Saturday 25 January 2020

The Power of Now

The Power of Now | Book Summary in Urdu

Eckhart Tolle Quote: “The past cannot survive in your presence. It can only survive in your absence.”  

“Death is a stripping away of all that is not you. The secret of life is to “die before you die” and find that there is no death.”
You'll be much more effective when you put your time and energy into the things you can control.

1. Determine what you can control.

2. Focus on your influence.

3. Identify your fears.

4. Differentiate between ruminating and problem-solving.

5. Create a plan to manage your stress.

6. Develop healthy affirmations.

Attitude matters, a lot. And it's about how your mind reacts.
Attitude matters, a lot. Effort matters, a lot.
Pain is unavoidable; suffering is not. Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional. Accept unavoidable.
Overthinking is the biggest cause of our unhappiness. Keep yourself occupied. Keep your mind off things that don't hep you.
Overthinking is like sitting in a rocking chair. It gives you something to do but never gets you anywhere. 

21 Toxic Habits You Don’t Realize Gradually Increase Your Anxiety Levels
1. You Overthink Everything
2. You're Not Getting Enough Sleep
3. You Hit The Snooze Button
4. You Drink Too Much Caffeine
5. You Sit On The Couch All Day
6. You Overload On Sugar
7. You Waste Time On Social Media
8. You Procrastinate
9. You Get Overwhelmed At Work
10. You Try To Be Perfect
11. You Listen To Moody Music
12. You Complain And Blame Constantly
13. You Never Exercise
14. You Let The House Get Dirty
15. You Have A Negative Mindset
16. You Stay Home Alone
17. You Have Friends That Are Anxious, Too
18. You Compare Yourself To Others
19. You Focus On The Past
20. You Hold Onto Anger And Resentment
21. You're Using Alcohol To Cope

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