Tuesday 21 January 2020

How Fear Chains a Human

Extra Mile How exponential growth in positive and negative attitude affects, same effect be noticed in good and bad habits.

1.01 vs 0.99
1.01^365 = 37.78343433
0.99^365 = 0.025517964

1.05 vs 0.95
1.05^365 = 54,211,841.58
0.95^365 = 0.000000007398027

How Fear Chains a Human?
There was a nine-year-old boy named Ali. He was visiting his grandparents during the summer, they lived out on a big farm. He had this slingshot, and all during the day he would go through the woods, shooting at different targets. He wasn't very accurate, but he kept practicing and practicing. One evening he heard the dinner bell ringing. On the way to the house, he saw his grandmother's pet duck over by the pond. It was about fifty yards from the main house and he didn't think, he had a chance in the world of ever hitting it. But just for fun he pulled the slingshot back, let the rock fly. Much to his surprise, it hit the duck square in the head, knocked it over dead.
Ali began to panic, he ran over as quick as he could, grab the duck, took it and buried it behind the woodpile. He felt so badly about it, but he wasn't about to dare say anything. When he got close to the house, he realized, his twelve year old sister named Sadia saw the whole thing take place. That night after dinner the grandmother said to his sister, "Sadia! let's wash the dishes together". Sadia said, "Grandmother, I would love to, but Ali said he wants to help you tonight". She whispered in Ali's ear, "Remember the duck". Ali went over and cleaned the dishes.
The next morning, the grandfather was going fishing, he invited both children to come. The grandmother said, "I really need Sadia to stay here and help me do some chores". Sadia smiled and said, "Grandmother, Ali said he wants to stay with you today". She whispered in his ear again, "Remember the duck". Sadia went fishing, Ali stayed and worked. After a couple of days of doing both his and his sister's chores, Ali finally had enough. He went to his grandmother, said, "Grandmother, I have to tell you something. I accidentally killed your pet duck with my slingshot, and I'm very sorry". The grandmother gave him a big hug and said, "Ali, I know you did, I was standing at the window and I watched the whole thing happened. I know you didn't mean to, I already forgave you. I was just waiting to see how long you were going to let Sadia make a slave of you".
Can I tell you: God is everywhere, He is watching us, He has seen every mistake, every failure, every weakness. He has already forgiven you. He is not holding it against you. He is just waiting to see, how long you're going to let the accuser, blamer, enemy make a slave of you? How long are you going to live with that guilt, believing that you've blown your future? How long are you going to ask forgiveness for the same things? My point is, "No more. This is a new day". We're going to rise up like Ali and say, "Enough is enough. Yes, I've made some mistakes, but I'm not going to go through life condemned, trying to pay a debt, that has already been paid, thinking that I've missed my destiny. I'm going to arise".

A marine biologist did experiment on a shark, how setbacks and failures limit our future endeavors.

‘These guys didn’t fail because of their lack of hard work or anything; they failed because they just didn’t understand fault lines and how gold seams operate. The gold will be less than three feet from where they are currently digging’.
And so, the junk guy starts up the machinery, just changed the direction a little bit, dug for three feet and struck one of the richest seams of the Colorado gold rush.

The Elephant Rope
Like the elephants, how many of us go through life hanging onto a belief that we cannot do something, simply because we failed at it once before?
Failure is part of learning; we should never give up the struggle in life.

Gold Formula

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