Friday 10 April 2020

Survival or Life

Survival or Life
Be genius enough to know and learn that big dreams have enormous energy. Gain this energy and use it for routine baby steps. This will help you to explore your uniqueness. The so called realistic life we are living is not actually realistic. Our self is not our self. It is mixed with a lot of society and society is not very generous to promote each and every individual. When one individual explores this fact and overcomes these barriers set by society, he or she starts enjoying the status achieved. 
Now these hard core persons start making their own realm. So, no one is here living the life with the purpose of creation 'use of full potential'.
These lines must assure you that come out of the myth that you are living a realistic life.
Once we will believe that we are living unrealistic life, then who will be there to stop us that why we are dreaming big 'unrealistic'. Here is easy answer; 'Mind your own business'. But at the same time we need to keep up expressing our unrealistic big dreams to find right peers (loving ambassadors, mentors, sponsors, and supporters) to continue our baby steps.
If we are not generating energy of big dreams (which is free) and not using this energy properly; believe or not, it's not life, it's survival.

5 key steps to launching big dreams successfully: 

1. Understand who you really are, uniquely 
You can’t dream BIG and live out these dreams if you don’t understand your own value, importance, and talents. Most women I work with grossly underestimate what they have to offer the world. And the majority of dreamers think their dream is thousands of light years away and utterly outlandish, when in actuality it’s only a number of critical steps away. 
You need to step back and disengage from the negative chatter and crushing bustle of your life to gain an empowered perspective of who you are, and to make fuller use of the talents and strengths you possess. Whatever you think you have to offer, I’m relatively sure that it’s one thousand times bigger and more important to the world than you think it is. 

2. Close your "power gaps" (and we all have them) to overcome the obstacles in your way 
When I say “power gaps,” I’m referring to the areas in your life where you feel “less than,” unworthy, vulnerable, insecure, shameful, or inferior. We all have these gaps. Some feel insecure about how they parent. Others lack confidence in their communication ability or their leadership strength. For others still, there’s a feeling they’re just not smart or clever enough to do what they long to, and they fear they’ll fail at anything they try. For yet others, their shyness keeps them hiding their light under a bushel (mountain, ocean). 
These are all power gaps, areas that are calling out for an intervention and infusion of strength and courage. To close your power gaps, first identify the one area today that makes you feel most insecure and weak, and do something about it to build your strength. 
It’s like burning food in kitchen, or excessive salt; the solution is easy; redo. 

3. Identify the "essence" of what you want, then find the right "form" of it 
So many people today are desperately unhappy in their current situations, and fantasize intensively about one new direction thinking it will be the panacea, but haven’t explored this direction enough to know if it’s really right for them. We’ve all fallen victim to the “grass is always greener on the other side” myth, but until we step over the fence to “try it on” we just can’t know. Before you leap, research, research, research what this new direction means and entails (requires), and what it will give you (and the sacrifices it will demand of you) to pursue it. The key is to find the right “form” of the dream so that when you achieve it, it brings to your life what you hope for. 

4. Connect all your dots 
As the inspiring Steve Jobs explores in his compelling Stanford commencement speech years ago, if you follow what excites and enlivens (cheers) you, and continue to do this throughout your life and career, the dots will eventually connect. You’ll find yourself in a situation where you’re using everything exciting and important you’ve ever learned, and you’ll apply it in ways that matter to you, in service to others. But this is true only if you continually ask yourself, “What do I long to be doing?” and listen to the answers. If you honor in some meaningful way your visions of how you wish to be of service in the world, the dots will indeed connect. The happiest, most successful people today have found a way to honor all key dimensions of themselves; their personality, values, needs, and talents and nothing is wasted. 

5. Build a support structure to help you expand 
Finally, big dreams don’t thrive in a vacuum, without being supported, fanned, and bolstered. And you can’t fertilize your dreams sufficiently all by yourself. You need loving ambassadors, mentors, sponsors, and supporters who believe in you, and who see the future vision of you before it’s hatched. These supporters know how to keep you true to your dream even when you’re so afraid that all you want to do is run. 
To launch your big dream into the world as a healthy baby ready to thrive, you need a “village” to support you, and it. 

The Magic And Power of Dreaming Big 

Did you ever dare to dream big? I mean, really, really big? 

