Saturday 4 April 2020

Small Steps

Small Steps
One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.

The man who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones.

There is always a step small enough from where we are to get us to where we want to be. If we take that small step, there's always another we can take, and eventually a goal thought to be too far to reach becomes achievable.

We rise to great heights by a winding staircase of small steps.

Big visions are realized through small steps.

It is better to take many small steps in the right direction than to make a great leap forward only to stumble backward.

The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks, and starting on the first one.

When in doubt, just take the next small step.

It is the small steps which bring you satisfaction at the end of the day.

Getting from point A to point Z can be daunting unless you remember that you don’t have to get from A to Z. You just have to get from A to B. Breaking big dreams into small steps is the way to move forward.

The key to realizing a dream is to focus not on success but significance and then even the small steps and little victories along your path will take on greater meaning.

Small steps work, grandiose (monumental) goals don’t.

Whoever wants to reach a distant goal must take small steps.

Take great comfort in knowing that all great feats (achievements that require great courage, skill, or strength) are accomplished one small step at a time.

Process transforms any journey into a series of small steps, taken one by one, to reach any goal. Process transcends (excels) time, teaches patience, rests on a solid foundation of careful preparation, and embodies trust in our unfolding potential.

We always hope for the easy fix: the one simple change that will erase a problem in a stroke. But few things in life work this way. Instead, success requires making a hundred small steps go right - one after the other, no slip ups, no goofs, everyone pitching in.

You don't need a grand plan, you don't need to go back to the ancestors and rewrite the rules. You just need to take small steps and accumulate small wins.

A small step in a good direction.

Life is like crossing a river. If you take a huge step-aim for too bigger dreams then the current will knock you off your feet and carry you away. The way to do it is small steps, you will take hold of life. You will get there in the end.

Small steps can help people make big changes to achieve what they really desire. That wish isn't going to go anywhere unless you do something about it. Every day, just do one thing. At the end of six months, you'll be somewhere. 

Have a bias toward action - let's see something happen now. You can break that big plan into small steps and take the first step right away.

Courage is only an accumulation of small steps.

If you find yourself getting nervous; stop and relax for three full breaths. Then take one small step, then another. That is how people get to the top of Everest.

There is no magic cure, no making it all go away forever. There are only small steps upward; an easier day, an unexpected laugh, a mirror that doesn't matter anymore.

The important thing is to believe in what you do. Have a big dream and take small steps.

The important thing is to believe in what you do. Have a big dream and take small steps.

If world problems feel too big to tackle, think small. Step by step. Small wins build confidence, lead the way to change.

Sometimes when we read the words of those who have been more than conquerors, we feel almost despondent (hopeless). I feel that I shall never be like that. But they won through step by step, by little bits of wills, little denials (rejections) of self, little inward victories, by faithfulness in very little things. They became what they are. No one sees these little hidden steps. They only see the accomplishment, but even so, those small steps were taken. There is no sudden triumph, no spiritual maturity. That is the work of the moment.

You have to have a big vision and take very small steps to get there. You have to be humble as you execute but visionary and gigantic in terms of your aspiration. In the internet industry it's not about grand innovation, it's about a lot of little innovations: every day, every week, every month, making something a little bit better.

By getting your customers to agree with you in small steps along the way, you have a better chance of reaching agreement when it's time to do business.

Small steps taken by many people in their backyards add up.

The short-goal habit is key to larger success and is at the root of human greatness. Life is think and do, think and do, think and do. Small steps can be greater than great leaps.

History...shows that even seemingly miraculous advances are in fact the result of many people taking small steps together over a long period of time.

It's scary to make major changes, but we usually have enough courage to take the next right step. One small step and then another. That's what it takes to raise a child, to get a degree, to write a book, to do whatever it is your heart desires.

You need to take small steps when you dream big dreams. I am a published author with dyslexia, a professional speaker who was in speech therapy for three years as a child because I had a lisp; and a slow stiff kid from the suburbs who became an All-Pro in the NFL.

All changes, even positive ones, are scary. Attempts to reach goals through radical or revolutionary means often fail because they heighten fear. But the small steps of kaizen disarm the brain's fear response, stimulating rational thought and creative play.

You take a number of small steps which you believe are right, thinking maybe tomorrow somebody will treat this as a dangerous provocation. And then you wait. If there is no reaction, you take another step: courage is only an accumulation of small steps.

To-Do lists help us break life into small steps.

The great work of social transformation begins with the first small step of stopping, calming, relaxing, reflecting and acting in a beneficial way.

I think that maybe forgiveness is like change, it comes in small steps. 

I learned to put 100 percent into what you're doing. I learned about setting goals for yourself, knowing where you want to be and taking small steps toward those goals. I learned about adversity and how to get past it.

Many short-sighted fools think that going to the Moon was just a stunt. But the astronauts knew the meaning of what they were doing, as is shown by Neil Armstrong's first words in stepping down onto the soil of Luna: "One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind."

When you jump across a canyon (ravine, gap), cautious small steps and vacillation (uncertainty) won't work. Sometimes you just have to go for it.

Each one of us has some goal we want to reach, and we must work toward that goal one step at a time. You can’t reach toward that goal and expect it on the first try. All your small steps will bring you just a little closer. You must continue to work toward this goal. You may take a few steps back or be at a standstill, but you will be learning from each step. Through hard work, self-confidence and motivation, you will find ways to move ahead. You alone can help yourself to move ahead in life and gain personal satisfaction. You only get out of life what you put into it. 

Take care of the small circle around you. When you have succeeded with them, then move outwards, one small step at a time.

A city is a crazy concrete jungle whose people at the end of each day somehow make a small step ahead against terrible odds.

There are no small steps in great affairs.

Remember that small steps can create giant leaps over time, so never think of any financial or spending matter as a small one.

I learned some valuable lessons about any process, the importance of peer cooperation and the wisdom of taking small steps to get a big job done. 

But I'm taking small steps 'Cause I don't know where I'm going I'm taking small steps And I don't know what to say. Small steps, Trying to pull myself together And maybe I'll discover A clue along the way!

Quantum wellness isn’t about deprivation and it’s not about perfection. It is about pointing yourself in the direction of growth, training yourself to get comfortable with your highest potential, and then taking small steps to support that shift. It’s about showing up for yourself, day by day, and then one day finding that you’ve undergone a transformation.

For many of us, it's too difficult to jump in to vegan full on because it's just so different than the way we grew up eating. But if we take small steps - like replacing cow's milk with almond or soy milk, or using veggie sausage instead of sausage made from animals - we can keep enjoying the things we grew up loving, just better versions of them.

A small step, in the midst of great human limitations, can be more pleasing to God than a life which appears outwardly in order but moves through the day without confronting great difficulties.

As I loosen my grip on the past, as I keep taking one small step after another in the direction I want to go, I discover I'm being supported and guided after all, and that as soon as I'm willing to embrace change, something or someone comes along and shows me how.  Magic wasn't something I had to go in search of; it was here within me, all the time. When hearts are open, when love is flowing, magic happens.

Vice, like virtue, Grows in small steps, and no true innocence Can ever fall at once to deepest guilt.

Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant.

If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always gotten.

The key to realizing a dream is to focus not on success but significance.

Set a goal, write it down, and release the outcome. Small steps make a big difference.

Change doesn’t happen overnight. It starts with the desire, then one small step in the right direction.

Confidence is everything. From there, it's a small step to winning.

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