Thursday 13 February 2020

Alex Page

Extra Mile How exponential growth in positive and negative attitude affects, same effect be noticed in developing good and bad habits.

1.01 vs 0.99
1.01^365 = 37.78343433
0.99^365 = 0.025517964

1.05 vs 0.95
1.05^365 = 54,211,841.58
0.95^365 = 0.000000007398027

Different Types of Brain Waves: Delta, Theta, Alpha, Beta, Gamma

delta theta alpha beta gamma brain waves

Frequency Range
Usually Associated with:
> 40 Hz
Gamma waves
Higher mental activity, including perception, problem solving, and consciousness
13–39 Hz
Beta waves
Active, busy thinking, active processing , active concentration, arousal, and cognition
7–13 Hz
Alpha waves
Calm relaxed yet alert state
4–7 Hz
Theta waves
Deep meditation /relaxation, REM sleep
< 4 Hz
Delta waves
Deep dreamless sleep, loss of body awareness

Researchers and scientists say, each day brain should exercise each and every frequency for good health. 

It is difficult to analyze self but it's easy to look around at our neighbors, close friends, relatives, family friends. It can be easily observed and analyzed that there is not noticeable change there in the last many years. If we can look and imagine about dead bodies, they change everyday, every week, month, year.

In university, college, school; we are given 5-7 subjects to study. If we are given only one subject or one chapter for the whole year, may be most of us wouldn't be able to master it. Same analogy can be used to make blocks of our 24 hour to use our time efficiently.

Let's recall our student time and feel how we gain and reflect energy when we find people of same focus around us! Every vigilant gardener knows the difference between weeds and useful plants and deals with them accordingly.

While driving in winter, we notice that even expensive cars are stuck in ice and snow due to no snow tires. Same is the case when someone needs boost for starting car. Little things can  matter much, little moves can give big results.

Collective efforts have no substitute. You never know who may need our little help. In religion, it is called ('amar bilmaAAroof wa nhi anilmunkar; and enjoin the doing of what is right and forbid the doing of what is wrong), (watawaso bialhaqqe watawaso bialssabr, and enjoin upon one another the keeping to truth and enjoin upon one another patience in adversity), others call it, 'cooperation, community services, community work'.

Aristotle and Socrates; Greek philosophers - in Athens there used to expression fairs  where people were supported to present their ideas. Good or bad ideas, didn't matter, was OK. This exercise resulted in the introduction of these big names.

When we attend wedding or any other gathering, we can notice that very little number of community members are in ideal health condition. At the same time they seam to enjoy unhealthy food. Let's make some arrangement to highlight these information.

Careful observation indicates that people 'mind' about very valueless things but at the same time they don't care about very phenomenal things.

There are some very common drinks which are dangerous for health without any doubt. Using anything which is detrimental to health is not religiously allowed. We can start awareness movement from our gatherings at least.

Three, four times; I visited a ministry office. Last time visit, the supervisor lady attended me. I noticed her courtesy as special. She gave her email address and telephone number from the list and advised not to come again, just remind me by email or phone. So, I was thinking why we are surrounded by people who are low, have little or no courtesy. Point is to be connected with the Almighty and then let's be stress free.

Creative mind; can we develop problem solving mentality or is it by nature, by birth.
Parroting dulls our mind or can it be used for good purpose.


What is motivation; how it works; Determination: 1883 John Roebling his son Washington, 13 year tapping on arm of his wife. John Roebling (father) Washington Roebling (son). The Brooklyn Bridge was the world’s first steel-wire suspension bridge. Longest in the world for 20 years. Main span of 1,595.5 feet and a height of 276.5 ft above mean high water. 

Let me tell to youth; active soul is needed to save self from wastage of time. 

3 Powerful Ways to Overcome Self Doubt
Words, Relationships, Confidence


Words can inspire and words can destroy.
Be careful with your words. Once they are said, they can be only forgiven, not forgotten.
Raise your words, not your voice. It is rain that grows flowers, not thunder. (Rumi)

Relationships; Friendship
The wrong one will find you in peace and leave you in pieces, but the right one will find you in pieces and lead you to peace.

