Saturday 28 March 2020

Why Divorce - Talaaq

Why Divorce - Talaaq

Tough Lady gives no importance to husband, disrespects to his parents and his relatives.

Pays no care to children, no care to house cleaning and observes no discipline.

Use arguments, bad language, boost non issues.

Doesn't welcome husband when he returns.

Spares no chance to highlight husband's weaknesses.

Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) visits house of Hazrat Ismael (AS), her reception was dry. He listened complains of his daughter-in-law.  Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) left message for Hazrat Ismael (AS), 'Your door step is not good, change it'. She conveyed message rudely. Hazrat Ismael (AS) married again. Next daughter-in-law gave warm welcome to Hazrat Ibrahim (AS), talked positiveHazrat Ibrahim (AS) left message for Hazrat Ismael (AS), 'Your door step is good, never change it'. She conveyed message with great respect.

Umm e Sulaim - her son died and she didn't disclose to her husband
Nafs e Mutmainna
Page - 148 A Desert Old Lady's young Son Died and her Patience was of high level that she was not ready to disclose to her guests.

An Enemy Ordained (Appointed) for a Mu’min
Prophet Hud (a.s.) said, “That woman is my wife and I pray to God to grant her a long life.” “Why do you pray so?” asked the people.
He replied, “God has not created a Mu'min except that He has also ordained an enemy for him to trouble him. This woman is my enemy and an enemy of whom I am the master, is better than an enemy, who happens to be my master.”
English Reference’min


  1. In the article, all role in Divorce, has been referred to Ladies, however it is usually given by Man party. This is not fair in many ways, rather it is a discriminatory view of the issue. It is very debatable.

  2. This is north America what do expect
