Sunday, 24 November 2019

Public Speaking Quotes

Public Speaking Quotes

“A good speech should be like a woman's skirt; long enough to cover the subject and short enough to create interest.”

“If you have an important point to make, don't try to be subtle (fine, delicate) or clever. Use a pile driver. Hit the point once. Then come back and hit it again. Then hit it a third time - a tremendous whack (strike).”

“Too many people spend too much time trying to perfect something before they actually do it. Instead of waiting for perfection, run with what you go, and fix it along the way …”

“Naked lions are just as dangerous as elegantly dressed ones.”

“Students of public speaking continually ask, "How can I overcome self-consciousness and the fear that paralyzes me before an audience?" Did you ever notice in looking from a train window that some horses feed near the track and never even pause to look up at the thundering cars, while just ahead at the next railroad crossing a farmer's wife will be nervously trying to quiet her scared horse as the train goes by? How would you cure a horse that is afraid of cars - graze him in a back-woods lot where he would never see steam engines or automobiles, or drive or pasture him where he would frequently see the machines?
Apply horse-sense to ridding yourself of self-consciousness and fear: face an audience as frequently as you can, and you will soon stop shying. You can never attain freedom from stage-fright by reading a treatise (paragraph). A book may give you excellent suggestions on how best to conduct yourself in the water, but sooner or later you must get wet, perhaps even strangle and be "half scared to death." There are a great many "wetless" bathing suits worn at the seashore, but no one ever learns to swim in them. To plunge is the only way.”

“Honestly, if everyone likes what you say, something is wrong with your message.”

“A speaker should approach his preparation not by what he wants to say, but by what he wants to learn.”

“The first sign of greatness is when a man does not attempt to look and act great. Before you can call yourself a man at all, you must "not look too good nor talk too wise.”

“Proper Planning and Preparation Prevents Poor Performance.”

“It's much easier to be convincing if you care about your topic. Figure out what's important to you about your message and speak from the heart.”

“No audience ever complained about a presentation or speech being too short.”

“Politeness is the first thing people lose once they get the power.”

“Take care of your costume and your confidence will take care of itself.”

“The job of feet is walking, but their hobby is dancing.”

“Be a worthy worker and work will come.”

“Great losses are great lessons.”

“In presentations or speeches less really is more.”

“The audience are likely to remember only three things from your presentation or speech.”

“Father has a strengthening character like the sun and mother has a soothing temper like the moon.”

“Health is hearty, health is harmony, health is happiness.”

“War is not just the shower of bullets and bombs from both sides, it is also the shower of blood and bones on both sides.”

“€7500, first-class, everything and all that for 40 minutes selling them some old stuff.”

“So we must work at our profession and not make anybody else's idleness an excuse for our own. There is no lack of readers and listeners; it is for us to produce something worth being written and heard.”

“The decision is your own voice, an opinion is the echo of someone else's voice.”

“If you can't impress them with your argument, impress them with your actions.”

“If thinking should precede acting, then acting must succeed thinking.”

“Communication without clarity is noise. Speak with purpose and you’ll propel your audience to take massive action towards a journey of self-improvement.”

“It's much easier to pull in an audience by framing the talk as an attempt to solve an intriguing riddle rather than as a plea for them to care. The first feels like a gift being offered. The second feels like an ask.”

“Blacksmiths sometimes twist a rope tight around the nose of a horse, and by thus inflicting a little pain they distract his attention from the shoeing process. One way to get air out of a glass is to pour in water. Be Absorbed by Your Subject.”

“In your name, the family name is at last because it's the family name that lasts.”

“The customer is always right' may have become a standard motto in the world of business, but the idea that 'the audience is always right,' has yet to make much of an impression on the world of presentation, even though for the duration of the presentation at least, the audience is the speaker's only customer.”

“Some people talk too much without saying a lot.”

“There is a strange sensation often experienced in the presence of an audience. It may proceed from the gaze of the many eyes that turn upon the speaker, especially if he permits himself to steadily return that gaze. Most speakers have been conscious of this in a nameless thrill, a real something, pervading the atmosphere, tangible, evanescent, indescribable. All writers have borne testimony to the power of a speaker's eye in impressing an audience. This influence which we are now considering is the reverse of that picture, the power their eyes may exert upon him, especially before he begins to speak: after the inward fires of oratory are fanned into flame the eyes of the audience lose all terror.”

“Fabre stood up. He placed his fingertips on d‘Anton’s temples. “Put your fingers here,” he said. “Feel the resonance. Put them here, and here.” He jabbed at d’Anton’s face: below the cheekbones, at the side of his jaw. “I’ll teach you like an actor,” he said. “This city is our stage.”

Camille said: “Book of Ezekiel. ‘This city is the cauldron, and we the flesh’ ...”

Fabre turned. “This stutter,” he said. “You don’t have to do it.” Camille put his hands over his eyes. “Leave me alone,” he said. “Even you.” Fabre’s face was incandescent. “Even you, I am going to teach.” He leapt forward, wrenched Camille upright in his chair. He took him by the shoulders and shook him. “You’re going to talk properly,” Fabre said. “Even if it kills one of us.” Camille put his hands protectively over his head. Fabre continued to perpetrate violence; d’Anton was too tired to intervene.”

“The crowd shouldn't dictate your performance.”

“All we need to do is get those nervous butterflies in our stomachs flying in formation.”

“Verbosity (the quality of using more words than needed, wordiness) wastes a portion of the reader’s or listener’s life.”

“Visualize yourself giving the entire speech as a controlled, confident speaker.”

“Your voice will enter corners your eyes will never see, so speak up.”

“The mirror is a tool you can easily get feedback from without asking.”

“If you think of building your life the way you build a house, it can help you see how important having a strong foundation is.”

“Nervousness is easily read if you fidget or avoid eye contact”

“Engaging in lifelong learning to improve your public speaking skills is far from drudgery (uninspiring, dull work) . It can lead to a better job, higher profits, more donations, and public policy objectives. That sounds like fun to me.”

“Improving your communication skills can make life more fulfilling on many levels.”

“Fear of public speaking can include fear of forgetting your words, fear of being judged, fear of difficult questions or all of these.”

“Over a period of time, people try to protect themselves by either avoiding public speaking situations altogether or they suffer through them with quavering voices, shaking hands, and nervous sweating. But with practice, persistence and preparation, you can overcome your fear of public speaking and make it a thing of the past.”

“When a person opens his or her mouth, the dialogue must contain a purpose that sounds sensible towards his or her surroundings. If the person uses this strategy, he or she can earn self respect from others.”

“TIPS; Even though I don’t much like them, I have to admit that tips can sometimes be useful. Here are a few that have been good to me.

The Three Rules of Three

1. When I talk to an audience, I try to make no more than three points. (They can’t remember more than three, and neither can I.) In fact, restricting myself to one big point is even better. But three is the limit.

2. I try to explain difficult ideas three different ways. Some people can’t understand something the first couple of ways I say it, but can if I say it another way. This lets them triangulate their way to understanding.

3. I try to find a subtle way to make an important point three times. It sticks a little better.”

“In the world of orators, those with charisma reign.”

“A good speech creates ripple-effect. With charisma, it becomes more attractive.”

“A good speech has ripple effect. Charisma makes it last.”

“Share from your heart, and you'll do just fine.”

“When speaking publicly, it is wise to communicate mindfully in the presence of silent listening eyes...”

“Wise with Your Words. Speak words that support your highest good. Are your thoughts building you up or tearing you down? Notice the quality of your words, your best first impressions ride on them.”

“We sing when we have too much time to just speak.”

“Don't cower (shrink) before the crowd; your purpose is not to be popular nor be applauded by the masses.”

“Fail soon so that you can succeed sooner.”

“Today it is cheaper to start a business than tomorrow.”

“Networking isn't how many people you know, it's how many people know you.”

“If the farmer is rich, then so is the nation.”

“A farmer is a magician who produces money from the mud.”

“An entrepreneur with strong network makes money even when he is asleep.”

“If you believe you will fail, there is no hope for you. You will. Rid yourself of this I-am-a-poor-worm-in-the-dust idea. You are born with infinite capabilities. "All things are ready if the mind be so." The eagle looks the cloudless sun in the face.”

“With discipline, you can lose weight, you can excel in work, you can win the war.”

“Creativity without discipline will struggle, creativity with discipline will succeed.”

“To a farmer dirt is not a waste, it is wealth.”

“Free Flowing Dialogue; “Have you ever been engaged in a conversation which was so dynamic that you were both firing on all cylinders, in perfect harmony and at warp speed?”

“Speaking on Stage; Speakers and presenters have only a few short seconds before their audience members begin forming opinions. True professionals know that beginning with impact determines audience engagement, the energy in the room, positive feedback, the quality of the experience, and whether or not their performance will be a success. A few of the popular methods which you can use to break the ice from the stage are:
• Using quotes.
• Telling a joke.
• Citing statistics.
• Showing a video.
• Asking questions.
• Stating a problem.
• Sharing acronyms.
• Sharing a personal story.
• Laying down a challenge.
• Using analogies and comparisons.
• Taking surveys; raise your hand if . . .
Once you refine, define, and discover great conversation starters, you will enjoy renewed confidence for communicating well with new people.”

“5 Reasons to Develop the Power of the Pause. It . . .

1. encourages your communication partner to express their thoughts without interruption.

2. provides a moment of silence to calm incessant (continual) talking.

3. allows time for your brain to catch up with your mouth.

4. provides your listener with space to process your message.

5. highlights important points for your message to have more impact.”

“Getting into Sync:
People feel the most comfortable with and gravitate more quickly to the people with whom they are the most alike. You will receive your best results by seeking first to understand and then to adjust your energy, movements, posture, words, gestures, and behaviors to synchronize with theirs. This alignment will build a sense of rapport and commonality which will help your conversations progress smoothly and more successfully.”

“Public speaking phobia has many causes, including early childhood setbacks, that have to do with our unique personal histories, not inborn temperament.
In fact, public speaking may be primal and quintessentially human, not limited to those of us born with a high-reactive nervous system. One theory, holds that when our ancestors lived, being watched intently meant only one thing: a wild animal was stalking (pursuing) us. And when we think we're about to be eaten, do we stand tall and hold forth confidently? No. We run. In other words, hundreds of thousands of years of evolution urge us to get the hell off the stage, where we can mistake the gaze of the spectators for the glint (twinkle) in a predator's eye. Yet the audience expects not only that we'll stay put, but that we'll act relaxed and assured. This conflict between biology and protocol is one reason that speech-making can be so fraught. It's also why exhortations to imagine the audience in the nude don't help nervous speakers; naked lions are just as dangerous as elegantly dressed ones.”

“Years ago, I was on a road trip with my friend and our destination was four hours away. We started an amazing conversation as our trip began. We arrived four hours later, but it felt like we had been driving for only half an hour. Have you ever been so immersed in the free flow of conversation that it transcended time, space, and effort? That is the beauty of being in flow.”

“The Rhythm of Relationships:
If you are with the right person, a relationship does not take a lot of work. When relationships are in rhythm, everything is made easier.”

“Social synchronicity will help you stay open-minded regarding coincidence and serendipity (chance). It is worth considering whether people are showing up in your life for a purpose or by accident.”