The Six Basic Fears are; Fear of Poverty, Fear of Criticism, Fear of Ill Health, Fear of Loss of Love, Fear of Old Age, Fear of Death.

Ideal City Living
From 2005, he is building and distributing homes (his cost $75k, actual cost $250k) to wounded veterans.
If this margin is possible there, why it is not possible on the other place?

85 Percent of all Diseases

The American Medical Association (AMA) states 80 percent of all health problems are stress related, and even the conservative Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has stated that 85 percent of all diseases appear to have an emotional element.

Black Dot
No one writes or speaks about the white part of the paper. Everyone focuses on the black dot and the same thing happens in our lives. We insist on focusing only on the black dot: the health issues that bother us, the lack of money, the complicated relationship with a family member, the disappointment with a friend. The dark spots are very small when compared to everything we have in our lives, but they are the ones that pollute our minds. Take your the eyes away from the black dots in your lives. Enjoy each one of your blessings, each moment that life gives you. Be happy and live a life filled with fulfillment!

The Weight of the Glass
It’s important to remember to let go of your stresses and worries. No matter what happens during the day, as early in the evening as you can, put all your burdens down. Don’t carry them through the night and into the next day with you. If you still feel the weight of yesterday’s stress, it’s a strong sign that it’s time to put the glass down.

A Very Special Bank Account

Imagine you had a Bank Account that deposited $86,400 each morning = 86,400 seconds.

KFC Colonel Sanders | Kentucky Fried Chicken
Living on $99 social security checks at 65 years of age. He got rejected 1009 times before he heard his first yes.

Lesson in life : Priorities
“Take care of the rocks first then pebbles, then sand. The things that really matter. Set your priorities. The rest is just sand.”

The Obstacle in our Path
The king showed the peasant what many of obverse understand: every obstacle presents an opportunity to improve our condition.

Shark Bait
Many of us, after experiencing setbacks and failures, emotionally give up and stop trying. Like the shark in the story, we believe that because we were unsuccessful in the past, we will always be unsuccessful. In other words, we continue to see a barrier in our heads, even when no ‘real’ barrier exists between where we are and where we want to go.

It’s Little Things that Make a Big Difference
This man did not reply, took two more steps, picked up another starfish, threw it into the water, and said, “It makes a difference to this one.”

How would You Like to be Remembered?
Alfred Nobel by Dynamite King or by the great Nobel Prize.

The Secret to Success
To the young man’s surprise Socrates ducked him into the water. A burning desire is the starting point of all accomplishment. Just like a small fire cannot give much heat, a weak desire cannot produce great results.

How to Control Jin
Discover Your Natural Talent & Remove Mental Limitations
World population is 7 billion; only 5% successful; the rest 95% are in struggle or not satisfied. Main reason; limited thinking / dreams; they let rusted their capabilities or not recognized their potential. 
A person tried and was successful to borrow / was gifted a Jin. He ordered Jin to decorate his house, provide him nice car etc. The Jin apologized. The person then asked Jin what you are able to do. The Jin replies, I can bring daily use things from market and can massage your head and body. 
The person asked the Jin, but I have listened many stories about the potential and power of Jin. The Jin replied, those are right stories. But my previous owner never let me practice those. So now I forget all that.

Then the Jin advised the person; sir, please think big. Otherwise you will be like me without any power.

Sleeping Through the Storm
A young man was hired as farmhand with this surprising statement in his job application.

Positive Thinking
Here is fake John D. Rockefeller, fake check of $500,000 but it with renewed optimism re-instated a broken businessman.
We have real support of Almighty for us which only needs/waits our attention.

An Army General used coin flied in air to motivate his little army confronting a comparatively large and strong army. He said, let's pray; if the face is up then luck is with us to be victor. They believed and became victor. When his captain was taking to him after victory that luck is unchangeable. The general took out coins from his pocket, having face on both sides. To a large extent human is in-charge of destiny, luck, qismat.

Misconception; four sons of an old father
A frog lived whole life in a well and a fish accidentally fell in the well; both have different concept about the ocean.