Why not? Because, it’s unrealistic, because you think you can’t do it, because it’s too overwhelming, because you have no clue how it could be done…? 

Of course, it’s unrealistic, overwhelming at first, unbelievable, outrageous, maybe even completely crazy … but you CAN do it. 

If You Can Imagine It, If You Can Feel It, If You Can Move into This Energy, If You Can Dream It Up… YOU CAN DO IT! 

Yes, you may not be able to do it by next week or next month, but most likely you will get there in 3 or 5 years. And even if it takes 10 years, it still would be amazing, wouldn’t it? 

Time is flying and 5 or even 10 years is nothing. Those years go by in the blink of an eye. Close your eyes and imagine yourself 10 years from now having realized your wildest and craziest dreams … 

Wow, what a feeling – don’t you agree? 

And Something Else Most People Don’t Understand: It’s Not Even So Much About Reaching Your Final Goal 5 Or 10 Years from Now, It’s All About the Crazy, Exciting, Fascinating… Ride to Get There. It’s All About the Process, It’s All About Living YOUR Life to The Fullest – Every Single Moment. 

Yes, that’s exactly why you came here: To live your life to the fullest and to realize crazy and unrealistic dreams especially when everyone around you is saying you can’t do it. 

But, how will you get there? 

You know, it’s much simpler than you may think right now. You don’t get started having every single step already mapped out, no one ever did. 

You get started with a big dream. You get into the energy of your big dream. You imagine yourself having already achieved what you want to do, you feel the excitement, the passion, the energy, that’s easy, I know you can do it. 

Then you take your first brave steps. Now your path already becomes a bit clearer and you know what needs to be done next and you simply take those little baby steps that need to follow. 

Now, you dream a bit more. Again, you get the energy flowing and you will know what to do next. And you simply do it. You take one little and easy baby step after another and you enjoy those baby steps. 

Now you are alive. You are not just dreading (fearing) and existing, you are fully alive and you enjoy it. Also, your confidence in your unlimited potential starts awakening. Now you know that you can do it, can you already feel the excitement? 

Taking one giant step from where you are now to where you would like to be is scary, overwhelming and yes, unrealistic. But, thousands of little baby steps? Of course, you can do it. I don’t even have the shadow of a doubt. 

It’s really not that complicated: 

You only need a big dream to get started 

You only need to take those first, simple baby steps 

You only need to keep on dreaming big 

You only need to take more and more easy, little baby steps 

You only need to remain in this energy of excitement, passion, love for what you do… 

You only need to be constantly connected with your big dream 

You only need to keep on repeating those simple steps without getting distracted by your occasional obstacles, challenges and failures, which are part of the process. 

Come on, it’s not really that simple, isn’t it? 

Yes, it is! You only have to get out of your little box and leave everything behind you that sounds like: 

I can’t do it 

It’s too difficult 

This is not realistic 

Stop dreaming and get real 

Get a proper job and stop with all that nonsense 

I’ve never been successful in anything… 

What will my friends think about those crazy ideas? 

Succeeding in something simple isn’t really easier than succeeding in something really big. Bigger goals probably need more time, but the actual process of consciously creating what you want is the same. 

Society has given you those limited beliefs, but now it’s maybe time to drop them. Yes, just drop all those limiting beliefs and exchange them for bigger ones, for beliefs that are more fun and that suit you better. It’s really that simple and it won’t even cost you a dime. 

This Is Your Life and You Came Here to Fully Express Your Creative Genius and To Have Fun Doing So. Your Intention Never Was to Come Here, To Get by And Survive For 70 Or 80 Years and To Die Without Having Ever Expressed Your Full Potential, The Real YOU. 

All big achievers, all extraordinary people were dreamers, they were unrealistic, they were called crazy (at least at the beginning), they approached life differently than the masses … Otherwise they would never have achieved what they achieved. 

And you can do the same. All you need to do is to make that shift in your mind from small, limited, realistic … to big, exciting, everything is possible, I can do it and I will do it … 

Don’t be afraid of dreaming big and living your life to the fullest, be only afraid of never expressing your full potential. Just do it! Nothing is more exciting than becoming aware of your unlimited potential and expressing more of it every day.

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