Thursday 26 March 2020

Journalism Principles

Journalism Principles - Hassan Nisar

Not be showy, flashy

Reading provides you genuineness

Natural touch, simplicity

Thought provoking, triggering, activate imagination

Communication needs you to read experts of that language

Style is like packing. Good packing is additional

Writing should not be like skin of onion.

Scholars go to doctors for their check up, so no one is perfect expert. Everyone has importance in own area.

Specialize in specific areas

simplicity, originality, spontaneous, thought provoking

Unlock your originality:

Real Journalism is Walking and Crying on burning coal.

28APR2020 = Hassan Nisar
System is rotten.

Idol worshiping is less dangerous than personality worship. Idol worshiping doesn't corrupt mind of stone, gold, silver. Cult of personality is worst form of Idol worshiping.

کہا تھا نہ سنبھل جاؤ۔۔۔حسن نثار نے پاکستانیوں کو الرٹ کر دیا
Pakistan in emergency from its birth; mafia vs monster vs ashrafia vs badmashia. Corruption, danda, dandi, mandi. 220 million heads (beggars), 440 million hands, 22nd economy, 6th or 7th strong army (642,000), beautiful areas, lakes, K2 Mountain, the Khewra salt mines are the second largest in the world, Siachen Glacier is the second longest glacier outside of the polar regions and largest in the Himalayas-Karakoram region. Pakistan has the world's largest ambulance service – (Guinness record) Pakistan's Edhi Foundation. The Changa Manga was once the largest man-made forest in the world (12,000 acres). 25% agricultural land. Max youth population but with no proper planning. All plus are natural, all negative are unnatural.

Major upcoming changes by Imran Khan- Who are the black sheeps in cabinet?
Akbar was not educated person. He appointed nine gems, the extraordinary role model courtiers. Navaratnas (Sanskrit dvigu nava-ratna - or "nine gems") or Nauratan was a term applied to a group of nine extraordinary people in an emperor's court in India. The well-known Navaratnas include the ones in the courts of the legendary Mughal emperor Akbar.

باہر سے آ کر یہ لوگ یہاں کیا کرتے ہیں؟ حسن نثار نے ملک لوٹنے والوں کوکھری کھری سنا دیں۔۔۔
History is different than facts. Slavery is in the form of tradition.

دنیا کی نظر میں پاکستان کا سر بلند کرنے والے وزیراعظم پرتنقید کرنے والوں حسن نثار کا یہ پیغام تو سن

Sikha Shahi

Why early rising is a blessing by Akhter Abbas Abbas 2020 Urdu/Hindi Akhter Abbas
You can benefit long day if you rise early in the morning. Physical work make body strong and fertile. Timing affect the positivity. Revile, scorn (bad zubani) has extended punishment.

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