Sunday 5 April 2020

Quotes Imam Jafar Sadiq AS

Quotes Imam Jafar Sadiq AS

Be careful to have truthful friends and try to obtain them, for they are your support when you are in welfare, and your advocator when you have misfortune.

Immorality and surliness (threatening) makes the human's life miserable and bitter.

There are three things that signify the magnanimity (generosity) of a person: good temper, patience, and to avoid aggressive gaze (a long fixed look).

Whenever the mind of a person is rectified, he becomes strong and powerful in appearance.

Paying visits to ones own relatives prolongs the life of a person and prevents poverty and indigence (ruin).

The person who is aware of the present situations of his time, will never get involved with falsifying and wrongdoing.

Having the foresight to plan to earn a living, is half of the peace and leisure in life.

One who does not use his intelligence will not succeed and one who does not use his knowledge will have no intellect. One who understands will attain nobility and excellence, and one who is tolerant will triumph. Knowledge is a shield (against evil), truth begets honor and ignorance disgrace, understanding is distinction, generosity is salvation (lifeline) and good manners command love and respect.

A learned person among ignorant people, is like a live person among the dead.

To acquire knowledge is necessary at all times.

Write knowledge since you can’t memorize unless with writing. Heart confides (reveals) to the written.

Everything has its tax and the tax of knowledge is to teach its people.

Being cheerful and affable (friendly) with people is by itself half of wisdom.

It makes no sense at all if people consider the one who lacks knowledge and science as a prosperous person.

The person who associates with scholars, will have his reputation exalted.

There are two kinds of scholars: those who act on their knowledge, these are the saved ones; and those who do not put into practice what they know, these are led to their downfall.

Precision, accuracy and pondering in wisdom and sciences, will nourish and develop a person's brain.

Seek Knowledge and adorn (decorate) it with forbearance  (tolerance) and dignity. Be humble to those whom you teach and to those from whom you learn. Don't be tyrannical in your teaching conduct, for you will forfeit (lose) that to which you are entitled to (the reward) on account of it.

The believers have four signs: good humor, tactfulness, kind heartedness and openhandedness.

A sin that accelerates death and annihilation (ruin) of man is breaking off paying visits to one's own relatives.

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