Tuesday 7 April 2020


Qasim Ali Shah

Big dreams have energy.

Obstacles are mental, not physical.

Start from small steps and get matured slowly.

To learn self-consciousness, note who inspire you, then go for experiments just like we match clothes, ring, glasses. Then Almighty guides you.

Problems, challenges teach you. Circumstances play mirror role.

You don't like a trade, it means that is not for you. Speak truth to yourself. 

Majority is confused to learn the concept of success. It's best utilization of your potential. If you are ice, make cool jug of water, if you are lemon, make lemonade.

Financial stability is important. 

In teaching, you earn respect.

In Pakistani family father, then elder son’s role is like a bamboo in a tent. Become a trend setter. Protocol of speaker, mentor, coach has a value. Contribution is a measure of achievement. Research leads you to your area of interest. Learning attitude helps you to grow. Self-improvement, preparedness to keep yourself update are ingredients. 

It needs courage to think big, dream, vision. We are living in a cave. When we come out of cave and look around and then returning to cave and tell rest of the people about your findings. Teaching is seeding. 

Some teacher’s inspiration makes students speaker, blog writer. This is intellectual growth. Bat cannot see in the sun. Some people are narrow tunnel. They don’t want to see big vision, hope, future. They say, lectures don’t make any difference. Revolutionary leaders speak in different tone. 

Tough time defines the vision of the leader. When you focus on outcome, then process becomes weak. Process is important. Mountaineering has it’s own experience. Reaching on the top is not big deal. Climbing gives a different taste. Process has crises, problems, challenges, difficulties, failures; this all prepares you for the last round. Mission, cause, why; behind speech (or some other movement) matters. Feedback is by-product. 

Living balanced life is not easy for a normal human being; family, friends, business, father, husband, brother, son, teacher, citizen, follower, leader, boss, manager. One must make the best effort. 

A wise man relies on his efforts and a fool relies on his hopes. To keep silent when you can say something wise and useful is as bad as keeping on propagating foolish and unwise thoughts. Imam Ali (AS)

One of mankind’s greatest sins is inaction in the face of injustice. Not acting is a crime against society, your family, and yourself. Inaction is the worst action of human beings! 

Trust in Allah SWT provides you confidence. Wrong ego is problem. Mission has phases. Sometimes, it’s fast, slow. Mission is different than daily wages. 

You are neither for the earth nor for the skies: The world is for you, and not you for the world.

Brilliant vision, high ambition, winsome (charming) speech, a passionate (fuming) soul: This is all the luggage for a leader of the Caravan.

Starting from bottom line and nominal resources drive you to destiny.

One whose despair (hopelessness) warms the heart of the universe; What suits him best, ‘Give up hope’ or Don’t give up hope!

The amputation (elimination) of desire condemns to death; Life rests secure on the behest (will). Do not despair. Desire continuing the substance is of hope, while hopelessness poisons the very blood of life. 

Despair presses you down, a tombstone (gravestone) on thy heart.

Tough time defines the vision of the leader. 

The most important qualities of a good leader include integrity, accountability, empathy, humility, resilience, vision, influence, and positivity. “Management is about persuading people to do things they do not want to do, while leadership is about inspiring people to do things they never thought they could.”

Learn from those you don’t like their traits. Do opposite.

Chicks take 21 days to hatch, and a clutch of eggs can take a few days to completely hatch. 

So 280 days (or 40 weeks) is actually nine months plus nearly a week. ... This means a "typical" pregnancy likely lasts 38 weeks and 2 days or 8 months, 24 days, and 16 hours.

10 Reasons To Share Knowledge

by Viviana Cherbel

09/10/2015 at 12:13 pm | Comment | Tags: Collaboration, Employee Engagement, Knowledge Management, Knowledge sharing, Leadership, Organizational Culture, Productivity, Social Business, team work

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[ Owner of this photo is Flickr user Ewa Rozkosz. Original location of the image: https://www.flickr.com/photos/erozkosz/6003136440/in/photolist-a9tDjq-fDWYC1-fDEmEa-fDyZYg-fDAQme-fDAGbr-fDWPxS-fDUF6y-fDS5q1-fDRC19-fDCcgM-fDUycQ-fDBY8a-fDzvuX-fDzvWB-fDBcLM-fDEdiP-fDDNkD-fEoobf-fDWj5j-4RFWPG-fE6nHa-fE6geR-fDQGtf-dhYhxB-dhYgEa-fDy7VK-dhYhaV-dhYhyS-fEnkUb-bQkyzT-fDycV6-fDAFi2-fDSZeN-fDAonH-fDT2Af-fDAisX-fDAjir-fDAGU6-fDAJVM-fDTcmj-fDSYiw-fDT6gw-fDAiaR-fDSXRE-fDSSJ3-fDT8i5-fDSPef-dhYjjF-dhYiZv

Image copyright Flickr user Ewa Rozkosz (https://www.flickr.com/photos/erozkosz)

When you dream of conquering the world and you fill your agenda with daunting projects, it’s often necessary to equip yourself with a large mug of coffee and with the right people. Any successful project, be it big or small, has one thing at its core: effective collaboration, and you can achieve it with knowledge sharing.

