Sunday 5 April 2020

Let Nothing Disturb Your Mind

Let Nothing Disturb Your Mind: BK Shivani
Right choices are not encouraged these days. They labled, ridiculed, made fun. Approval is almost impossible. My mind has become independent of stimulus. In traffic jam, people are staring at me, they are honking. Reaction is a choice. On phone even with blue tooth, radio is on; then who is driving the car. Start from conscious then it becomes habit. Conscious to automatic (habit) shift. Differentiate between created habits and unconscious habits. When we choose our role models, their habits comes into our conscious unconsciously. We blame others for our actions which is not right. Whatever you are doing, take the responsibility. Blaming means victim mentality, slavery life. Stress. diabetes, sugar, blood pressure is part of life life. Divorce rate is highI'm in IT industry.
Reacting vs. Responding
What is Your Normal Reflex? Reaction or Response?
I learned a valuable lesson many years ago.  There is a huge difference between reacting and responding. A reaction is typically quick, without much thought, tense and aggressive.  A response is thought out, calm and non-threatening.  A reaction typically provokes more reactions – perpetuating a long line of hatefulness with nothing accomplished.  A response typically provokes discussion – perpetuating healthy discussion (debate even) that leads to resolution.

They both start the same way.  A co-worker, subordinate or superior says something that triggers an emotion.  It could be in a meeting, email or over a casual lunch.  What happens in the next few seconds however determines the difference between reacting and responding.

Someone who is reacting immediately hits reply and fires of a scathing tirade and hits send before he takes his next breath.  A casual lunch conversation suddenly takes a very negative twist ending in uncomfortable silence.  A normally calm, brilliant employee resorts to name calling in the daily meeting.  Reaction, without thinking leads to destruction.

On the other hand a person who is responding hits reply, types their reaction and never sends it.  They take a walk, think about an appropriate way to respond and do so when emotions have died down.  They handle an ill-advised comment from a co-worker by focusing on the situation, not the person.  They address conflict in the conference room with discussion and understanding.  They respond and therefore resolve quickly.

Reaction is quick.  Response takes time.
Reaction is emotion-filled.  Response removes all emotion.
Reaction is often aggressive.  Response allows for assertiveness without aggression.
Reaction snowballs into unnecessary and prolonged periods of discontent and disagreement.  Response resolves conflict quickly.

There is a huge difference.  I will not insult your intelligence by now listing five ways to respond instead of react – you know how.  As adults, we all know the right thing to do.  Yet, more often than we would like, our emotions get the best of us and we react.  At work, at home, in the car, on Twitter, Facebook or Linkedin – we react.  And leave a path of discord in our wake…..

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