Saturday 21 March 2020

Importance of Emotions

Only good people are the greatest assets; the rest are all liabilities.

Repressed emotions have a tendency to start smelling like damp socks left in the closet. They limit your effectiveness by sapping (lowering, reducing, depleting) your energy and stifling (choking, suppressing, holding back) your creativity.

Unfortunately, in many settings, assertiveness is either subtly or blatantly discouraged. Direct expression of emotions is not welcomed in our culture.

If you can't explain, it simply means you don't understand well enough.

The purpose of assertive expression of your emotions is to convey your true feelings and to be open and honest. Otherwise you will embarrass or blast other human being.

When we deny our feelings, our partners get tense because our faces register our feelings way faster than the thinking part of the brain can shut them down. So our partner knows there is something going on when we say, "Oh, nothing is wrong. I am fine." This partner also knows that we are shutting them out. When partners can't read our cues, they can't predict our behavior. We say one thing but they see another. It makes sense that they get tense. Probably this uncertainty puts everyone off balance and adds to the likelihood that the conversation, or even the whole session, will go sour.

We are working very hard to shut an emotion down once it is up and running, and in the process, we often get more agitated and tense. 

A good speech should be like a woman's skirt; long enough to cover the subject and short enough to create interest.

Too many people spend too much time trying to perfect something before they actually do it. Instead of waiting for perfection, run with what you go, and fix it along the way …

Public speaking is a gift you need to give away. This gift is an idea. Every idea, whether it is highly complex or very simple, should change how people view the world.

Importance of Education
One day a lady came to Fatima (a.s.) said 'I have a weak old mother who does not know a few problems about her service (prayers). She has sent me towards you to question you (about them). Thus Fatima (a.s.) answered her (questions). And the number of her queries reached to ten and Fatima (a.s.) replied to all her questions. Then she (the woman got a shamed because of the high number of her questions. And said, 'Oh daughter of the Prophet (pbuh&hf), 'I do not put you to more inconvenience than this.' Fatima (a.s.) said, 'Ask me what you do not know. Have you ever seen a person who is one day hired to carry a heavy thing to the roof top from ground for an amount (equal to) a thousand dinnars (nearly a hundred thousand misqal (unit of weight - of gold) and he may feel himself tired.'
She said 'No'. Fatima (a.s.) said, 'I have been hired by Allah to get a wages which if the space between the earth and sky is filled up with pearls still (That wages) would he more than it for each of the questions I may answer you. Therefore, I deserve it that I must not feel tired exhausted.

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