Saturday 11 April 2020

How to Help Others

Six Steps to Being a Better Listener
1. Don't interrupt
2. Pay attention!
3. Let them know you're listening
4. Eye Contact
5. Make sure you've understood them
6. Be cool

How can I help a mate in need?
Encouraging them to talk about what's happening. You don't have to pester (bother) them - they'll talk when they're ready.
When they do decide to talk:
·       Know how to listen carefully
·       Re-assure them you'll keep what they say private
·       Don't interrupt too much
·       Do ask them to explain if you don't understand
·       Don't feel you have to give advice or try to solve their problems
·       Don't feel you have to respond to everything they say - friendly silences help give people space to think.
·      Gently encourage them to seek help if they need it.

What is mindfulness?
Mindfulness means being fully present in the moment, and aware of your thoughts, feelings and surroundings. The technique teaches you to pay attention to your thoughts and feelings without thinking that there is a right or wrong way to think or feel in any moment.

Mindfulness can help you to relax, manage stress better and allow you to be kinder to yourself. All great things!

Mindfulness tips
Pay attention to the everyday
Reminding yourself to take notice of the world around you is a good place to start with mindfulness. As you go about day-to-day tasks, paying attention to the 'small' things can really help to ground you and bring you into the present moment.

Using your five senses in the way described below can help you to do this.

Try going through each of these steps the next time you're feeling overwhelmed. It'll help you focus on being in the moment.

Simple breathing exercises

If you feel as though the stresses of everyday life are getting to you and you need to take some time to relax, these breathing exercises could help focus your mind back into the present. Yoga could also be a great exercise to try, because it helps you develop an awareness of your breathing.

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