There a beautiful picture on a cardboard; two groups of people, one on the side of picture and the other group on the cardboard side; have 100% different opinion about the card board and both are right.

Top 10 inspirational stories of all time
1) Fish and frog; fish from ocean and frog from well; this fish came from an ocean and trying to convince frog about the vast area of ocean. Frog takes her as lie.
2) Rich and poor kids; poor kids play in kids company; rich kid looks them from balcony with tears in eyes
standard, security issues, not allowed to go out; restrictions to go out
Look at the world with view of a kid; wants to play; he doesn't care about money
Deprived of play; parents have no time for him; he has to play with old servants; golden cage; who is lucky
No parents, no playing with friends; has many toys
Poor kid has only 4 toys but has attachment to them
Now this poor kids sometimes in free time looks at big house and that kid in balcony with a lot of wishes in mind; big car, big lawn, many servants, clothes, variety of toys; both have good / bad luck.
When we focus on the things which we have; we are lucky; When we focus on the things which we don't have; we are not lucky
3) Learn before you act; Swimming Pool; one side shallow and the other side deep; 3 person are watching people in pool. One of them is pretty afraid of swimming. He tried couple of times but no success. He feared if he drowns what will do his family. The root of this fear is that thought in his mind. He has no courage to take action. No 2 is an interesting character. He has desire to swim but he is thinking; this is an easy exercise; only have to move hands and feet slowly. As you see some cricket match; and the player missed 2-3 balls. His friend says; this is not a game, if I come to the field; I can play better better than these players. We listen that swimming is not difficult and then jump into pool. The result is obvious; drowning or luckily rescued. Now for the rest of life he has no more chance to try to swim. Fear and jumping into are two extremes. Both extreme paths are guaranteed failure. Third option is success. Person 3 watched people swimming. He got afraid but at the same time he thought that when other people can, why I can't. He didn't jumped into but talked to swimmers. They told him that today we are swimming in deep water but we started from there; the shallow side. He started from shallow side. He has very little risk. Now slowly he is moving towards deep water but still on sides of the pool where there are rods or ropes for just in case. Now he is confidently swimming in the centre. Now he is fine to swim anywhere. 
4) Don't waste that power; in a shed where people were waiting the time that raining stop. No one was talking about rain. People were talking about the consequences; about traffic jam, some was saying, it was better to bring umbrella, may be not on time to office. A young man was waving and drying a $20 bill and was very tense. A person was coming to the shed; putting his hand on the head but his small daughter keeping his hand was enjoying and collecting rain water in her palm and drinking and enjoying. They both came under the shed; his father got busy on phone texting and that girl was in best mood; collecting rain water, drinking, washing the face and asking her father; why this rain doesn't come everyday? IMPORTANT POINT We are the best friend of ourselves and vice versa; the worst enemy of ourselves. Rain comes equal for all of us Rich, poor, black, white, young, old). In the same way; the blessings, potential, energy, luck; so powerful that can destroy or construct the whole universe in a microsecond. The difference is same as between that girl and other people. People have hand upside down on head but she has open hand to collect rain water, drink, enjoy and this is the way energy works. 
5) The Pipeline; Money is on trees. Two friends had nothing to do. They observed; the whole day women of the village busy in fetching water from far resource. Both started helping, selling and making money. One quit after 10 years and went out to work out to do something more. In another village he saw a pot with small pipe on it so that one has no need to put hand in to take water out. He thought, talked and came back to his town. He wanted to work and make a mud pipeline from resource to the town. All opposed him but he kept on trying. The opposition people have variety of reasons; not to make it; he had only one reason to get it done. He struggled for 3 months and prepared the pipeline and water started to come. His other friend had no job. This expert friend got contracts from other towns and became very rich. 
6) Don't underestimate yourself; Two kids; 6 and 10. Used to play, eat together; were best friends. While playing; 10 years friend fell into well and started crying. No one was there to help. 6 year old boy dropped bucket with rope and started pulling it and successfully saved life of his friend. They were afraid to tell the people. They told the story and there was no one to believe. All people came to Rahim Chacha, the oldest and wisest. He listened the story and told that it's true. REASON is not how he did; the QUESTION is WHY he did? The ANSWER is only that there was no one over there to tell him that it is IMPOSSIBLE. Even not himself. 

