Thursday, 7 May 2020

Inspirational Rumi Quotes

22 Inspirational Rumi Quotes And Their Meanings

In today’s episode of The Soulfully Optimized Life, I share more inspirational quotes by Rumi and go more in-depth with what they mean.

1. You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean in a drop.

In other words, you are crafted with the intelligence of the entire Universe. Quantum physicists have said that if you take one photon of light and send it through a black hole, that single photon of light would carry with it all the information of the Universe. We are all holographic beings.

2. Out beyond the ideas of wrong doing and right doing, there is a field. I will meet you there.

Beyond the realm of thought, there is a spaciousness: a massive field from where we all come from. This spaciousness which we may experience when we feel beyond the limits of our physical body is the beginning of experiencing the Soul energetic intelligence.

3. Gratitude is the wine for the soul. Go on. Get drunk.

The emotion of gratitude has so much energy that people get uplifted when we express it. Gratitude gets us drunk with a different texture of love that makes us realize (real eyes) the beauty and marvel of life.

4. My religion is love. Every heart is my temple.

We are all interconnected. We are so much more connected to all beings and life forms on this planet than we can mentally understand. Genetically, the most distant person to us in the planet is our 50th cousin. When we look at it as a parabola, the average person may have five first cousins and five 50th cousins. The rest of the seven billion plus living people fall within the fifteenth to the 35th cousin range. We may have at least a billion family members from the first to the fifteenth cousin/uncle/aunt/nephew/niece range.

5. Set your life on fire. Seek those who fan your flames.

Live passionately. Live boldly in the direction of the dreams that are calling you. When you live passionately, you will be called to other souls and they to you to support your personal and collective evolution. Connect together and light up the world.

6. Love is the whole thing. We are only pieces.

We’re all made of love. We’re all one. We’re all loved. This is truly a beautiful quote.

7. The soul has been given its own ears to hear things the mind does not understand.

The soul is a post-rational intelligence. Its a higher tier of intelligence beyond the mental intelligence. The soul has intuition, can sense the truth and just know in the moment where the mind seeks rational logic, facts, thoughts and reasoning. The soul recognizes the serendipity and synchronicity in the moment. The soul can pick up messages that come from a realm beyond words.

8. When the world pushes you to your knees, you’re in the perfect position to pray.

When we can be with suffering, we can surrender to grace. Even the deepest suffering has to turn to joy with pure awareness, acknowledgement and acceptance.

9. Submit to love without thinking.

Pleasure is in the body, happiness in the mind and joy and love is in the spirit. Love exists at a realm beyond the mind, beyond rules and conditioning. All love is unconditional, anything else is something with the label of love but its really about control. Give up to love, its who you are and what matters most.

10. My soul is my guide.

This is the cornerstone of living the soulfully optimized life. Its living the life you’re called to live moment to moment. We get the calling from post-rational intelligences that orchestrate all of life. There’s a calling in every moment and it gets texted” to our soul when we know who we’re called to connect with, what we’re called to do, give, receive. When we live life trusting our soul as our guide, life becomes a high-definition experience.

11. Let yourself become living poetry.

We become living poetry when we let our soul become our guide for our life and we act on our intuition. By the way, intuition does not scream, it whispers … are you listening?

12. You have to keep breaking your heart until it opens.

Your heart was not broken, your heart was broken open to feeling what truly matters: love. I was in the room, voraciously questioning what the purpose of life was. I got an answer that felt like a message of truth: to love and be loved. Tears dropped as I acknowledged what mattered most. After all, love is what we all want, most of us just set up too many crazy rules for how to get love. Some people believe they need to be perfect, some people believe they need to become a billionaire, some people believe they need to have big enough problems, and some people believe they need to contribute to the lives of others. All of them are looking to fulfill needs, and love is one of the most important ones.
Your heart is the pinnacle of life; its what jump starts your life and when it shuts down, its the end of your life. Our heart is what connects us to all other souls and the mothership of life. And its ever so easy to love; the key is to let the heart be in charge, not the mind. One simple way you can do that is just to put your hands over your heart and breathe in your nose and out your mouth … focusing on the energy of your heart as you expand your chest with the inhale and contract with the exhale.

13. I want to sing like the birds sing, not worrying who listens or what they think.

Give yourself the permission to be authentic and live the life you love. Create your art and give your gifts freely.

14. Know then that the body is merely a garment. Go seek the wearer, not the cloak.

See someone for their soul. When you see someone for their soul, everything changes. There’s a calling for why you are both together now and when you can see them for their soul, you click with the purpose of the gifts you’re here to exchange.

15. Stop acting so small. You are the entire universe in ecstatic motion.
[You are the universe in ecstatic motion." Based on my own interpretation and understanding of the means that you shouldn't belittle your capabilities and skills because you have everything in you that could affect the world or other people's lives or achieve your dreams or do whatever you want to do.]
Dream big. Don’t limit yourself on what you can do, what you can become and the life you can live. Its a dream, it doesn’t need to be realistic”. Just giving yourself the opportunity to dream big will open you up to new possibilities that you refused to see before.
The main reason I see most people dreaming smaller than they can or deserve to is out of fear of being rejected if they fail. Here’s the truth, you are loved in every moment. The universe has unconditional love for all beings. You have gifts and talents unique to you, and they are valuable…beyond a price tag. The essence that animates you comes from a timeless essence that is pure love.
So dream big. Go beyond your biggest dreams you can imagine. The world deserves to see you at your best, so start by letting yourself dream at your best.

16. All doubt, despair and fear become insignificant when the intention of life becomes love.

Choose love, be love. Ultimately we have the choice to choose love or fear in any moment. Love is where we come from and where go, and what we’re called to bring in this experience of life. It requires our focus, intention and energy, and its a lot more effortless than we know.

17. I crave a love so deep, the ocean would be jealous.

Wow. All I suggest is being with this quote.

18. Do not feel lonely. The entire universe is inside you.

This is a great reminder for anybody who feels lonely! Lonesomeness exists in the illusion of separation. Its an illusion!

19. The wound is the place where the light enters you.

20. When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy.

When you’re living Soulfully, you’re connected with not just the river within you but the river of life. Its joy, its bliss. 

21. Travel brings power and love back into your life.

For those who have traveled, especially solo-backpacked, its amazing how enriching life becomes. You get to experience the magic of mystery, adventure and exploration, serendipity and synchronicity feels like its on hyperdrive.

22. They say there is a doorway from heart to heart, but what is the use of a door when there are no walls?

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