Tuesday, 31 March 2020

The Secret of Success - Thoughts 1

The Secret - Book Review - By Qasim Ali Shah | Part - 1/2

Any idea, person, good thing make their space if they potential, newness and style, it captures attention. If the content is interesting then it doesn't matter, from where start reading the book, start listening the speech, start watching the movie. If the content is thought provoking, it has hypnotic (trans; nap, snooze, inertia) effect. Snake has trans effect, that is the reason it is recommended to kill it right away when you see it.

When we walk on 4 inch width low wall, it is easy. Chances of falling are low. When we walk on a wall with same width 1,000 feet high, very likely to fall down (due to attraction). Depth, pasti, lowness has attraction. That's why majority falls there.

Movie, book, person, philosophy, story, anecdote, events from Hazrat Musa (AS)'s life, Socrates life events; made their space and are referred although maybe not all in authentic books and are very old.

Gravity and law of gravity is everywhere. You need to understand science of law, then use it or work on it to oppose and then some people used this law for making automobile, airplanes. 

There are two aspects of the world; apparent which we can see, hidden (faith, thoughts, dreams), we cannot see. Nature of dreams differ person to person. Animal also have dreams of some level.

Law Of Attraction says; our thoughts create our reality. Thoughts become things, thoughts become actions, thoughts become habits. What you think you manifest (get, achieve).

We get feeling of sadness when we remember someone departed. Then we connect related sequence to other possibilities. This forms a loop; thought, feelings, thought. Limited, pleasant, sad, changing self; all thoughts have same cycle.

We can remember only a very low percentage of dreams. Out of those remembered dreams mostly are negative  and dreams are reflection of our thoughts. It proves what, we are living in an environment which is overwhelmingly negative.  We have no proper mechanized mentoring; how to control thoughts, how to control dreams.

When toddler starts learning, it takes time to achieve the skills, strength, balance and rhythm of a secure walker. Pediatricians say it is normal for toddlers to fall, even on flat ground, until 4 years old. Toddlers are learning how to coordinate their movements for this new skill of walking.

We learn how to walk, how to speak, how to write in few years. We lack training how to think properly. Proper mentoring, coaching is required and we can learn it as a skill. 

Look at leadership skill learning, how to live life; very very few people are skillful. 

We emphasize to learn everything for outer world, apparent life. We overlook, ignore; the inner, the real one (thinking).

The right strategy to control outer world is through inner world control. 

Everyone has a different perception and understanding of things in life. It's really very difficult to know what anyone says is accurate.

Neechan di ashnai kolon fez kise nayen paya, kikar te angoor charhaya har gucha zakhmaya.

For others may be out of contest, but one person thinks it's related to the topic. He may stand up and refer this quote.

Thoughts come from all around, it's our responsibility to filter them and then manage them in our store (mind). It depends how one uses and manages the space of his mind. Some people make very limited usage of the space. They have only garage. They don't have living room or any space to live. 

Sometimes human brain is so small than a tip of needle, other times it is unlimited, bigger than universe, a container of love for Allah SWT. This inner difference reflects every where outside. 

If we make our inner dirty, then all around outer will looks dirty. A person was telling me, wherever he goes, he finds bad ladies. A big company owner was telling me, all his employees are great, no one is negative or less productive. 

Decide to learn skill of managing thoughts. It's like learning to drive motorcycle, to manage plant process, to manage office, business, school. This all need skill. 

Same is skill of thought management. In most cases, we don't take input consciously. We know many good things but we don't practice. People look very pious but dealing with them proves opposite. It proves that we don't believe in what we know. Actions speak louder than words. 
638 Primary Personality Traits
In life we find opposite traits; a person attains very high position but has no or little heart and vice versa. 

Qur'an, 89:27-30
يَا أَيَّتُهَا النَّفْسُ الْمُطْمَئِنَّةُ ارْجِعِي إِلَى رَبِّكِ رَاضِيَةً مَّرْضِيَّةً، فَادْخُلِي فِي عِبَادِي وَادْخُلِي جَنَّتِي
O soul that are at rest! Return to your Lord, well-pleased (with Him), well-pleasing (Him), so enter among My servants, and enter into My garden. 