7) Power of Focus; 26 00 Less information and take action. More knowledge is illusion. More knowledge, more confusion.

Pure Water
A human borns like crystal clean water. Then 'advisers, elders, environment' condition it with their 'norms' and pollute this innocent soul.

Divergent thinking vs convergent thinking: A father sent his four sons one by one to observe and prepare a report about a fruit tree at a specific location. Then he called all his sons and reviewed their reports in front of them. All the four reports were very different about same one tree in different four seasons.

How Fear Chains a Human?
There was a nine-year-old boy named Ali. He was visiting his grandparents during the summer, they lived out on a big farm. He had this slingshot, and all during the day he would go through the woods, shooting at different targets. He wasn't very accurate, but he kept practicing and practicing. One evening he heard the dinner bell ringing. On the way to the house, he saw his grandmother's pet duck over by the pond. It was about fifty yards from the main house and he didn't think, he had a chance in the world of ever hitting it. But just for fun he pulled the slingshot back, let the rock fly. Much to his surprise, it hit the duck square in the head, knocked it over dead.
Ali began to panic, he ran over as quick as he could, grab the duck, took it and buried it behind the woodpile. He felt so badly about it, but he wasn't about to dare say anything. When he got close to the house, he realized, his twelve year old sister named Sadia saw the whole thing take place. That night after dinner the grandmother said to his sister, "Sadia! let's wash the dishes together". Sadia said, "Grandmother, I would love to, but Ali said he wants to help you tonight". She whispered in Ali's ear, "Remember the duck". Ali went over and cleaned the dishes.
The next morning, the grandfather was going fishing, he invited both children to come. The grandmother said, "I really need Sadia to stay here and help me do some chores". Sadia smiled and said, "Grandmother, Ali said he wants to stay with you today". She whispered in his ear again, "Remember the duck". Sadia went fishing, Ali stayed and worked. After a couple of days of doing both his and his sister's chores, Ali finally had enough. He went to his grandmother, said, "Grandmother, I have to tell you something. I accidentally killed your pet duck with my slingshot, and I'm very sorry". The grandmother gave him a big hug and said, "Ali, I know you did, I was standing at the window and I watched the whole thing happened. I know you didn't mean to, I already forgave you. I was just waiting to see how long you were going to let Sadia make a slave of you".

Can I tell you: God is everywhere, He is watching us, He has seen every mistake, every failure, every weakness. He has already forgiven you. He is not holding it against you. He is just waiting to see, how long you're going to let the accuser, blamer, enemy make a slave of you? How long are you going to live with that guilt, believing that you've blown your future? How long are you going to ask forgiveness for the same things? My point is, "No more. This is a new day". We're going to rise up like Ali and say, "Enough is enough. Yes, I've made some mistakes, but I'm not going to go through life condemned, trying to pay a debt, that has already been paid, thinking that I've missed my destiny. I'm going to arise".

You are unique
A masterpiece joke!
A rat swallowed a diamond and the owner of the diamond contracted a man to kill the rat. 
When the rat hunter arrived to kill the rat there were more than a thousand rats bunched up all together and one sitting by itself away from the pack. 
He spotted and killed the one sitting by itself and to the owners surprise, that was the exact one that had swallowed the diamond! 
The amazed diamond owner asked: "How did you know it was that rat?"
He responded: "Very easy, 
*When idiots get rich,  they don't mix with others!!!"*

Superb: Rather, its not a joke its a bitter reality ...

Are you working in your field?
Exploring untapped potential, are we supportive or doing something to explore.
Afraid from being ashamed.

Looking at Mirror
One day all the employees reached the office and they saw a big advice on the door on which it was written: “Yesterday the person who has been hindering your growth in this company passed away. We invite you to join the funeral in the room that has been prepared in the gym”.
The REAL "Story of an Eagle"
Lives 70 years very tough life. After 30 years it breaks its beak and feather. 

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