Saturday 1 February 2020

Facts or Historical U Turns

Repentance moment of Ibn Ayyadh; he used to a thief. One night when he was breaking a house, he listened the recitation of following verse. “Has not the time arrived for the believers that their hearts in all humility should engage in the remembrance of Allah...” (57:16). This verse converted him into a practicing believer

In Baghdad, during the lifetime of Imam Mousa al-Kadhim (AS), there was a well know man called Bishr al-Hafi. Imam (AS) was passing by his door where an entertainment session was going on inside the house. Imam (AS) said to his maid on the door, “You are right. Had he been a slave, he would have feared his Lord”. This phrase of Imam (AS) changed fully the course of his life.

Poryay Wooly (a wrestler) was passing by and he listened an old lady saying, 'I wish my son would be winner today'. Otherwise, we would be starving and he let his opponent to win deliberately.
Umme Saleem - P 41 Urdu
Her dear son died but she didn't disclose to her husband because he was too much attached to him. Holy Prophet (pbuh) blessed her.
English Version

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