Tuesday 7 April 2020

Israel’s Military Demolish an Emergency Coronavirus Clinic for Palestinians

Israel’s Military Demolish an Emergency Coronavirus Clinic for Palestinians/Bham StWC Zoom meeting 7.30 pm 14th April


I would need to know technical information from him so that we can do same here in Canada. With prayers 

Mujahid Hussain
416 829 7875
Toronto, Canada

Ideal City Living, GTV
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Ahsan Abbas sdahsan@hotmail.com [senspak] <senspak-noreply@yahoogroups.com>
To: Stuart Richardson <ser14@btinternet.com>; 'Bert Gedin' <gedinbert33@gmail.com>; 'Abu A' <abu.alamgir1@gmail.com>; 'Pete Duffy' <pjfduffy@gmail.com>; jamesham1@aol.com <jamesham1@aol.com>; btbrosnan@yahoo.co.uk <btbrosnan@yahoo.co.uk>; grahamchilds396@gmail.com <grahamchilds396@gmail.com>; 'Sarah Teversham' <tevershamsarah@hotmail.com>; 'Steve Price' <heckrad1@gmail.com>; 'Joanne Shemmans' <shemmansj@gmail.com>; 'Taaibah Hossain' <taaibah99@hotmail.co.uk>; 'Mama' <sumrah99@yahoo.co.uk>; harpreet.pannu@sky.com <harpreet.pannu@sky.com>; 'Batool Subeiti' <batool_subeiti@hotmail.co.uk>; 'Eddo Gallo' <eddogallo@googlemail.com>; 'Councillor Majid Mahmood' <majid.mahmood@birmingham.gov.uk>; zhor.malik@birmingham.gov.uk <zhor.malik@birmingham.gov.uk>
Cc: emailali2@yahoo.co.uk <emailali2@yahoo.co.uk>; 'Susan Phillips' <chat_to_sue@hotmail.com>; arif-shah@hotmail.co.uk <arif-shah@hotmail.co.uk>; 'mary wilkins' <mepwilk@yahoo.co.uk>
Sent: Tuesday, April 7, 2020, 06:50:18 a.m. EDT
Subject: [sens] Re: Israel’s Military Demolish an Emergency Coronavirus Clinic for Palestinians/Bham StWC Zoom meeting 7.30 pm 14th April

Thank you Stuart

It's so reprehensible act

Very sad to know it

From: Stuart Richardson <ser14@btinternet.com>
Sent: 04 April 2020 19:02
To: 'Bert Gedin' <gedinbert33@gmail.com>; 'Abu A' <abu.alamgir1@gmail.com>; 'Pete Duffy' <pjfduffy@gmail.com>; jamesham1@aol.com <jamesham1@aol.com>; btbrosnan@yahoo.co.uk <btbrosnan@yahoo.co..uk>; grahamchilds396@gmail.com <grahamchilds396@gmail.com>; 'Sarah Teversham' <tevershamsarah@hotmail.com>; 'Steve Price' <heckrad1@gmail.com>; 'Joanne Shemmans' <shemmansj@gmail.com>; 'Taaibah Hossain' <taaibah99@hotmail.co.uk>; 'Mama' <sumrah99@yahoo.co.uk>; harpreet.pannu@sky.com <harpreet.pannu@sky.com>; 'Batool Subeiti' <batool_subeiti@hotmail.co.uk>; 'Eddo Gallo' <eddogallo@googlemail.com>; 'Councillor Majid Mahmood' <Majid.Mahmood@birmingham..gov.uk>; zhor.malik@birmingham.gov.uk <zhor.malik@birmingham.gov.uk>
Cc: emailali2@yahoo.co.uk <emailali2@yahoo.co.uk>; 'Susan Phillips' <chat_to_sue@hotmail.com>; arif-shah@hotmail.co.uk <arif-shah@hotmail.co.uk>; 'mary wilkins' <mepwilk@yahoo.co.uk>
Subject: Israel’s Military Demolish an Emergency Coronavirus Clinic for Palestinians/Bham StWC Zoom meeting 7.30 pm 14th April

Dear StWC comrades

In my email earlier (which is below) I said “ I don’t know if comrades had seen Israeli military forces destroying a emergency clinic set up to treat

those suffering from the Coronavirus.”

The evidence for this point is in the blog posting by Tony Greenstein, socialist anti-Zionist,  detailing the Israeli demolition of the emergency Coronavirus clinic in the Palestinian village of Khirbet Ibziq.

