Tuesday 7 April 2020

World After Corona Virus

World After Corona Virus, World is on the way to change, buckle up, get ready (see notes)

World After Corona Virus

We are facing a unique situation which is totally different from history. This situation is severer than any previous World War. It’s quite possible, we would be able to see a totally new world system. It happened after World War I, World War II, after Soviet Union, after East and West Europe; we observed a new world system. Today, what is going on, is more than past World Wars because Corona Virus has attacked everywhere. It’s like huge earthquake and it will pose the challenge to cultures, faiths, religious, thinking, philosophy and everything related. These challenges include priorities of governments, effectiveness of UNO and big unions and groups on world level.
No one knows, what will happen to European Union and states of America; whether they will keep themselves united or not. The fact is that all people of any part of world today are going through a new time experience different than last 100, 200 years. It’s quite possible that world and humanity shift to a new approach (conditions and consequences) altogether.
What I am thinking, let me share with you and I am very sure about it; on cultural level, on thinking level, on political level, on union and group level, on world system level, economic, reserves, sociocultural level – is not right time that people refuse to follow oppressor rulers and say enough is enough.
If the world is serious to get rid of wars, difficulties then stop all the wars going on in the world and put Corona Virus fight first. Now is time to speak louder against oppression putting aside personal and political issues. Raise voice for humanity and stop all continuing wars started by oppressors. Everyone of us has enough resources; intellect and technology, social media. Don’t spare any chance, put all your efforts.
Today world and humanity is passing through a very sensitive test. Now very big leaders will be rejected. Governments and world powers, with their fake claims of human rights and ethics, will be rejected in this test.
Let’s be prepared to pass this test successfully for humanity and for hereafter.

A wise man relies on his efforts and a fool relies on his hopes. To keep silent when you can say something wise and useful is as bad as keeping on propagating foolish and unwise thoughts. Imam Ali (AS)

One of mankind’s greatest sins is inaction in the face of injustice. Not acting is a crime against society, your family, and yourself. Inaction is the worst action of human beings!

The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything. Once you stop learning you start dying. Albert Einstein

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