Wednesday 14 October 2020

Professional Vocal Warmup - "Opening Up The Voice"

Professional Vocal Warmup 1 - "Opening Up The Voice"
1) Start from Body Warmup; coordination and conditioning; 4:45 Yawn, 5:30 akh akh akh, 6:40 aaaaaaa, lip roll, move your head and roll the lip, It feels good
2) Shoulders up and roll the lip
3) Kneel down and roll the lip; body goes down voice goes up

Professional Vocal Warmup 2 - "Increasing Vocal Range"
Lip Rolls Benefits: Reduces throat tension, warm up / Strengthens upper register, reduces vocal fatigue
No need to bash, be liberal, like ironing the clothes gently wrinkles will go away 
No need to get burn
Lip Roll, Octave, Scale; Only go as high or as low as you comfortably can

Professional Vocal Warmup 3 - "Improving Vocal Tone (Freeing The Throat)"
Releasing the throat / Improving tone
Ya Ya and AA AA exercises = fuller, richer tone; clearer high notes, reduces need to 'push, / strain
nasally voice
Overdoing is collapse of voice
Open mouth ya ya aah aah
Listen your body, your range will expand, forcing will not help

Professional Vocal Warmup 4 - "Strengthening The Voice"
Vocal Fry; stronger overall range, greater tone clarity, greater overall ease in voice

Lip Roll 3:30

What Is Vocal Fry & Is It Bad For You?
Fry, Modal, Falsetto, Whistle

How To Sing Vocal Fry (Onset)

Voice Lessons: Vocal Fry Scream

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