“Ask Yourself:

• Have you pondered a question and someone ironically shows up with the answers?

• Have you ever been thinking of a friend and within moments they mysteriously call or come by?

• How many times have you seen a meaningful relationship start because the right people were in the right place at the right time for the right opportunity?”

“Bull in a China Shop:
The metaphor “bull in a china shop” appropriately describes how a clumsy (or socially awkward) person can sometimes find themselves in a quite delicate position. Have you ever been in a social situation where it was prudent to bite your tongue, smile and nod, choose your words carefully, or remain silent all together? One in which, if you didn’t—it could cause damage?”

“You can be a bull. And you can be in the china shop. But, just don’t break anything! Even the biggest, baddest, most boorish bull can skate carefully through a china shop with dignity and grace if he exercises mindfulness and consideration.”

― Susan C. Young, The Art of Communication: 8 Ways to Confirm Clarity & Understanding for Positive Impact

tags: communication-skills, employee-engagement, first-impressions-quotes, hire-keynote-speaker, introvert-or-extrovert, motivational-leadership-speaker, public-speaking, quotes-by-susan-c-young, relationship-quotes, speaker-susan-young0 likesLike

Susan C. Young

“Delicious Dialogue

“We’ve all known the proverbial conversation hog who dominates a discussion and pays little notice to another person’s input. They’re so busy talking about themselves, we can barely slide a word in edgewise. Don’t be that guy!”

“An engaging conversation is a two-way street. Learn to delight in dialogue to ensure mutual respect and consideration.”

― Susan C. Young, The Art of Communication: 8 Ways to Confirm Clarity & Understanding for Positive Impact

tags: communication-skills, employee-engagement, first-impressions-quotes, hire-keynote-speaker, introvert-or-extrovert, motivational-leadership-speaker, public-speaking, quotes-by-susan-c-young, relationship-quotes, speaker-susan-young0 likesLike

Susan C. Young

“We’ve all known the proverbial conversation hog who dominates a discussion and pays little notice to another person’s input. They’re so busy talking about themselves, we can barely slide a word in edgewise. Don’t be that guy!”

― Susan C. Young, The Art of Communication: 8 Ways to Confirm Clarity & Understanding for Positive Impact

tags: communication-skills, employee-engagement, first-impressions-quotes, hire-keynote-speaker, introvert-or-extrovert, motivational-leadership-speaker, public-speaking, quotes-by-susan-c-young, relationship-quotes, speaker-susan-young0 likesLike

Susan C. Young

“An engaging conversation is a two-way street. Learn to delight in dialogue to ensure mutual respect and consideration.”

― Susan C. Young, The Art of Communication: 8 Ways to Confirm Clarity & Understanding for Positive Impact

tags: communication-skills, employee-engagement, first-impressions-quotes, hire-keynote-speaker, introvert-or-extrovert, motivational-leadership-speaker, public-speaking, quotes-by-susan-c-young, relationship-quotes, speaker-susan-young0 likesLike

Susan C. Young

“Mindful Awareness.

Be fully involved in the moment—right now! Developing this ability instills a sixth sense for navigating connections. Be intentional and thoughtful; listen and care.”

― Susan C. Young, The Art of Communication: 8 Ways to Confirm Clarity & Understanding for Positive Impact

tags: communication-skills, employee-engagement, first-impressions-quotes, hire-keynote-speaker, introvert-or-extrovert, motivational-leadership-speaker, public-speaking, quotes-by-susan-c-young, relationship-quotes, speaker-susan-young0 likesLike

Susan C. Young

“Conversation Starters.

Your first words will not only shape your first impression, but they can create amazing connections, lead you to your dream job, or help you discover a new best friend.”

― Susan C. Young, The Art of Communication: 8 Ways to Confirm Clarity & Understanding for Positive Impact

tags: communication-skills, employee-engagement, first-impressions-quotes, hire-keynote-speaker, introvert-or-extrovert, motivational-leadership-speaker, public-speaking, quotes-by-susan-c-young, relationship-quotes, speaker-susan-young0 likesLike

Susan C. Young

“Active Listening.

Practice this skill. You enhance communication; this confirms that the message another conveys is well received and thoroughly understood. You get it!”

― Susan C. Young, The Art of Communication: 8 Ways to Confirm Clarity & Understanding for Positive Impact

tags: communication-skills, employee-engagement, first-impressions-quotes, hire-keynote-speaker, introvert-or-extrovert, motivational-leadership-speaker, public-speaking, quotes-by-susan-c-young, relationship-quotes, speaker-susan-young0 likesLike

Susan C. Young

“Voice Value. Your voice makes a first impression. Is your voice coming across as smart, friendly, and positive or ignorant, rude, and negative? The way you deliver the words is your “vocal image.”

― Susan C. Young, The Art of Communication: 8 Ways to Confirm Clarity & Understanding for Positive Impact

tags: communication-skills, employee-engagement, first-impressions-quotes, hire-keynote-speaker, introvert-or-extrovert, motivational-leadership-speaker, public-speaking, quotes-by-susan-c-young, relationship-quotes, speaker-susan-young0 likesLike

Susan C. Young

“Use Names.

Calling a person by name makes him/her feel recognized, appreciated, and special. It shows respect and that you are genuinely interested in making a connection. You make them feel remembered!”

“Anger gets you into trouble, ego keeps you in trouble.”

― Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

tags: adage, advertisement, aggravation, air-rage, alliterations, amit-kalantri, amit-kalantri-quotes, amit-kalantri-writer, anger, anger-management, annoyance, bile, blog, blogging, book-writing, catch-lines, catchphrases, characters, choler, cool, creative-writing, crossness, displeasure, dyspepsia, ego, essay, exasperation, fury, ill-humour, ill-temper, indignation, inspirational, irascibility, irritability, irritation, knowledge, motivational, movie, movie-dialogue, novel-writing, offence, offensive, outrage, philosophy, pique, pride, problem, proverbs, public-speaking, punchline, quotes, resentment-rage, rhetoric, road-rage, sayings, script, script-writing, scriptwriting, self, self-centered, self-centeredness, short-tempered, slogans, social-networking, speech, speechwriting, spleen, story, tag-lines, temper, testiness, tetchiness, trouble, vexation, waspishness, wisdom, wit, witty, wrath, writing19 likesLike

Amit Kalantri

“Seeing the mud around a lotus is pessimism, seeing a lotus in the mud is optimism.”

― Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

tags: adage, advertisement, alliterations, amit-kalantri, amit-kalantri-quotes, amit-kalantri-writer, angst, blog, blogging, book-writing, buoyancy, catch-lines, catchphrases, characters, cheer, cheerfulness, confidence, creative-writing, cynicism, defeatism, dejection, depression, despair, despondency, distrust, doom-and-gloom, doubt, essay, expecting-the-worst, fatalism, flower, gloom, gloominess-hopelessness, good-cheer, hope, hopefulness, inspirational, knowledge, lack-of-hope, lotus, lotus-flower, melancholy, motivational, movie, movie-dialogue, mud, negative-thinking, negativity, novel-writing, optimism, optimistic, pessimism, pessimistic, philosophy, positive-attitude, positiveness, proverbs, public-speaking, punchline, quotes, rhetoric, rose, sanguineness, sayings, script, script-writing, scriptwriting, slogans, social-networking, speech, speechwriting, story, tag-lines, wisdom, wit, witty, writing19 likesLike

Amit Kalantri

“Some of us can live without a society but not without a family.”

― Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

tags: adage, advertisement, alliterations, amit-kalantri, amit-kalantri-quotes, amit-kalantri-writer, ancestry, background, birth, blog, blogging, blood, bloodline, book-writing, breed-dynasty, brother, catch-lines, catchphrases, characters, cousin, creative-writing, derivation, descent, dinner, essay, extraction, families, family, family-name, family-tree, father, food, fraternity, genealogy, home, house, inspirational, kin, kith, knowledge, last-name, last-name-quote, line, line-of-descent, lineage, lunch, mother, motivational, movie, movie-dialogue, novel-writing, parentage, parents, pedigree, philosophy, prayer, proverbs, public-speaking, punchline, quotes, race, rhetoric, script, script-writing, scriptwriting, sister, social-networking, society, speech, speechwriting, stay, stock, stomach, story, strain, tag-lines, togetherness, uncle, unity, wisdom, writing9 likesLike

Amit Kalantri

“Music is the fastest motivator in the world.”

― Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

tags: adage, advertisement, album, alliterations, amit-kalantri, amit-kalantri-quotes, amit-kalantri-writer, artist, background-music, background-score, band, book-writing, catch-lines, catchphrases, characters, concert, creative-writing, drums, essay, fast, fastest, guitar, inspirational, inspirational-speaker, instruments, knowledge, melody, michael-jackson, motivational, motivational-speaker, motivator, movie, movie-dialogue, movies, music, music-director, music-industry, music-quotes, musicians, novel-writing, philosophy, playing, pop, proverbs, public-speaking, quick-motivation, quotes, rhetoric, rock, script, script-writing, scriptwriting, self-help, self-help-quotes, singer, singing, song, soul, sound, speech, speechwriting, story, tag-lines, touch, tune, vocal, wisdom, writing8 likesLike

Amit Kalantri

“Respect cannot be inherited, respect is the result of right actions.”

― Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

tags: acclaim, action, adage, admiration, advertisement, alliterations, amit-kalantri, amit-kalantri-quotes, amit-kalantri-writer, appreciation, approbation, approval, awe, benefaction, bequeathal, bequest, bestowal, birthright, blog, blogging, book-writing, catch-lines, catchphrases, characters, creative-writing, deference, endowment, essay, estate, esteem, estimation, favour, hereditament, heritage, high-opinion, high-regard, homage, honour, inheritance, inspirational, knowledge, legacy, motivational, movie, movie-dialogue, novel-writing, one-liner, patrimony-devise, philosophy, popularity, praise, proverbs, provision, public-speaking, punchline, quotes, recognition, regard, respect, reverence, rhetoric, right, righteousness, sayings, script, script-writing, scriptwriting, social-networking, speech, speechwriting, story, tag-lines, veneration, wisdom, wit, witty, writing7 likesLike

Amit Kalantri

“He who sacrifices his respect for love basically burns his body to obtain the light.”

― Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

tags: adage, advertisement, affair, alliterations, amit-kalantri, amit-kalantri-quotes, amit-kalantri-writer, attachment, blog, blogging, book-writing, boyfriend, breaking-up, breakup, catch-lines, catchphrases, characters, creative-writing, essay, female, girlfriend, heart, husband, inspirational, intimacy, knowledge, light, lovable, love, love-stories, make-love, making-love, male, motivational, movie, movie-dialogue, novel-writing, philosophy, proverbs, public-speaking, punchline, quotes, relationship, respect, respecting-yourself, rhetoric, romance, romantic, sacrifice, script, script-writing, scriptwriting, self-esteem, self-respect, sex, social-networking, speech, speechwriting, story, tag-lines, to-make-love, wife, wisdom, writing6 likesLike

Amit Kalantri

“Parents expect only two things from their children, obedience in their childhood and respect in their adulthood.”

― Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

tags: adage, adulthood, advertisement, alliterations, amit-kalantri, amit-kalantri-quotes, amit-kalantri-writer, babies, blog, blogging, book-writing, caring-for-others, catch-lines, catchphrases, characters, child, childhood, children, creative-writing, dad, daddy, daughter, essay, family, father, growing-up, inspirational, knowledge, mom, mother, motivational, movie, movie-dialogue, mummy, novel-writing, obedience, parenthood, parenting, parents, philosophy, proverbs, public-speaking, punchline, quotes, respect, rhetoric, script, script-writing, scriptwriting, slogans, social-networking, son, speech, speechwriting, story, tag-lines, wisdom, wit, witty, writing5 likesLike

Amit Kalantri

“Good becomes better by playing against better, but better doesn't become the best by playing against good.”

― Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

tags: adage, advertisement, alliterations, amit-kalantri, amit-kalantri-quotes, amit-kalantri-writer, best, better, blog, blogging, book-writing, catch-lines, catchphrases, characters, competition, creative-writing, essay, game, good, improvement, inspirational, knowledge, motivational, movie, movie-dialogue, novel-writing, opposition, philosophy, play, players, proverbs, public-speaking, punchline, quotes, rhetoric, rivals, script, script-writing, scriptwriting, slogans, social-networking, speech, speechwriting, sports, story, tag-lines, team, wisdom, writing4 likesLike

Amit Kalantri

“In united families, they might sleep with half filled stomach but no one sleeps with empty stomach.”

― Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

tags: adage, advertisement, alliterations, amit-kalantri, amit-kalantri-quotes, amit-kalantri-writer, ancestry, background, birth, blog, blogging, blood, bloodline, book-writing, breed-dynasty, brother, catch-lines, catchphrases, characters, cousin, creative-writing, derivation, descent, dinner, essay, extraction, families, family, family-name, family-tree, father, food, genealogy, home, house, inspirational, kin, kith, knowledge, last-name, last-name-quote, line, line-of-descent, lineage, lunch, mother, motivational, movie, movie-dialogue, novel-writing, parentage, parents, pedigree, philosophy, prayer, proverbs, public-speaking, punchline, quotes, race, rhetoric, script, script-writing, scriptwriting, sister, social-networking, speech, speechwriting, stay, stock, stomach, story, strain, tag-lines, togetherness, uncle, unity, wisdom, writing4 likesLike

Amit Kalantri

“Cowards say it can't be done, critics say it shouldn't have been done, creator say well done.”

― Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

tags: act, action, adage, advertisement, alliterations, amit-kalantri, amit-kalantri-quotes, amit-kalantri-writer, architect, attacker, author, backbiter, belittler-knocker, big-baby, blog, blogging, book-writing, caitiff, candy-ass, carper, catch-lines, catchphrases, caviller, censurer, characters, chicken, composer, cowards, craven, creative-writing, creativity, creator, criticism, criticize, critics, critics-quotes, denigrator, deprecator, designer, detractor, developer-originator, deviser, disparager, engineer, essay, fault-finder, fear, fraidy-cat, generator, initiator, inspirational, instigator, inventor, knowledge, maker, mastermind, milksop, motivational, mouse, movie, movie-dialogue, namby-pamby, nitpicker-rare-asperser, novel-writing, philosophy, prime-mover, producer, proverbs, public-speaking, punchline, pussy-dingo, quotes, recreant, reviler, rhetoric, scaredy-cat, script, script-writing, scriptwriting, sissy, slogans, social-networking, sook-funk-poltroon, speech, speechwriting, story, tag-lines, take-action, traducer, vilifier, weakling, well-done, wisdom, wit, witty, work, writer, writing, yellow-belly3 likesLike

Amit Kalantri

“What luck has gave you will probably leave you.”

― Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

tags: adage, advantage, advantageousness, advertisement, alliterations, amit-kalantri, amit-kalantri-quotes, amit-kalantri-writer, blog, blogging, book-writing, catch-lines, catchphrases, chance, characters, creative-writing, essay, felicity-a-stroke-of-luck, fortune, good-fortune, good-luck, hard-work, inspirational, knowledge, luck, lucky, motivational, movie, movie-dialogue, novel-writing, philosophy, probability, prosperity, proverbs, public-speaking, punchline, quotes, rhetoric, script, script-writing, scriptwriting, short-cut, social-networking, speech, speechwriting, story, success, successfulness, tag-lines, wisdom, writing3 likesLike

Amit Kalantri

“During a conversation, listening is as powerful as loving.”

― Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

tags: adage, advertisement, alliterations, amit-kalantri, amit-kalantri-quotes, amit-kalantri-writer, attention, blog, blogging, body-language, book-writing, catch-lines, catchphrases, characters, conversation, creative-writing, ears, essay, hear, hearing, inspirational, knowledge, listen, listening, listening-skills, listening-to-others, love, loving, motivational, movie, movie-dialogue, novel-writing, one-liner, philosophy, proverbs, public-speaking, punchline, quotes, rhetoric, script, script-writing, scriptwriting, social-networking, speech, speechwriting, story, tag-lines, wisdom, wit, witty, writing3 likesLike

Amit Kalantri

“Texting is not talking and a phone is not a friend.”

― Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

tags: adage, advertisement, alliterations, amit-kalantri, amit-kalantri-quotes, amit-kalantri-writer, blog, blogging, book-writing, catch-lines, catchphrases, cell-phone, characters, conversation, creative-writing, essay, friend, friendship, gadgets, inspirational, internet, iphone-quotes, knowledge, messenger, mobile-quotes, motivational, movie, movie-dialogue, novel-writing, philosophy, phone, proverbs, public-speaking, punchline, quotes, rhetoric, script, script-writing, scriptwriting, social-networking, speech, speechwriting, story, tag-lines, texting, whatsapp, wisdom, writing3 likesLike

Amit Kalantri

“Fashion doesn't make you perfect, but it makes you pretty.”

“Power does not pardon, power punishes.”

“It's time to shop high heels if your fiance kisses you on the forehead.”

“A good swordsman is more important than a good sword.”

“Common man's patience will bring him more happiness than common man's power.”

“Hands can cook, hands can create, hands can kill. There is no better tool than our hands.”

“When you were making excuses someone else was making enterprise.”

“An invention is a responsibility of the individual, society cannot invent, it can only applaud the invention and inventor.”

“No tricks, no tools, but talent makes a task truly top class.”

― Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

tags: ability, adage, adroitness, advertisement, alliterations, amit-kalantri, amit-kalantri-quotes, amit-kalantri-writer, aptitude, artistry, bent, blog, blogging, book-writing, brilliance-dexterity, capacity, catch-lines, catchphrases, characters, cleverness, creative-writing, essay, expertise, facility, faculty-strength, flair, forte, genius, gift, inspirational, knack, knowledge, motivational, movie, movie-dialogue, novel-writing, one-liner, philosophy, power, proverbs, public-speaking, punchline, quotes, rhetoric, script, script-writing, scriptwriting, skill, social-networking, speech, speechwriting, story, strong-point, tag-lines, talent, task, technique, tools, touch, tricks, virtuosity, wisdom, wit, witty, writing1 likesLike

Amit Kalantri

“Dresses don't look beautiful on hangers.”

― Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

tags: adage, advertisement, alliterations, amit-kalantri, amit-kalantri-quotes, amit-kalantri-writer, apparel, beauty, belief, believe, blog, blogging, body-curve, bold, book-writing, born-with, catch-lines, catchphrases, catwalk, celebrity, characters, clothes, clothes-quotes, comedy, confidence, cool, cosmetics, costume, creative-writing, curves, design, dress, dressing, dressing-sense, dressmakers, dude, energy, essay, face, face-cream, fashion, fashion-designer, fashion-industry, fashion-quotes, fashion-statement, fashions, fearless, female, figure, flame, garments, god-given, hanger, hangers, hot, hotness, humor, humour, inheritance, inspirational, interior-design, jeans, kitty-party, knowledge, looking-hot, make-fun-of, make-up, makeover, mannequin, modeling, motivational, movie, movie-dialogue, novel-writing, old-fashioned, outfit, outfits, page-3, perfect, philosophy, pretty, proverbs, public-speaking, punchline, put-on-quotes, quotes, ramp, rhetoric, script, script-writing, scriptwriting, self-confidence, sex, sexy, slogans, social-networking, speech, speechwriting, story, tag-lines, tailor, trend, trending, trust-yourself, wardrobe, wearing-clothes, wisdom, writing1 likesLike

Amit Kalantri

“The purpose of a profession is to fulfil the personal wishes of a prospect.”

― Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

tags: adage, advertisement, alliterations, amit-kalantri, amit-kalantri-quotes, amit-kalantri-writer, blog, blogging, book-writing, business, catch-lines, catchphrases, characters, company, creative-writing, customer, essay, goal, inspirational, job, knowledge, motivational, movie, movie-dialogue, novel-writing, objective, philosophy, problem-solving, profession, professional, professionalism, prospect, proverbs, public-speaking, punchline, purpose, quotes, rhetoric, script, script-writing, scriptwriting, service, slogans, social-networking, speech, speechwriting, story, tag-lines, wisdom, work, writing0 likesLike

Amit Kalantri

“State first, subject second, statesman last.”

― Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

tags: 6-word-stories, adage, administration, advertisement, alliterations, amit-kalantri, amit-kalantri-quotes, amit-kalantri-writer, blog, blogging, book-writing, bureaucracy, catch-lines, catchphrases, characters, citizen, civilians, corruption, country, creative-writing, democracy, elections, essay, governance, government, government-quotes, india, inspirational, knowledge, motivational, movie, movie-dialogue, nation, national, novel-writing, philosophy, political-parties, political-science, political-service, politicians, politics, politics-quotes, proverbs, public, public-administration, public-sector, public-speaking, punchline, quotes, rhetoric, script, script-writing, scriptwriting, six-word-story, slogans, social-networking, speech, speechwriting, state, statecraft, statesman, statesmanship, story, subject, tag-lines, vote, voting, wisdom, wit, witty, writing0 likesLike

Amit Kalantri

“Making a product is just an activity, making a profit on a product is the achievement.”

― Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

tags: achievement, activity, adage, advertisement, alliterations, amit-kalantri, amit-kalantri-quotes, amit-kalantri-writer, bank, banking, blog, blogging, book-writing, business, business-leaders, catch-lines, catchphrases, ceo, characters, chief-executive-officer, company, corporate, creative-writing, distribution, earning-profit, economy, employment, entrepreneur, entrepreneurship, essay, fabrication, factory, finance, financial, goods-and-service, industry, inspirational, investment, investment-banking, knowledge, machine, machinery, management, manager, manufacturing, manufacturing-industry, marketing, money, motivational, movie, movie-dialogue, novel-writing, one-liner, organization, philosophy, product, profession, profit, proverbs, public-speaking, punchline, quotes, rhetoric, sales, script, script-writing, scriptwriting, social-networking, speech, speechwriting, startups, story, tag-lines, trade, trading, wisdom, wit, witty, writing0 likesLike

Amit Kalantri

“Dresses won't worn out in the wardrobe, but that is not what dresses are designed for.”

― Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

tags: adage, advertisement, alliterations, amit-kalantri, amit-kalantri-quotes, amit-kalantri-writer, apparel, beauty, belief, believe, blog, blogging, body-curve, bold, book-writing, born-with, catch-lines, catchphrases, catwalk, celebrity, characters, clothes, clothes-quotes, comedy, confidence, cool, cosmetics, costume, creative-writing, curves, design, dress, dressing, dressing-sense, dude, energy, essay, face, face-cream, fashion, fashion-designer, fashion-industry, fashion-quotes, fashion-statement, fashions, fearless, female, figure, flame, garments, god-given, hot, hotness, humor, humour, inheritance, inspirational, interior-design, jeans, kitty-party, knowledge, looking-hot, make-fun-of, make-up, makeover, modeling, motivational, movie, movie-dialogue, novel-writing, old-fashioned, outfit, outfits, page-3, perfect, philosophy, pretty, proverbs, public-speaking, punchline, put-on-quotes, quotes, ramp, rhetoric, script, script-writing, scriptwriting, self-confidence, sex, sexy, slogans, social-networking, speech, speechwriting, story, tag-lines, trend, trending, trust-yourself, wardrobe, wearing-clothes, wisdom, writing0 likesLike

“If you preach in public, you should be aware that you give your speech that can be compelling to your audiences that presents a good purpose for your presence in front of your bystanders at the right place and time.”

― Saaif Alam

tags: inspirational, public-speaking0 likesLike

Amit Kalantri

“In a democracy government is the God.”

“Hunger gives flavour to the food.”

― Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

tags: adage, advertisement, alcohol, alliterations, amit-kalantri, amit-kalantri-quotes, amit-kalantri-writer, bite, bitter, blog, blogging, body-weight, book-writing, breakfast, buffet, calories, catch-lines, catchphrases, characters, cheese, chef, cold-drink, cook, cooking, creative-writing, culinary, diet, dieting, dinner, doctor, drink, drinking, eat, eating-out, empty-stomach, essay, exotic, explore, fat, fitness, flavor, flavour, food, food-bite, food-channel, food-quotes, foodie, foodies, glass-of-wine, glutton, health, healthy, holidays, hunger, hungry, inspirational, knowledge, lose-calories, love-food, lunch, meal, medical, medicine, motivational, movie, movie-dialogue, novel-writing, oily, party, philosophy, pound, protein, proverbs, public-speaking, punchline, pungent, quotes, red-wine, restaurants, rhetoric, salt, salty, script, script-writing, scriptwriting, single-malt, slogans, social-networking, speech, speechwriting, spices, stomach, story, sweet, tag-lines, taste, travel, vitamins, weight-gain, weight-loss, whisky, white-wine, wine, wisdom, worries, worry, writing11 likesLike

Amit Kalantri

“Some people when they see cheese, chocolate or cake they don't think of calories.”

― Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

tags: adage, advertisement, alcohol, alliterations, amit-kalantri, amit-kalantri-quotes, amit-kalantri-writer, bite, bitter, blog, blogging, body, body-weight, book-writing, breakfast, buffet, cake, calories, caring, catch-lines, catchphrases, characters, cheese, chef, chocolate, chocolate-cake, chocolate-lovers, chocolate-quotes, cold-drink, cook, cooking, cooking-classes, cooking-skill, creative-writing, culinary, diet, dieting, dinner, doctor, drink, drinking, eat, eating-out, empty-stomach, essay, exercise, exotic, explore, fat, finger-licking, fitness, flavor, flavour, food, food-bite, food-channel, food-quotes, foodie, foodies, garnish, garnishing, glass-of-wine, glutton, good-food, health, healthy, holidays, homemade, hunger, hungry, inspirational, kitchen, knowledge, lose-calories, love-food, loving-mother, lunch, meal, medical, medicine, metaphor, mommy, mother, mothers-day, mothers-love, motivational, mouthwatering, movie, movie-dialogue, mummy, novel-writing, obese, obesity, oily, party, philosophy, pie, pound, presentation, protein, proverbs, public-speaking, punchline, pungent, quotes, red-wine, restaurants, rhetoric, salt, salty, script, script-writing, scriptwriting, single-malt, slogans, social-networking, soul, speech, speechwriting, spices, stomach, story, sweet, tag-lines, taste, travel, vitamins, weight-gain, weight-loss, whisky, white-wine, wine, wisdom, worries, worry11 likesLike

Amit Kalantri

“During your struggle society is not a bunch of flowers, it is a bunch of cactus.”

― Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

tags: adage, advertisement, against-all-odds, alliterations, amit-kalantri, amit-kalantri-quotes, amit-kalantri-writer, blaming, blog, blogging, book-writing, bouquet, bunch, cactus, caste, catch-lines, catchphrases, characters, community, creative-writing, criticism, criticize, demotivate, enemy, essay, failures, flowers, group, harshness, inspirational, knowledge, motivational, movie, movie-dialogue, neighbors, novel-writing, philosophy, poking, proverbs, public-speaking, punchline, quotes, rhetoric, script, script-writing, scriptwriting, slogans, social-networking, society, speech, speechwriting, story, struggle, struggling, struggling-artist, support, tag-lines, wisdom, working-hard, writing7 likesLike

Amit Kalantri

“With right fashion, every female would be a flame.”

― Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

tags: adage, advertisement, alliterations, amit-kalantri, amit-kalantri-quotes, amit-kalantri-writer, apparel, beauty, belief, believe, blog, blogging, body-curve, bold, book-writing, born-with, catch-lines, catchphrases, catwalk, celebrity, characters, clothes, clothes-quotes, comedy, confidence, cool, cosmetics, costume, creative-writing, curves, dress, dressing, dressing-sense, dude, energy, essay, face, face-cream, fashion, fashion-designer, fashion-industry, fashion-quotes, fashion-statement, fashions, fearless, female, figure, flame, garments, god-given, hot, hotness, humor, humour, inheritance, inspirational, jeans, kitty-party, knowledge, looking-hot, make-fun-of, make-up, makeover, modeling, motivational, movie, movie-dialogue, novel-writing, old-fashioned, outfit, outfits, page-3, philosophy, proverbs, public-speaking, punchline, quotes, ramp, rhetoric, script, script-writing, scriptwriting, self-confidence, sex, sexy, slogans, social-networking, speech, speechwriting, story, tag-lines, trend, trending, trust-yourself, wisdom, writing5 likesLike

Amit Kalantri

“In the business people with expertise, experience and evidence will make more profitable decisions than people with instinct, intuition and imagination.”

― Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

tags: adage, advertisement, alliterations, amit-kalantri, amit-kalantri-quotes, amit-kalantri-writer, analysis, blog, blogging, book-writing, business, business-administration, catch-lines, catchphrases, characters, corporate, creative-writing, data, data-science, data-scientist, decision, decision-making, decisions, essay, evidence, experience, experiment, facts, imagination, inspirational, instinct, intuition, intuition-quotes, intution, knowledge, management, mba, motivational, movie, movie-dialogue, novel-writing, numbers, people, philosophy, profession, professional, professionalism, profit, proof, proverbs, public-speaking, punchline, quotes, reality, report, rhetoric, script, script-writing, scriptwriting, slogans, social-networking, speech, speechwriting, statistics, story, tag-lines, theory, wisdom, writing4 likesLike

Amit Kalantri

“The mistakes of the world are warning message for you.”

“A true professional not only follows but loves the processes, policies and principles set by his profession.”

― Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

tags: adage, advertisement, alliterations, amit-kalantri, amit-kalantri-quotes, amit-kalantri-writer, blog, blogging, book-writing, boss, business, catch-lines, catchphrases, characters, conditions, creative-writing, employees, essay, executive, expert, inspirational, job, knowledge, management, motivational, movie, movie-dialogue, novel-writing, office, philosophy, policy, principles, processes, professional, professionalism, protocols, proverbs, public-speaking, punchline, quotes, rhetoric, rules, script, script-writing, scriptwriting, slogans, social-networking, speech, speechwriting, story, tag-lines, terms, terms-and-conditions, wisdom, work, writing4 likesLike

Amit Kalantri

“Passion makes you good, but pride stops you to get better.”

― Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

tags: adage, advertisement, alliterations, amit-kalantri, amit-kalantri-quotes, amit-kalantri-writer, arrogance, arrogant, better, blog, blogging, boasting, book-writing, catch-lines, catchphrases, characters, creative-writing, ego, egoism, essay, excellence, good, inspirational, knowledge, motivational, movie, movie-dialogue, novel-writing, passion, perfection, philosophy, practice, pride, proud, proverbs, public-speaking, punchline, quotes, rhetoric, script, script-writing, scriptwriting, social-networking, speech, speechwriting, stop, story, tag-lines, wisdom, writing4 likesLike

Amit Kalantri

“The smell of the sweat is not sweet, but the fruit of the sweat is very sweet.”

― Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

tags: adage, advertisement, alliterations, amit-kalantri, amit-kalantri-quotes, amit-kalantri-writer, assiduous, athlete, blog, blogging, book-writing, busy, catch-lines, catchphrases, characters, conscientious, creative-writing, cricket, diligent, driven, endurance, enthusiastic, essay, football, fruit, game, hard-work, indefatigable, industrious, inspirational, keen, knowledge, motivational, movie, movie-dialogue, novel-writing, painstaking, persevering, philosophy, profit, proverbs, public-speaking, punchline, quotes, results, rhetoric, script, script-writing, scriptwriting, sedulous, smell, soccer, social-networking, speech, speechwriting, sports, sportsman, story, studious-energetic, sweat, sweating, sweet, tag-lines, tireless, unflagging, untiring, victory, win, wisdom, writing, zealous4 likesLike

Amit Kalantri

“Any girl with a grin never looks grim.”

― Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

tags: adage, advertisement, alliterations, amit-kalantri, amit-kalantri-quotes, amit-kalantri-writer, apparel, beauty, belief, believe, blog, blogging, bold, book-writing, born-with, catch-lines, catchphrases, catwalk, celebrity, characters, clothes, clothes-quotes, comedy, confidence, cool, cosmetics, costume, creative-writing, dress, dressing, dressing-sense, dude, energy, essay, face, face-cream, fashion, fashion-designer, fashion-industry, fashion-quotes, fashion-statement, fashions, fearless, garments, girl, gloomy, god-given, grim, grin, inheritance, inspirational, jeans, kitty-party, knowledge, make-fun-of, make-up, makeover, modeling, motivational, movie, movie-dialogue, novel-writing, old-fashioned, outfit, outfits, page-3, philosophy, proverbs, public-speaking, punchline, quotes, ramp, rhetoric, script, script-writing, scriptwriting, self-confidence, slogans, smile, smiling-face, social-networking, speech, speechwriting, story, tag-lines, trend, trending, trust-yourself, ugly, unattractive, wisdom, writing3 likesLike

Amit Kalantri

“In a democracy, there will be more complaints but less crisis, in a dictatorship more silence but much more suffering.”

― Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

tags: adage, advertisement, alliterations, amit-kalantri, amit-kalantri-quotes, amit-kalantri-writer, autocracy, blog, blogging, book-writing, capitalism, catch-lines, catchphrases, characters, civilization, complaints, country, creative-writing, crisis, democracy, dictatorship, domination, elections, essay, freedom, government, inspirational, knowledge, motivational, movie, movie-dialogue, novel-writing, philosophy, proverbs, public-speaking, punchline, quotes, republic, rhetoric, script, script-writing, scriptwriting, silence, slavery, slogans, social-networking, speech, speechwriting, story, suffering, tag-lines, tyranny, vote, wisdom, writing3 likesLike

Amit Kalantri

“Let someone else be the most powerful country, make ours the most peaceful country.”

― Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

tags: adage, advertisement, alliterations, amit-kalantri, amit-kalantri-quotes, amit-kalantri-writer, blog, blogging, book-writing, borders, catch-lines, catchphrases, characters, country, creative-writing, democracy, elections, essay, foreign, governance, government, inspirational, international, knowledge, motivational, movie, movie-dialogue, nation, novel-writing, peace, peaceful, people, philosophy, politics, power, powerful, president, prime-minister, proverbs, public-speaking, punchline, quotes, republic, rhetoric, script, script-writing, scriptwriting, slogans, social-networking, speech, speechwriting, story, tag-lines, universe, war, wisdom, world, world-power, writing2 likesLike

Amit Kalantri

“A powerful process automatically takes care of progress, productivity and profits.”

― Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

tags: adage, administration, advertisement, alliterations, amit-kalantri, amit-kalantri-quotes, amit-kalantri-writer, automatically, blog, blogging, book-writing, business, catch-lines, catchphrases, chain, characters, corporate, creative-writing, employees, essay, execution, governance, hierarchy, implementation, inspirational, knowledge, motivational, movie, movie-dialogue, novel-writing, philosophy, policies, policy, powerful, productivity, professionalism, profits, progress, proverbs, public-speaking, punchline, quotes, regulations, rhetoric, rules, script, script-writing, scriptwriting, social-networking, speech, speechwriting, story, system, tag-lines, wisdom, writing2 likesLike

Amit Kalantri

“In general, poor is polite and rich is rude.”

― Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

tags: adage, advertisement, alliterations, amit-kalantri, amit-kalantri-quotes, amit-kalantri-writer, billionaire, blog, blogging, boast, book-writing, catch-lines, catchphrases, characters, creative-writing, ego, essay, generous, high-class, inspirational, insult, kind, knowledge, luxury, middle-class, millionaire, money, motivational, movie, movie-dialogue, novel-writing, philosophy, polite, politeness, poor, pride, proud-of-money, proverbs, public-speaking, punchline, quotes, rhetoric, rich, richness, rude, script, script-writing, scriptwriting, slogans, social-networking, speech, speechwriting, story, tag-lines, wealth, wisdom, writing2 likesLike

Amit Kalantri

“A professional who doesn't deliver as committed is not just lazy, he is a liar.”

― Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

tags: adage, advertisement, alliterations, amit-kalantri, amit-kalantri-quotes, amit-kalantri-writer, blog, blogging, book-writing, breach-of-promise, catch-lines, catchphrases, characters, commitment, contract, creative-writing, deadlines, delivery, essay, inspirational, knowledge, lazy, liar, motivational, movie, movie-dialogue, novel-writing, philosophy, professional, professionalism, proverbs, public-speaking, punchline, quotes, rhetoric, script, script-writing, scriptwriting, slogans, social-networking, speech, speechwriting, story, tag-lines, time-lines, wisdom, work, writing2 likesLike

Amit Kalantri

“If where you are is worthwhile then where you are from doesn't matter.”

― Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

tags: adage, advertisement, alliterations, amit-kalantri, amit-kalantri-quotes, amit-kalantri-writer, blog, blogging, book-writing, catch-lines, catchphrases, characters, creative-writing, essay, inspirational, knowledge, motivational, movie, movie-dialogue, novel-writing, origin, past, philosophy, position, proverbs, public-speaking, punchline, quotes, rhetoric, script, script-writing, scriptwriting, social-networking, social-status, source, speech, speechwriting, story, tag-lines, wisdom, worth, worthwhile, worthy, writing2 likesLike

Amit Kalantri

“Mixing old wine with new wine is stupidity, but mixing old wisdom with new wisdom is maturity.”

― Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

tags: adage, advertisement, alcohol, alliterations, amit-kalantri, amit-kalantri-quotes, amit-kalantri-writer, blog, blogging, book-writing, catch-lines, catchphrases, champagne, characters, creative-writing, drinking, essay, expert, guru, inspirational, intelligence, knowledge, knowledgeable, mature, matured, maturity, mix, mixing, mixture, motivational, movie, movie-dialogue, new, new-wine, novel-writing, old, old-wine, philosophy, proverbs, prudence, public-speaking, punchline, quotes, rhetoric, script, script-writing, scriptwriting, social-networking, speech, speechwriting, story, stupidity, tag-lines, wine, wisdom, writing2 likesLike

Amit Kalantri

“Don't mention your move before you make a move.”

― Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

tags: act, adage, advertisement, alliterations, amit-kalantri, amit-kalantri-quotes, amit-kalantri-writer, attack, blog, blogging, book-writing, catch-lines, catchphrases, characters, compromised, confidentiality, creative-writing, essay, inspirational, knowledge, leak, make, make-a-move, mention, motivational, move, movie, movie-dialogue, novel-writing, philosophy, plan, planning, proverbs, public-speaking, punchline, quotes, rhetoric, script, script-writing, scriptwriting, secrecy, secret, slogans, social-networking, speech, speechwriting, spy, story, tag-lines, taking-action, talk, wisdom, writing2 likesLike

Amit Kalantri

“An assembly is extra slow in taking actions.”

― Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

tags: act, action, adage, advertisement, alliterations, amit-kalantri, amit-kalantri-quotes, amit-kalantri-writer, assembly, blog, blogging, book-writing, catch-lines, catchphrases, characters, creative-writing, decision-making, essay, extra, fear, group, individual, inspirational, knowledge, meetings, motivational, movie, movie-dialogue, novel-writing, philosophy, proverbs, public-speaking, punchline, quotes, responsibility, rhetoric, script, script-writing, scriptwriting, slow, sluggish, social-networking, speech, speechwriting, story, tag-lines, taking-actions, wisdom, writing1 likesLike

Amit Kalantri

“In any game, the game itself is the prize, no matter who wins, ultimately both lose the game.”

― Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

tags: adage, advertisement, alliterations, american-football, amit-kalantri, amit-kalantri-quotes, amit-kalantri-writer, badminton, baseball, basketball, blog, blogging, book-writing, catch-lines, catchphrases, characters, contest, creative-writing, cricket, essay, football, game, inspirational, knowledge, loosing, losing, match, motivational, movie, movie-dialogue, novel-writing, philosophy, play, play-down, players, prize, proverbs, public-speaking, punchline, quotes, rhetoric, rugby, script, script-writing, scriptwriting, slogans, soccer, social-networking, speech, speechwriting, sports, sports-club, story, tag-lines, tennis, tournament, trophy, victory, win, winning, wisdom, writing1 likesLike

Amit Kalantri

“It is the sweat of the servants that make their squire look smart.”

― Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

tags: adage, advertisement, alliterations, amit-kalantri, amit-kalantri-quotes, amit-kalantri-writer, blog, blogging, book-writing, boss, business, catch-lines, catchphrases, characters, chauffeur, cleaner, company, cook, creative-writing, daily-wage-earner, employees, employer, employment, essay, gardner, human-resources, inspirational, job, knowledge, labor, maid, motivational, movie, movie-dialogue, novel-writing, owner, philosophy, poor, proprietor, proverbs, public-speaking, punchline, quotes, rhetoric, rich, salary, script, script-writing, scriptwriting, servant, slogans, social-networking, speech, speechwriting, squire, story, sweat, tag-lines, watchman, wisdom, writing1 likesLike

Amit Kalantri

“Most of the people readily accept the principle but resist its practice.”

― Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

tags: accept, action, adage, advertisement, alliterations, amit-kalantri, amit-kalantri-quotes, amit-kalantri-writer, application, apply, blog, blogging, book-writing, catch-lines, catchphrases, characters, creative-writing, essay, execution, inspirational, knowledge, motivational, movie, movie-dialogue, novel-writing, people, philosophy, practice, principle, proverbs, public-speaking, punchline, quotes, resistance, rhetoric, script, script-writing, scriptwriting, social-networking, speech, speechwriting, story, tag-lines, taking-action, wisdom, writing0 likesLike

Amit Kalantri

“Prudence is precaution, prudence is protection.”

― Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

tags: adage, advertisement, alliterations, amit-kalantri, amit-kalantri-quotes, amit-kalantri-writer, blog, blogging, book-writing, catch-lines, catchphrases, characters, common-sense, considerate, creative-writing, defensive, essay, inspirational, knowledge, motivational, movie, movie-dialogue, novel-writing, philosophy, precaution, precautionary, protection, proverbs, prudence, prudent, public-speaking, punchline, quotes, rhetoric, script, script-writing, scriptwriting, social-networking, speech, speechwriting, story, tag-lines, wisdom, writing0 likesLike

Amit Kalantri

“If your prudence stops you every time from taking an action, then you are no more prudent, you are frightened.”

― Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

tags: act, action, adage, advertisement, afraid, alliterations, amit-kalantri, amit-kalantri-quotes, amit-kalantri-writer, blog, blogging, book-writing, careful, catch-lines, catchphrases, cautious, characters, creative-writing, essay, frightened, inspirational, knowledge, motivational, movie, movie-dialogue, novel-writing, philosophy, proverbs, prudence, prudent, public-speaking, punchline, quotes, rhetoric, scared, script, script-writing, scriptwriting, slogans, social-networking, speech, speechwriting, story, tag-lines, taking-action, wisdom, writing0 likesLike

Amit Kalantri

“Anything which you have in profusion is poison”

― Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

tags: abundance, adage, advertisement, alliterations, amit-kalantri, amit-kalantri-quotes, amit-kalantri-writer, bags, blog, blogging, book-writing, catch-lines, catchphrases, characters, cornucopia, creative-writing, essay, exaggeration, extra, glut, heaps, host, inspirational, knowledge, loads, lot, mass, masses, millions, motivational, mountains, movie, movie-dialogue, multitude-informalsea, novel-writing, oodles, philosophy, piles, plenitude, plethora, poison, profusion, proverbs, public-speaking, punchline, quotes, rhetoric, scores, script, script-writing, scriptwriting, shedload, shitload, social-networking, speech, speechwriting, stacks, story, superabundance, superfluity, surfeit-quantities, surplus, tag-lines, tons, too-much, wealth-lots, wisdom, writing0 likesLike

Amit Kalantri

“You cannot choose your face but you can choose your dress.”

― Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

tags: adage, advertisement, alliterations, amit-kalantri, amit-kalantri-quotes, amit-kalantri-writer, apparel, beauty, blog, blogging, book-writing, born-with, catch-lines, catchphrases, catwalk, celebrity, characters, clothes, cool, cosmetics, creative-writing, dress, dressing, dressing-sense, dude, essay, face, face-cream, fashion, fashion-designer, fashion-industry, fashion-quotes, fashion-statement, fashions, garments, god-given, inheritance, inspirational, jeans, knowledge, make-up, makeover, modeling, motivational, movie, movie-dialogue, novel-writing, outfit, outfits, page-3, philosophy, proverbs, public-speaking, punchline, quotes, ramp, rhetoric, script, script-writing, scriptwriting, slogans, social-networking, speech, speechwriting, story, tag-lines, trend, trending, wisdom, writing0 likesLike

Amit Kalantri

“Fear of failure is fiction, face this fact and fear will fall.”

― Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

tags: action, adage, advertisement, alliterations, amit-kalantri, amit-kalantri-quotes, amit-kalantri-writer, belief, believe, blog, blogging, book-writing, catch-lines, catchphrases, characters, courage, creative-writing, doubt, essay, fact, fail, fear, fear-of-failure, future, inspirational, intimidate, knowledge, motivational, movie, movie-dialogue, novel-writing, philosophy, proverbs, public-speaking, punchline, quotes, rhetoric, script, script-writing, scriptwriting, slogans, social-networking, speech, speechwriting, story, success, success-quotes, tag-lines, wisdom, writing0 likesLike

Amit Kalantri

“An old fashioned outfit is not a costume, it's a comedy.”

― Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

tags: adage, advertisement, alliterations, amit-kalantri, amit-kalantri-quotes, amit-kalantri-writer, apparel, beauty, blog, blogging, book-writing, born-with, catch-lines, catchphrases, catwalk, celebrity, characters, clothes, clothes-quotes, comedy, cool, cosmetics, costume, creative-writing, dress, dressing, dressing-sense, dude, essay, face, face-cream, fashion, fashion-designer, fashion-industry, fashion-quotes, fashion-statement, fashions, garments, god-given, inheritance, inspirational, jeans, kitty-party, knowledge, make-fun-of, make-up, makeover, modeling, motivational, movie, movie-dialogue, novel-writing, old-fashioned, outfit, outfits, page-3, philosophy, proverbs, public-speaking, punchline, quotes, ramp, rhetoric, script, script-writing, scriptwriting, slogans, social-networking, speech, speechwriting, story, tag-lines, trend, trending, wisdom, writing0 likesLike

Amit Kalantri

“A poor, who hates power, once become powerful, hates poor.”

― Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

tags: adage, advertisement, alliterations, amit-kalantri, amit-kalantri-quotes, amit-kalantri-writer, blog, blogging, book-writing, catch-lines, catchphrases, characters, creative-writing, essay, hate, hierarchy, inspirational, knowledge, love, motivational, movie, movie-dialogue, novel-writing, philosophy, poor, power, powerful, proverbs, public-speaking, punchline, quotes, rhetoric, rich, script, script-writing, scriptwriting, slogans, social-networking, speech, speechwriting, story, tag-lines, wisdom, writing0 likesLike

Amit Kalantri

“For few matters you need to be solo, for some matters you need soul mate and for many matters you need society,”

“Don't worry. You'll find your message in your mess.”

― Richie Norton

tags: don-t, don-t-worry-be-happy, find, in, mess, message, mission, monetize, movement, organized, public-speaking, richie-norton, speak, speak-up, speaking-out, speaking-your-mind, unorganized, worry, worry-motivational, worry-quote, worrying, worrying-about-the-future, worrying-over-nothing, you-ll, your10 likesLike

Amit Kalantri

“A slip of the foot may injure your body, but a slip of the tongue will injure your bond.”

― Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

tags: adage, advertisement, alliterations, amit-kalantri, amit-kalantri-quotes, amit-kalantri-writer, body, bond, bonding, book-writing, breakups, catch-lines, catchphrases, characters, considerate, creative-writing, essay, foot, friends, injure, injury, inspirational, knowledge, motivational, movie, movie-dialogue, novel-writing, partnership, philosophy, proverbs, public-speaking, quotes, relation, relationships, relatives, respect, rhetoric, script, script-writing, scriptwriting, slip-of-foot, slip-of-the-foot, slip-of-the-tongue, slip-of-tongue, speech, speechwriting, story, strong-bond, tag-lines, talking, think-before-speak, tongue, wisdom, words, writing8 likesLike

Dalai Lama XIV

“If you live with fear and consider yourself as something special then automatically, emotionally, you are distanced from others. You then create the basis for feelings of alienation from others and loneliness. So, I never consider, even when giving a talk to a large crowd, that I am something special, I am 'His Holiness the Dalai Lama' . . . I always emphasize that when I meet people, we are all the same human beings. A thousand people -- same human being. Ten thousand or a hundred thousand -- same human being -- mentally, emotionally, and physically. Then, you see, no barrier. Then my mind remains completely calm and relaxed. If too much emphasis on myself, and I start to think I'm something special, then more anxiety, more nervousness.”

― Dalai Lama XIV, The Book of Joy: Lasting Happiness in a Changing World

tags: anxiety, happiness, loneliness, nervousness, public-speaking, special8 likesLike

Amit Kalantri

“If she says goodbye, someone else will say hi.”

― Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

tags: adage, advertisement, alliterations, amit-kalantri, amit-kalantri-quotes, amit-kalantri-writer, book-writing, boyfriend, breaking-up, breakup, catch-lines, catchphrases, characters, creative-writing, divorce, essay, friendship, girlfriend, goodbye, hello, hi, inspirational, knowledge, let-go, let-go-of-the-past, love, make-new-friends, motivational, movie, movie-dialogue, novel-writing, past, philosophy, pick-up-line, proverbs, public-speaking, punchline, quotes, relationship, rhetoric, romance, script, script-writing, scriptwriting, speech, speechwriting, story, tag-lines, trust, wisdom, writing4 likesLike

Amit Kalantri

“Before you worry about the beauty of your body, worry about the health of your body.”

― Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

tags: adage, advertisement, alliterations, amit-kalantri, amit-kalantri-quotes, amit-kalantri-writer, beautiful, beauty, body, book-writing, catch-lines, catchphrases, characters, clinic, creative-writing, doctors, eating-habits, essay, exercise, fitness, gym, health, healthy, human-body, inspirational, knowledge, medical, medicine, motivational, movie, movie-dialogue, novel-writing, philosophy, proverbs, public-speaking, quotes, rhetoric, script, script-writing, scriptwriting, sickness, speech, speechwriting, story, stress, stress-management, tag-lines, wisdom, work-out, worried, worry, writing4 likesLike

Amit Kalantri

“My spouse is my shield, my spouse is my strength.”

― Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

tags: adage, advertisement, alliterations, amit-kalantri, amit-kalantri-quotes, amit-kalantri-writer, better-half, book-writing, catch-lines, catchphrases, characters, companion, creative-writing, defend, defense, divorce, essay, family, flirting, helpmate, honeymoon, husband, inspirational, intimate, knowledge, marriage, motivational, movie, movie-dialogue, novel-writing, partner, philosophy, pick-up-line, power, protection, proverbs, public-speaking, quotes, relationships, reunion, rhetoric, romance, script, script-writing, scriptwriting, shield, speech, speechwriting, spouse, story, strength, tag-lines, wedding, wife, wisdom, writing3 likesLike

Amit Kalantri

“Seed becomes tree, son becomes stranger.”

― Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

tags: 6-word-memoirs, 6-word-story, adage, advertisement, alliterations, amit-kalantri, amit-kalantri-quotes, amit-kalantri-writer, book-writing, catch-lines, catchphrases, characters, children, creative-writing, daughter, daughters, essay, family, family-relationships, father, inspirational, kids, knowledge, motivational, movie, movie-dialogue, novel-writing, parethood, philosophy, proverbs, public-speaking, quotes, relationships, rhetoric, script, script-writing, scriptwriting, seed, short-story, six-word-story, son, speech, speechwriting, story, stranger, tag-lines, tree, wisdom, writing3 likesLike

Amit Kalantri

“You can not control the thought, but you can control the tongue.”

― Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

tags: adage, advertisement, alliterations, amit-kalantri, amit-kalantri-quotes, amit-kalantri-writer, argument, book-writing, catch-lines, catchphrases, characters, control, creative-writing, essay, inspirational, knowledge, motivational, movie, movie-dialogue, novel-writing, philosophy, profanity, proverbs, public-speaking, quotes, relationships, reserved, reticent, rhetoric, script, script-writing, scriptwriting, sentences, slip-of-tongue, speak-less, speaking, speech, speechwriting, story, tacit, taciturnity, tag-lines, talkative, talking, thinking, thought, thoughts, tongue, wisdom, words, writing3 likesLike

Amit Kalantri

“Faster is fatal, slower is safe.”

― Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

tags: 6-word-stories, 6-word-story, accidental, accidents, adage, advertisement, alliterations, amit-kalantri, amit-kalantri-quotes, amit-kalantri-writer, bikes, book-writing, car, catch-lines, catchphrases, characters, chauffeur, creative-writing, driver, driving, driving-license, drunk-driving, essay, fast, faster, fatal, four-wheeler, freeways, helmet, highways, inspirational, knowledge, mishap, motivational, movie, movie-dialogue, novel-writing, philosophy, proverbs, public-speaking, quotes, racing, rhetoric, riding, road-accidents, road-safety, safe, script, script-writing, scriptwriting, security, six-word-memoirs, six-word-story, slogans, slow, slower, speech, speechwriting, story, tag-lines, transportation, wisdom, writing3 likesLike

Amit Kalantri

“The wrong man is not always wrong because of his wrong actions, often he is wrong because of no actions.”

― Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

tags: act, actions, adage, advertisement, alliterations, amit-kalantri, amit-kalantri-quotes, amit-kalantri-writer, book-writing, catch-lines, catchphrases, characters, creative-writing, essay, evil-people, good-people, incorrect, inspirational, karma, karma-quotes, knowledge, man, motivational, movie, movie-dialogue, novel-writing, person, philosophy, proverbs, public-speaking, quotes, rhetoric, script, script-writing, scriptwriting, speech, speechwriting, story, tag-lines, taking-action, wisdom, woman, writing, wrong, wrong-actions3 likesLike

Amit Kalantri

“Sacrifice of the self is sheer stupidity if sacrifice is not for the self.”

― Amit Kalantri

tags: adage, advantage, advertisement, alliterations, amit-kalantri, amit-kalantri-quotes, amit-kalantri-writer, book-writing, catch-lines, catchphrases, characters, charity, essay, inspirational, knowledge, motivational, movie, movie-dialogue, novel-writing, own, personal-loss, philosophy, proverbs, public-speaking, quotes, rhetoric, scrifice, script, script-writing, scriptwriting, self, self-centered, self-interest, self-respect, selfishness, social-service, soul, speech, speechwriting, story, struggle, stupid, stupidity, tag-lines, to-give-up, tolerance, tolerate, wisdom, writing3 likesLike

Amit Kalantri

“In modern times couples are more concerned about loyalty than love.”

― Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

tags: adage, advertisement, affairs, alliterations, amit-kalantri, amit-kalantri-quotes, amit-kalantri-writer, book-writing, boyfriend, catch-lines, catchphrases, characters, cheating-in-relationships, cheating-on-someone, commitment, contemporary, couples, creative-writing, essay, extramarital-affair, girlfriend, husband, inspirational, knowledge, love, loving, loyal, loyalty, marriage, matrimony, modern-times, motivational, movie, movie-dialogue, novel-writing, pair, philosophy, present-times, proverbs, public-speaking, punchline, quotes, recent-times, rhetoric, script, script-writing, scriptwriting, sex, sex-quotes, speech, speechwriting, story, tag-lines, trust, valentine, valentines-day, wedding, wife, wisdom, writing3 likesLike

Amit Kalantri

“Routine ruins the life, variety vitalise the life.”

― Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

tags: 6-word-stories, adage, advertisement, alliterations, amit-kalantri, amit-kalantri-quotes, amit-kalantri-writer, book-writing, catch-lines, catchphrases, change, change-your-life, characters, creative-writing, decay, destroy, energy, entertainment, essay, everyday, everyday-life, inspirational, knowledge, life, motivational, movie, movie-dialogue, novel-writing, party, philosophy, procedure, proverbs, public-speaking, quotes, rhetoric, routine, ruin, schedule, script, script-writing, scriptwriting, six-word-memoirs, six-word-story, speech, speechwriting, story, tag-lines, variety, vitalise, vitalize, wisdom, writing3 likesLike

Amit Kalantri

“One who doesn't recognise an opportunity is bigger loser than one who tries his hand at an opportunity.”

― Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

tags: action, adage, advertisement, alliterations, amit-kalantri, amit-kalantri-quotes, amit-kalantri-writer, book-writing, catch-lines, catchphrases, chance, characters, creative-writing, diagnosis, entrepreneur, entrepreneurship, essay, failure, hard-work, identify, inspirational, keep-trying, knowledge, lose, loser, losing, losing-an-opportunity, luck, motivational, movie, movie-dialogue, novel-writing, opportunity, persistence, philosophy, proverbs, public-speaking, quotes, recognise, recognize, rhetoric, script, script-writing, scriptwriting, speech, speechwriting, startup, story, success, tag-lines, taking-action, taking-chances, taking-risk, try, trying, wisdom, writing2 likesLike

Amit Kalantri

“Civilians enjoy their time because soldiers sacrifice their time.”

― Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

tags: adage, advertisement, alliterations, amit-kalantri, amit-kalantri-quotes, amit-kalantri-writer, armed-forces, army, book-writing, catch-lines, catchphrases, characters, citizen, civilian, civilians, country, creative-writing, defence, enjoy, essay, foreign-attack, india, indian-army, indian-authors, inspirational, knowledge, motivational, movie, movie-dialogue, nation, novel-writing, philosophy, protecting-country, protection, proverbs, public-speaking, punchline, quotes, rhetoric, sacrifice, script, script-writing, scriptwriting, soldiers, speech, speechwriting, story, tag-lines, time, wisdom, writing2 likesLike

Amit Kalantri

“Don't always use prudence for precaution, sometimes use it for progress.”

― Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

tags: action, adage, advertisement, advice, advise, alliterations, amit-kalantri, amit-kalantri-quotes, amit-kalantri-writer, book-writing, care, careful, catch-lines, catchphrases, characters, creative-writing, development, discussion, essay, experience, fear, inspirational, knowledge, meetings, motivational, movie, movie-dialogue, novel-writing, opinions, philosophy, precaution, progress, proverbs, prudence, prudent, public-speaking, quotes, rhetoric, scared, script, script-writing, scriptwriting, speech, speechwriting, story, suggestions, tag-lines, wisdom, writing2 likesLike

Amit Kalantri

“Education makes your maths better, not necessarily your manners.”

― Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

tags: academics, adage, advertisement, alliterations, amit-kalantri, amit-kalantri-quotes, amit-kalantri-writer, arrogance, behaviour, book-writing, catch-lines, catchphrases, characters, classroom, coaching, creative-writing, education, ego, essay, inspirational, knowledge, manners, math, mathematics, motivational, movie, movie-dialogue, novel-writing, parents, philosophy, proverbs, public-speaking, quotes, rhetoric, school, script, script-writing, scriptwriting, speech, speechwriting, story, student, tag-lines, teacher, tutions, wisdom, writing2 likesLike

Amit Kalantri

“Uniform of a soldier and uniform of a student both are equally needed for the nation.”

― Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

tags: adage, advertisement, alliterations, amit-kalantri, amit-kalantri-quotes, amit-kalantri-writer, army, book-writing, catch-lines, catchphrases, characters, country, creative-writing, defence, education, essay, government, india, indian-authors, inspirational, knowledge, men-in-uniform, motivational, movie, movie-dialogue, nation, novel-writing, philosophy, proverbs, public-speaking, quotes, rhetoric, schools, script, script-writing, scriptwriting, soldier, speech, speechwriting, state, story, strength, student, study, tag-lines, uniform, wisdom, writing1 likesLike

Amit Kalantri

“Before we complicated life with money, machines and missiles we did well with morals, manpower and meetings.”

― Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

tags: 20th-century, adage, advertisement, alliterations, amit-kalantri, amit-kalantri-quotes, amit-kalantri-writer, blog, blogging, book-writing, catch-lines, catchphrases, characters, complicated-life, conversation, creative-writing, essay, inspirational, inventions, knowledge, life, machine, machines, manpower, meetings, missile, missiles, modern-times, money, morals, motivational, movie, movie-dialogue, new-age, novel-writing, old-is-gold, old-times, peace, peace-of-mind, philosophy, power, present-times, proverbs, public-speaking, punchline, quotes, rhetoric, science, script, script-writing, scriptwriting, simplicity-in-life, social-networking, speech, speechwriting, story, tag-lines, technology, tradition, traditional, urban, war, weapons, wisdom, world-war, writing1 likesLike

Amit Kalantri

“When wealth goes only happiness goes, when health goes even the hope goes.”

― Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

tags: adage, advertisement, alliterations, amit-kalantri, amit-kalantri-quotes, amit-kalantri-writer, book-writing, catch-lines, catchphrases, characters, creative-writing, doctor, eating-habits, essay, exercise, fit, happiness, happy, health, health-is-wealth, healthy, hope, inspirational, knowledge, motivational, movie, movie-dialogue, novel-writing, philosophy, physical-health, proverbs, public-speaking, quotes, rhetoric, script, script-writing, scriptwriting, speech, speechwriting, story, tag-lines, wealth, wisdom, writing1 likesLike

“You sit right next to me.

Still you don't seem close to me.”

― Shillpi S Banerrji

tags: closer, friendship, goodreads-authors, goodreads-quotes, haunting, love, public-speaking, stranger-than-fiction, strangers, trolls1 likesLike

Amit Kalantri

“Don't compare the size of your roof with the size of the sky.”

― Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

tags: adage, advertisement, alliterations, amit-kalantri, amit-kalantri-quotes, amit-kalantri-writer, book-writing, catch-lines, catchphrases, characters, compare-to, comparison, creative-writing, essay, financial-condition, greediness, greedy, happiness, home, inspirational, knowledge, money, motivational, movie, movie-dialogue, novel-writing, philosophy, poor, position, proverbs, public-speaking, quotes, resources, rhetoric, rich, richness, roof, script, script-writing, scriptwriting, sky, sky-quotes, speech, speechwriting, story, tag-lines, wisdom, writing1 likesLike

Amit Kalantri

“Brilliance of the brain must be admired more than beauty of the body.”

― Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

tags: adage, advertisement, alliterations, amit-kalantri, amit-kalantri-quotes, amit-kalantri-writer, beautiful-intelligence, beauty, body, book-writing, brain, brilliance, brilliant, catch-lines, catchphrases, characters, clever, cleverness, creative-writing, essay, genius, genius-quotes, inspirational, knowledge, mind, mind-power, motivational, movie, movie-dialogue, novel-writing, philosophy, proverbs, public-speaking, quotes, rhetoric, science, scientist, script, script-writing, scriptwriting, speech, speechwriting, story, tag-lines, wisdom, writing1 likesLike

Amit Kalantri

“The world is administered by rich but it is constructed by poor.”

― Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

tags: adage, administer, advertisement, alliterations, amit-kalantri, amit-kalantri-quotes, amit-kalantri-writer, book-writing, build, catch-lines, catchphrases, characters, construction, creative-writing, economy, essay, inspirational, knowledge, labor, manage, mind, money, motivational, movie, movie-dialogue, muscle, novel-writing, philosophy, poor, proverbs, public-speaking, quotes, rhetoric, rich, richness, script, script-writing, scriptwriting, social, speech, speechwriting, story, tag-lines, wisdom, work-force, workman, workmanship, world, writing0 likesLike

Salvador Dalí

“Готовясь написать то, что следует ниже, я впервые прибегаю к помощи своих лакированных башмаков, которые никогда не мог носить подолгу, ибо они чудовищно жмут. Обычно я обувал их непосредственно перед началом какого‑нибудь публичного выступления. Порождаемая ими болезненная скованность ступней до предела подстегивает мои ораторские способности. Эта изощренная, сдавливающая боль заставляет меня петь не хуже соловья или какого‑нибудь уличного неаполитанского певца – кстати, они тоже носят слишком тесные башмаки. Идущее откуда‑то прямо из нутра острое физическое вожделение, нарастающая мучительная пытка, которые я испытываю благодаря своим лакированным башмакам, заставляют меня буквально извергаться словами возвышенной истины, до предела сжатой, концентрированной и обобщенной благодаря той верховной инквизиции боли, которую вызывают' лакированные башмаки в моих ступнях.”

― Salvador Dalí

tags: dali, eccentricity, public-speaking, shoes0 likesLike

Amit Kalantri

“Principles in a poor is admirable as politeness in a prince.”

― Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

tags: adage, admirable, admire, advertisement, alliterations, amit-kalantri, amit-kalantri-quotes, amit-kalantri-writer, book-writing, catch-lines, catchphrases, characters, creative-writing, essay, ethics, inspirational, integrity, king, knowledge, luxury, motivational, movie, movie-dialogue, novel-writing, philosophy, polite, politeness, poor, prince, principles, proverbs, public-speaking, quotes, rhetoric, rich, richness, script, script-writing, scriptwriting, speech, speechwriting, story, tag-lines, wisdom, writing0 likesLike

Amit Kalantri

“Words are better than weapons, wisdom is better than war.”

― Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

tags: adage, advertisement, alliterations, amit-kalantri, amit-kalantri-quotes, amit-kalantri-writer, battle, book-writing, border, catch-lines, catchphrases, characters, conversation, creative-writing, essay, foreign-ministry, foreign-policy, government, inspirational, knowledge, motivational, movie, movie-dialogue, novel-writing, peace, peaceful-world, philosophy, proverbs, public-speaking, quotes, rhetoric, script, script-writing, scriptwriting, speech, speechwriting, story, tag-lines, war, weapons, wisdom, words, writing0 likesLike

Amit Kalantri

“Simplicity saves strength.”

― Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

tags: adage, advertisement, alliterations, amit-kalantri, amit-kalantri-quotes, amit-kalantri-writer, being-natural, blog, blogging, book-writing, catch-lines, catchphrases, characters, complex, complexity, complicated, creative-writing, easy, essay, inspirational, knowledge, motivational, movie, movie-dialogue, natural, novel-writing, philosophy, proverbs, public-speaking, punchline, quotes, rhetoric, save, script, script-writing, scriptwriting, simple, simplicity, social-networking, speech, speechwriting, story, strength, tag-lines, wisdom, writing0 likesLike

Amit Kalantri

“Action achieves ambition.”

― Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

tags: achieve, achieves, act, action, adage, advertisement, alliterations, ambition, ambitious, amit-kalantri, amit-kalantri-quotes, amit-kalantri-writer, blog, blogging, book-writing, catch-lines, catchphrases, characters, creative-writing, efforts, essay, goal, goals, hard-work, inspirational, karma, knowledge, motivational, movie, movie-dialogue, novel-writing, philosophy, proverbs, public-speaking, punchline, quotes, rhetoric, script, script-writing, scriptwriting, social-networking, speech, speechwriting, story, tag-lines, taking-action, taking-steps, targets, try, trying, wisdom, wishes, writing0 likesLike

Amit Kalantri

“Rich can live better than poor but they cannot live without poor.”