Stuart Richardson
Secretary Bham StWC
0777 156 7496

From: lawactivists@googlegroups.com [mailto:lawactivists@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Tony GreensteinSent: 30 March 2020 17:39To: TonySubject: [LAW] UNBELIEVABLE: Israel’s Military Demolish an Emergency Coronavirus Clinic for Palestinians confiscating building blocks

The Spread of Coronavirus and the Lack of Equipment is a National Scandal

Richard Horton – Editor The Lancet


Dear Bham StWC committee members

I enclose a recording of the Bham TUC meeting on Thursday which was conducted with 30 people using the Zoom technology and a prior email Naeem, secretary of Bham TUC, sent out so comrades could log on.

Akhtar is organising the Zoom technology for the next Bham StWC meeting 7.30 pm Tuesday 14th April and as the technical lead will chair the meeting. He is setting up the technology and if there is a cost we can pay from Bham StWC funds. He will send me an email setting up the technology which I will forward to comrades.

I enclose a provisional agenda but if comrades have additions please inform me.

Birmingham Stop the War Coalition committee meeting

Dear Bham Stop the War Coalition supporters

I enclose a suggested agenda for the Bham StWC committee at 7.30 pm Tuesday  14th April on Zoom technology.


1.            Apologies

2.            Implications of the victory of Kier Starmer as Labour leader for the Anti-War movement

3.            Conflict in Iraq between Shia Muslim militias and the US occupying forces: Trumps threats

                against Iran

4.            Report on attacks against Muslims in India Akhtar

5.            Future meeting on Palestine in Birmingham with Paul Kelemen

6.            Report on the campaign to defend Julian Assange Stuart

7.            Promoting speakers on Trident renewal in the Bham Labour movement Stuart

8.            Next Bham StWC committee meeting 12.5.20.

11.          AOB

Stuart Richardson

Secretary Bham StWC 0777 156 7496

Dear Stop the War Coalition supporters

The election of Kier Stammer will escalate a drift to the right in the Labour Party in which supporters of Jeremy Corbyn in the Labour Party apparatus will be purged. There will also be moves to purge pro-Palestinian LP members under the pressure of the Jewish board of deputies to crack down on critics of Israeli crimes against the Palestinians. I don’t know if comrades had seen Israeli military forces destroying a emergency clinic set up to treat those suffering from the Coronavirus.

However it is not a return to Blair’s total grovelling to US imperialism but a return to the soft left tradition of the Miliband era. He has adapted to anti-war rhetoric and I think opposed attacks on Syria.

His recorded speech was very tame on the Coronavirus crisis, merely deploring the low pay of NHS workers, no criticism of the lack of testing and the appalling lack of protective equipment for NHS staff.


From: Naeem Malik Sent: 03 April 2020 10:24To: Subject: BTUC Delegate Meeting Recording

Hi All,

Please find included the recording of our first delegate meeting online

BTUC Delegate Meeting 2nd April 2020

The video is a recording of the first delegate meeting of Birmingham Trades Union Council held under the threat of the corona virus. The meeting heard from T...youtu.be

Hi All,

You can join today's delegate meeting by following the link below or visiting our website www.btuc.org that also has the link to join the online meeting.

If you are unable to join from your computer, ipad, tablet or smart phone you can always join by ringing the numbers listed below and enter the meeting id when instructed. You would not need anything else. This can be done both from your mobile or landline. Only difference is you will not be able to see anything. You will be able to participate and speak to others. If any problem, call me on 07721427690 - Try and join before 7 pm so I can help if needed. I will be in the meeting from 6:30 pm

From landline or mobile ring 0208 080 6591

when instructed to enter meeting id enter 529386719 followed by # key and when asked to enter participation id just enter # key

You will be in the meeting.

When you need to speak press * followed by 6 you will be unmuted and can speak when you are not speaking press * followed to 6 to mute avoiding unnecessary sounds into the meeting.

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 529 386 719

One tap mobile

+442034815240,,529386719# United Kingdom

+442080806591,,529386719# United Kingdom

Dial by your location

        +44 203 481 5240 United Kingdom

        +44 208 080 6591 United Kingdom

        +44 208 080 6592 United Kingdom

        +44 330 088 5830 United Kingdom

        +44 131 460 1196 United Kingdom

Meeting ID: 529 386 719

Hope to see you all tonight, we will jointly join clap for NHS at 8 pm.

Technology may seem frustrating to begin with persevere and we will overcome.

Posted by: Ahsan Abbas <sdahsan@hotmail.com>

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