Friday 17 January 2020

World's Greatest Formula For Time Management

World's Greatest Formula For Time Management
You don't build a business, you build people and then people build your business.

Create more and more activities and you will have more spare time. Bill Gates ($110B), earns $130 per second, $7,800 per minute, $468,000 per hour, $11,232,000 per day. Reads 2 books per week. Warren Buffet ($90B). Both have enough time for themselves, leisure, exercise, reading books, families, friends and community. 

Free people have no free time. 

Then manage your activities with agile environment with your team of 20, 100, 20000, 200000 experts. You would need efficient management system. You will pay attention on progress along with process. 

Now you only need an hour a day, a day per week to monitor the progress.

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