Tuesday 16 January 2018

Beauty of Time of Struggle

Beauty of Time of Struggle
More obstructions, more hurdles, more barriers, more difficulties, more problems (Rukawtein); ends up with more struggle and greater success. Business, job, studies; are not giving the likable results. There is no support around from parents, family, friends. The more opposition gives you more wisdom, strength, expertise, experience. Getting success with no or little effort or keep on thinking and trying to find solution are two different modes, human passes through. Who became successful in first try, knows very little but whoever gone through big difficulties, knows much more, has more contents for success story. You can find many people who face big difficulties to achieve one small success but they didn't give up. Imagine a lion who has been hurted a lot, will come back with much more fire and fury as compared to a lion who has been not hurted. If a lion is not got hurted, it has not fire and fury. Irritation, failure, determination and success remain side by side. Success after many failures has great value. When success is sure, everyone can work hard. Real test is when results are not in favor. That is the time when there are countless opportunities, at that time mind really thinks about solutions. That is the time of creativity
Allama Iqbal: Life is a struggle, not beseeching rights; And knowledge is the arms with which one fights.

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