Wednesday, 21 October 2020

Training of Our Brain

Trick Your Brain To Doing Hard Things and Effective Study Techniques in Urdu hindi

Study and Learning Skills; needs effort, it's low Dopamine releasing. Start your day from here.

Social Media: effortless activity; it's high Dopamine releasing. Keep it for the end of the day.

Dopamine serves as a neurotransmitter—a chemical released by neurons to transmit an electrical signal chemically between one neuron to the next to pass on a signal to and from the central nervous system.

Chemical messenger makes us feel joyful to do something. Sometimes it's result oriented; desire to score good marks in exam, to score a good position.

The neurotransmitter dopamine (DA) responses are triggered by many types of rewards and reward-related sensory cues.

People will do a better job if they have been promised some sort of incentive. Incentives are extrinsic motivators; raise performance levels.

If our goal is excellence, no artificial incentive can ever match the power of intrinsic motivation. 

We become habitual of instant release dopamine activities through social media. It keeps us away from our real long-term goals oriented activities. It's like addiction. It's same as drug addiction. 

Start from one day a week. Don't touch your social media or don't involve any activity of instant releasing dopamine. Learning skills is low dopamine but it is helpful. Reward yourself after you complete your day and then do something releasing high dopamine.

Make habit, not starting your day with high dopamine activities. Then real activities would look you boring. This is process of detoxication of dopamine.

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Life is never like a straight line. Life is like ECG spikes and dips; happiness - sadness, love - deception, profit - loss, success - failure is part of life. Life is like roller coaster. It starts slowly then picks up speed, then throws from height. These ups downs of life is change. You can look at these changes with different perspectives. You cannot control them. Nothing would be like straight line. Change is must, test is must. We have to move. Still water smells bad. Life is composed of struggle. Fears and excuses are waste of time. Mediocrity and routine life is boring. Day, night, summer, winter; all is change based. Same food even very good loses taste. Same is happiness. Allocate your time for worship, study, exercise, socialization, leisure. Enjoy life. Even hard times are part of life. Not to get worried.

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