truth and enjoin upon one another patience in adversity), others call it, 'cooperation, community services, community work'.

Aristotle and Socrates; Greek philosophers - in Athens there used to expression fairs  where people were supported to present their ideas. Good or bad ideas, didn't matter, was OK. This exercise resulted in the introduction of these big names.

When we attend wedding or any other gathering, we can notice that very little number of community members are in ideal health condition. At the same time they seam to enjoy unhealthy food. Let's make some arrangement to highlight these information.

Careful observation indicates that people 'mind' about very valueless things but at the same time they don't care about very phenomenal things.

There are some very common drinks which are dangerous for health without any doubt. Using anything which is detrimental to health is not religiously allowed. We can start awareness movement from our gatherings at least.

Three, four times; I visited a ministry office. Last time visit, the supervisor lady attended me. I noticed her courtesy as special. She gave her email address and telephone number from the list and advised not to come again, just remind me by email or phone. So, I was thinking why we are surrounded by people who are low, have little or no courtesy. Point is to be connected with the Almighty and then let's be stress free.

Creative mind; can we develop problem solving mentality or is it by nature, by birth.
Parroting dulls our mind or can it be used for good purpose.

Extra Mile How exponential growth in positive and negative attitude affects, same effect be noticed in developing good and bad habits.

1.01 vs 0.99
1.01^365 = 37.78343433
0.99^365 = 0.025517964

1.05 vs 0.95
1.05^365 = 54,211,841.58
0.95^365 = 0.000000007398027

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