Sunday 19 January 2020

Fear Created and Reduced

Fear Created and Reduced
Fear is formed when the mind focuses on the uncertainty of future outcomes. Confidence comes from awareness of all the facts along with a belief in a positive outcome, no matter the uncertainty present.
Since our brains only can consciously focus on one thing at a time, once you are in the act of doing, your fear fades away. Therefore, taking action reduces conscious fear.

4 Common Reasons You Can’t Focus On Your Work (And How To Destroy Each One)
Reason #1: You’re, Like, Really Tired (And Killing Off Brain Cells)
Reason #2: All News Is Bad News (For Your Focus)
Reason #3: You’re Spinning Too Many Plates
Reason #4: You Hate What You’re Working On (And According To Science, It’s Causing You Pain)

Stop Fidgeting And Start Focusing

3 Signs of a Foolish Person
Doing same action and expecting different results. You reap what you sow. Actions, habits; eating habits
Arrogant, ego, direction
No question where needed, blindly trust and then crying.

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