Tuesday 24 March 2020

Make the List of Your Priorities

Can I control the Situation? yes / no

In both cases no need to be panic or worried.

Sooner or later the rain stops and the sun rises again.

Choose not to be harmed and you won't feel harmed. Don't feel harmed and you haven't been.

It's your choice; honesty or corruption, accept the life the way it is or delusion, live happy life or keep crying / blaming.

Everything is momentary. If sad patch of life is going on, it too, shall pass. If happiest part is going on, It too, shall pass. Think twice before wasting any moment of this precious life! 

No friend from childhood is kept along right now.

If you go to grocery store without knowing what you need, you will waste a lot of time.

In the same way, make the list of your priorities.

Meditation; helps to deal with your anger and other emotions. Be a better person; meditate 5-10 minutes everyday.

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