“In our research on knowledge transfer, we have seen companies greatly disadvantaged, if not crippled, by knowledge loss. Certainly, some expert knowledge may be outdated or irrelevant by the time its possessors are eligible for retirement, but not the skills, know-how, and capabilities that underlie critical operations — both routine and innovative. Organizations cannot afford to lose these deep smarts” says Dorothy Leonard, the William J. Abernathy Professor of Business Administration Emerita at Harvard Business School.

Here are 10 benefits that you can get from sharing your knowledge:

1. It helps you grow

Having a fixed set of skills is what makes you proficient in a specific area but growth means continuous development. You can learn something from everybody in your life. Better make sure you actually do.

2. It helps you stay motivated

3. Getting top talent access

If you’re the smartest person in the room, then you’re in the wrong room. Knowledge sharing helps you get feedback and help with your projects from those more skilled or with a different set of competences. You can always reach out to your peers, you’ll be amazed of what they can teach you in no time. Not to mention the access to upper management expertise!

4. Recognition

The recognition at work is important. It is one of the most powerful motivators and will highly contribute to both employee retention and engagement. Sharing your knowledge with others will give your talents more exposure, thus giving the people you interact with the opportunity to identify you as a valuable expert. Helping others can help you build your reputation. That’s a valuable asset!

5. Generating new ideas

They say two heads think better than one. When different skills and experiences collide, eye-opening ideas and solutions emerge. The creative energy of brainswarming can generate faster and more relevant solutions to your current assignments, supporting you in successfully achieving your tasks. Tribal knowledge FTW!

6. Future leaders discovery

Sharing knowledge can be a great tool for everyone to PR themselves. All you need to do is to be permanently connected to the hot business topics and offer your expertise every time you can. When people are open to prove their value through their competence, it’s easier to notice the ones likely to organize people and to take initiative. The leaders of tomorrow are among those.

7. Limiting the skill gap

Your team is as strong as its weakest member. By sharing knowledge and talking about certain decisions and procedures, the new guys or juniors could easily acquire new sets of skills. Create an environment where everybody is encouraged to ask questions, and help professionals in all your locations and job positions stay updated with the latest information in their field.

8. Team cementing and silo breaking

When employees, teams and leaders share ideas and resources with each other, the feeling that they pursue a common goal becomes authentic. The feeling of being part of a functional and collaborative team boosts enthusiasm and empowers everyone to exchange knowledge, breaking down the silo mentality that affects both employees morale and ultimately reducing your business efficiency.

9. Sense of purpose

10. Operational efficiency

Knowledge with blessings (faiz); results paradigm shift, major change in the concepts and practices of how something works or is accomplished. A paradigm shift can happen within a wide variety of contexts.

Knowledge combined with respect and honor for the source and resource bears blessings. Alone knowledge is just information. 

People get inspired at adopt quality traits; start respecting, honoring the

Hassan Nisar

False claim, I have seen the world. We know very little of our own area.

Hassan Nisar

[If cyanide is mixed in life water, which one will prevail. Faith and action are exactly opposite.]

Dark night and bright day, life and death, war and peace.

People are facing irritation in quarantine.

Worship is better option.

Corona is teaching quality of life. Living balanced life. Cleaning was only limited to hands.

Merit killing, contamination / mixing / impurity, milk made from chemicals, looting resources and shifting to foreign countries.

Corona is reinstating the natural balance.

Corona is not only virus, it's warning.

All gatherings finished, closed. Open your eyes.

Busy life changed.

Touching money is not safe.

How to handle worst condition? Meditation; relax and see inner. Act as per your circumstances.

Leadership role is important for both personal and professional life. People follow leader's acts, not sayings. Leadership is not best when it is taught, it is at its best when it is caught. Inspire, not instruct. It's action, not instruction. We teach lies to our children; on phone, I'm not at home. Told wrong age when buying bus ticket. Quote; The day I see someone doing wrong I correct myself. The quality of leader is reflecting the standard that he sets for himself. People don't care how much knowledge you have. They look for how much you care for them. Successful leader uses personal power, not positional power. Robber never satisfy, giver never die with hunger. Inner power prevails.

Daily Habits to Create Miracles in Life

Imagine if you have 8 newspapers on your table and you read repeatedly same painful news 8 times. When some information is attached to money then it’s not pure. We are absorbing all this poisonous information and it is influencing ourselves. Negativity is on rise in the world. 

15 minutes before going to sleep, feed your mind with pure, blessed matter. By 7:30 – 8:00 close everything. Be focus on your own world, family, office etc.

Slightest detrack is disaster for me. Go to only focused information on social media. 

Avoid criticism, rejection, fear information; otherwise it will become your nature. 

Absorb information of faith, blessings, acceptance; it will become your nature.

Information – thought – intellect – action – impression, virtues, values, introduction.

Filter information which you are absorbing. 3 36

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