Wednesday 14 October 2020

Attitude, Habit, Character, Destiny

Attitude, Habit, Character, Destiny
Trust is more important than love, you vested in me trust by listening me. 
Do something eye opening with your closed eyes. 
Winners don't do different things, they do things differently. The key to success is massive action, you can cultivate this habit. Winners also don't like but they do; waking up early in the morning, hard work - they make it habit. Attitude + Habit + Character = Destiny. Developing good habits is hard but they make life easy. The time we realize to work on our habit, habit had already got its place. There is gold everywhere, most people are not trained to see it. Gold turns into soil and soil turns into gold for some people. This all background is formed through habits. Firstly, practicing something (good) regularly will make it a permanent habit, which can benefit us. Secondly, practicing something regularly permanently changes the neurological circuits in our brain as well.
Most people hardly work less than what they get paid. Some people work equal to what they get paid. A very small number of people is there to work more than what they get paid. Be like that, then you will have no competition. 
It is hard to find a good lawyer, accountant, carpenter, plumber, electrician.
When Muhammad Ali Clay was preparing himslef for; to be great, and champion, he was not sitting in drawing room eating junk food. 
Positive thinking with positive actions and efforts increases our probability of success.
Mark Spitz was the most successful athlete at the 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich, winning seven gold medals, all in world record time. This was an achievement that lasted for 36 years until it was surpassed by fellow American Michael Phelps, who won eight golds at the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing.
Mark Spitz won six gold medals at the 1968 Summer Olympics in Mexico city. He told the journalist, I have practiced 10,000 hours in 4 years. It comes 2500 hours per year, 8 hours per day, seven days a week. If you live 8 hours in water every day, it will squeeze your body. Athlete practice 15 years to perform for 15 seconds. Is it luck?
Desire is the key to motivation, but it’s determination and commitment to an unrelenting pursuit of your goal, a commitment to excellence that will enable you to attain the success you seek.
Hard times make the desire weaker (compromised) but firm the determination (no compromise). 
Akshay Patel 15 year with one leg paralyzed won open marshal art (normal, not persons with disability) national championship. He told; degree of swing with one leg I mastered, cannot be achieved having both legs. 
Most effective leaders turn weaknesses into strengths.
Kindness and meanness are two different glances. 
Living life itself is a challenge that one must accept to overcome. The mere fact that we are alive guarantees that we will struggle, no matter what. A life without problem and challenges is a meaningless (graveyard) life. 
"Oh My Lord! grant me the serenity (calmness, peacefulness, quietness, restfulness, tranquility) to accept the things I can't change, the courage to change the things that I can, and wisdom to know the difference."- Ali Shariati
In elections we get same divide and rule rogue agents. Dr Ali Shariati

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