Most important part of inner world is thought. How to manage it. You are what you think. Hal he jo khyal he. Acting is different than actual. It's like we bury a branch of plant and portray it like plant. It has no roots. 

To grow a plant, we need to sow seeds. This seed has law of attraction. It has all required attributes in it. It grows against gravity. It takes water to the heights. If you have no contribution, no fruit, no shadow; then there is no reality. 

We are focusing on fruit, product (shortcut). We don't try to learn the process. Taker can become giver. Character needs to build. Ordinary person can become entrepreneur. 

List what you wish from your life. We can wish and pray unlimited from the Creator, from the Self-Sufficient. 

Our focus is not consistent. All the time we pray, is different. A young man started following a pretty girl. After a long distance she asked, why are you following me? He replied, I love you. She asked, why you love me. He replied, you are so pretty. She told him, you don't know, what pretty means. The girl following you is more pretty than me. He looked back and was slapped. 

We pray to become prime minister, next time to become SHO. When we have 2nd option, it means we are confused. We pray to become saint, next time we pray to get marry with some pretty girl. Both are extreme ends. 
Ye Hind Ke Firqa Saaz Iqbal Azari Kar Rahe Hain Goya
Bacha Ke Daman Buton Se Apna Gubar-e-Rah-e-Hijaz Ho Ja
Iqbal! These sectarians of India are working like Azar. Saving your skirt from idols become the dust of the way of Hijaz.
Confused person cannot implement law of attraction. 
Batil Dooyi Pasand Hai, Haq La-Shareek Hai
Shirkat Mayana-e-Haq-o-Batil Na Kar Qabool
Untruth conceals in various masks but Truth and God are both unique: There canʹt be pool ʹtwixt good and bad. This fact is known from times antique.
Spend on self. Learn to use the tools. Tools have value for experts.

I don't want to claim. I am not changed. I am changing all the time. Mentors change you. Students change you. Circumstances change you. Only stones and donkeys remain unchanged. 

Human is so powerful, connects directly to the Creator. Puts his forehead on the ground, cries with the faith that He is there.

Shy man has no courage to ask, to learn.

If director of a department has offered to help you and you are trying to approach him through someone low grade, he will mind.

Ghafir (The Forgiver) 40:60

وَقَالَ رَبُّكُمُ ادْعُونِي أَسْتَجِبْ لَكُمْ إِنَّ الَّذِينَ يَسْتَكْبِرُونَ عَنْ عِبَادَتِي سَيَدْخُلُونَ جَهَنَّمَ دَاخِرِينَ

But your Sustainer says: Call unto Me, [and] I shall respond to you! Verily, they who are too proud to worship Me will enter hell, abased!

Ask Believe, Receive [Fortune, Daughter, Blessing, Suffering, Gratitude]

Al-Imran (The Family of Imran) 3:54

وَمَكَرُواْ وَمَكَرَ اللّهُ وَاللّهُ خَيْرُ الْمَاكِرِينَ

And the unbelievers schemed [against Jesus]; but God brought their scheming to nought: for God is above all schemers. [Thinker of Thinker]

Sometimes, he uses packing of suffering to deliver blessings. When bad things happen, Allah SWT uses them to accomplish the best.

Sometimes things look out of control; kid goes out of course, illness, challenges, boss, wife. Allah SWT stays very close to broken hearts.

When we use drip for patient, when we use screwdriver, when we use injection; how much attention we pay. He has attributes; no slumber, no sleep.

Ask Him as per His position, not as per your situation. Never shy to ask Him. Be brave. I can find no other door. You have unlimited resources. I am stretching my capacity.

Position has weight, position brings responsibility. Weight needs pillar. Architect knows when pillar is ready and how much weight it can bear. Ask Believe (Patience) Receive. Things manifest in a sequence. 

Qaide Azam was BA (Business Administration) student, attends a lecture and starts law education. Becomes competent lawyer at very young age. He rejects a job opportunity with high salary. Soon he was driving the most expensive car. He used his brain capacity.

If we are not fulfilling our responsibility of today, it proves we are not prepared to take more responsibility. You have to prove yourself by doing your homework.

Iron and magnet are two different things. You are like a magnet. Prepare to be positive, you will attract positive thoughts. Make yourself responsible and responsibility earns value for you. Be hard working soul. Magnetic means man of qualities.

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