“Just keep in mind," Liaro said, "they're not going to remember the words. They'll remember how you made them feel. Make them feel something.”

― Kameron Hurley, The Mirror Empire

tags: advice, politics, public-speaking7 likesLike

H.L. Balcomb

“Be your own kind of brave.”

― H.L. Balcomb, Cinderella In Focus: "Finding hope when you're feeling a sense of hopelessness!" pub date: Dec. 2018

tags: brave, empowerment, gift, glossophibia, hlbalcomb, individuality, missylou, public-speaking, you6 likesLike

Israelmore Ayivor

“Good communication has just a little to do with eloquence. It's character that makes it more successful. Harsh words nicely articulated are sharp enough to kill your brand!”

― Israelmore Ayivor, The Great Hand Book of Quotes

tags: articulate, behave, behaviour, brand, brand-yourself, brands, character, communicate, communication, communicative, communicative-skills, eloquence, food-for-thought, good, good-communication, harsh, harsh-words, israelmore-ayivor, leadership-qualities, little, nice, personal-branding, poor-communication, public-speaking, sharp, small, succeed, success, successful, talk, talk-well, word, words6 likesLike

“What does it mean to be an advocate?
In its broadest sense, advocacy means “any public action to support and recommend a cause, policy or practice.” That covers a lot of public actions, from displaying
 a bumper sticker to sounding off with a bullhorn. But whether the action is slapping something on the back of a car or speaking in front of millions, every act of advocacy involves making some kind of public statement, one that says, “I support this.” Advocacy is a communicative act. Advocacy is also a persuasive act. “I support this” is usually followed by another statement (sometimes only implied): “...and you should, too.” Advocacy not only means endorsing a cause or idea, but recommending, promoting, defending, or arguing for it.”

― John Capecci and Timothy Cage, Living Proof: Telling Your Story to Make a Difference

tags: advocacy, advocate, communication, definition-of-advocacy, persuasion, public-speaking5 likesLike


“Thinking in loneliness and speaking in public are the two things leaders are masters at.”

― Vikrmn, Guru with Guitar

tags: ca-vikram-verma, chartered-accountant, guru-with-guitar, gwg, leaders, loneliness, masters, motivational-quotes, public-speaking, speaking, thinking, tpr, tune-play-repeat, vikram, vikram-verma, vikrmn4 likesLike

“So often our power lies not in ourselves, but in how we help others find their own strength.”

― Amy Lee Peine

tags: activism, power, public-speaking4 likesLike

“See every situation as a BLOT i.e. everything that comes your way is either a Blessing, Lesson, Opportunity, or a Test.”

― Henry Agbebire

tags: inspirational, life-lessons, public-speaking4 likesLike

Amit Kalantri

“It is always healthy to be honest.”

― Amit Kalantri

tags: adage, advertisement, amit-kalantri, amit-kalantri-quotes, amit-kalantri-writer, catch-lines, catch-phrases, debate, fact, forthright, forthrightness, health, healthy, honest, honesty, inspirational, knowledge, lie, lies, motivational, movie-dialogue, peace, peace-of-mind, peaceful, philosophy, policy, politics, proverbs, public-speaking, rhetoric, rhetorics, script, script-writing, speech, speech-writing, straight, taglines, transparency, transparent, true, truth, wisdom3 likesLike

“Improvement is achieved by the ripple effect of a few simple changes in approach, attitude, or habit.”

― Dale Ludwig

tags: business-presentations, communication, improvement, presentation-skills, presentations, public-speaking3 likesLike

Simon Callow

“He very soon acquired the reputation of being the best public speaker of his time. He had taken pains to master the art, approaching it with scientific precision. On the morning of a day on which he was giving a speech, he once told Wilkie Collins, he would take a long walk during which he would establish the various headings to be dealt with. Then, in his mind’s eye, he would arrange them as on a cart wheel, with himself as the hub and each heading a spoke. As he dealt with a subject, the relevant imaginary spoke would drop out. When there were no more spokes, the speech was at an end. Close observers of Dickens noticed that while he was speaking he would make a quick action of the finger at the end of each topic, as if he were knocking the spoke away.”

― Simon Callow, Charles Dickens and the Great Theatre of the World

tags: charles-dickens, public-speaking, speech3 likesLike

Miya Yamanouchi

“Heartfelt communicators make such a difference in the lives of others through their authentic depth and sincere expression.”

― Miya Yamanouchi, Embrace Your Sexual Self: A Practical Guide for Women

tags: authentic, depth, heartfelt, meaningful, motivational-speaker, motivational-speaking, public-speaker, public-speaking, sincerity2 likesLike

Amit Kalantri

“True leaders don't give consoling answers, they take constructive actions.”

― Amit Kalantri

tags: act, action, actions, amit-kalantri, amit-kalantri-quotes, amit-kalantri-writer, answers, console, consoling, constructive, inspiration, inspirational, inspirational-quotes, lead, leader, leadership, leadership-development, leadership-quotes, management, motivation, motivational, motivational-quotes, philosophy, public-speaker, public-speaking, speak, taking-action, to-act, to-work, true, true-leader, true-leaders, wisdom2 likesLike

Israelmore Ayivor

“To know if someone can speak offensively or politely, don’t give him poem to recite; don’t give him a song to sing. Just engage him in an argument and you will know it for yourself who he is.”

― Israelmore Ayivor, Leaders' Ladder

tags: argue, argument, engage, food-for-thought, impolite, israelmore-ayivor, leader, leaders, leadership, lifestyle, manner, offence, offend, offends, offensive, personal-branding, personal-development, poem, public-speaking, recite, rude, sing, song, talk-politely, tongue2 likesLike

Langston Hughes

“The speaker catches fire

looking at their faces.

His words

jump down to stand

in listener's places.”

― Langston Hughes, Selected Poems

tags: public-speaking2 likesLike

“All those iconic presenters of today were a shy little kid back then.”

― Aayush Jain

tags: good-presentations, ideas-quotes, presentation, public-speaking, public-speaking-fear, speakers2 likesLike

Bernard Kelvin Clive

“Don't wait for a huge platform before you give of your best performance”

― Bernard Kelvin Clive

tags: excellence, hardwork, performance, public-speaking2 likesLike

“Well-designed visuals do more than provide information; they bring order to the conversation.”

― Dale Ludwig and Greg Owen-Boger

tags: business-presentations, communication, conversation, powerpoint, presentations, public-speaking, visual-aids2 likesLike

Philip Zaleski

“Lewis had developed a trademark style, slow enough for note taking, loud enough to rouse the dullest listener, straightforward, abundantly furnished with quotations, and lavish in wit.”

― Philip Zaleski, The Fellowship: The Literary Lives of the Inklings: J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, Owen Barfield, Charles Williams

tags: communication, education, public-speaking, rhetoric1 likesLike

Amit Kalantri

“I don't speak very well, I work very well.”

― Amit Kalantri

tags: amit-kalantri, amit-kalantri-quotes, amit-kalantri-writer, communication, good-work, inspiration, inspirational, inspirational-quotes, motivation, motivational, motivational-quotes, philosophy, public-speaking, speak, speaking, talk, talking, verbal, well, wisdom, work, work-well, workman, workmanship1 likesLike

“Public speaking skills are an essential key to achieving career advancement and success.”

― Robert Moment, How to Overcome the Fear of Public Speaking With Easy to Use Ideas, Tips and Strategies

tags: career, fear, public-speaking, success1 likesLike

“Fear of public speaking can be overcome with effective public speaking tips, skills and strategies.”

― Robert Moment, How to Overcome the Fear of Public Speaking With Easy to Use Ideas, Tips and Strategies

tags: fear, public-speaking, speeches, strategy1 likesLike

“A single 10-minute presentation has the power to convert your idea into reality.”

― Aayush Jain

tags: engaging, inspirational, inspirational-quotes, persuasion, presentation, public-speaking0 likesLike

“A recent survey of Top Five Fears places public speaking alongside “identity theft” and “mass shootings.” In the 1980s, it completed with “nuclear destruction.” In the 1970s, “shark attack.”

― John Capecci and Timothy Cage, Living Proof: Telling Your Story to Make a Difference

tags: presentations, public-speaking, speech0 likesLike

Kató Lomb

“When he is dissected after his death," a disrespectful interpreter said of a foreign dignitary, "a million predicates will be found in his stomach: those he swallowed in the past decades without saying them.”

― Kató Lomb

tags: business, funny, interpreting, languages, public-speaking, speech, stomach, translating, translation0 likesLike

Chris J. Anderson

“We live in an era where the best way to make a dent on the world may no longer be to write a letter to the editor or publish a book. It may be simply to stand up and say something . . . because both the words and the passion with which they are delivered can now spread across the world at warp speed.”

― Chris J. Anderson, TED Talks: The Official TED Guide to Public Speaking

tags: passion, power, public-speaking, ted-talks, words0 likesLike

Agona Apell

“In the world of oratory, the cunning atheist declares himself a believer so as to preserve access to the rich fund of tales from religious texts and to powerful concepts like God, fate, angels, the soul, & the afterlife.”

― Agona Apell, The Success Genome Unravelled: Turning Men from Rot to Rock

tags: leadership-quotes, orator, oratory, public-speaking, quotes-about-life0 likesLike

Danielle Dutton

“One night, the Duarte girl, sang poems set to music in a voice so clear I felt my soul rise up inside my ear. In a garden of clematis, with servants dressed like Gypsies placing candles in the trees, we assembled on the grass, between a Belgian wood and {the Duchess of Lorraine}'s glassy pond. In a pale orange gown I read two pieces I'd prepared...When the ladies clapped their approval in the dark, everything, to me, was suddenly bright and near.”

― Danielle Dutton, Margaret the First

tags: applause, approbation, first-taste-of-fame, public-speaking0 likesLike

Will Advise

“If I were offering hip replacement services I'd use Jarod Kintz as my spokesman. No one can possibly be better than him, to replace the missing spoke in your wheels.”

― Will Advise, Nothing is here...

tags: better, bicycle, bicycles, elderly, elderly-people, grandfather, jarod-kintz, lacking, missing, no-one, nothing, old, old-age, possibility, possible, public-speaking, repair, repairs, service, services, spokesman, wheel, wheels0 likesLike

Ali Smith

“Everybody turns to look at him. It is quite frightening.”

― Ali Smith

tags: frightening, looking, people, public-speaking0 likesLike

Ruth Bonetti

“A few mistakes do not a fiasco make. Professionals throw them off casually but file them away to reinvent as an endearing anecdote in later presentations. Make them part of the performance! Put them behind you and keep going whatever happens.”

“Live an active life among people who are doing worthwhile things, keep eyes and ears and mind and heart open to absorb truth, and then tell of the things you know, as if you know them. The world will listen, for the world loves nothing so much as real life.”

― Dale Carnegie, The Art of Public Speaking

tags: advice, public-speaking19 likesLike

Patricia Briggs

“Charles was most comfortable by himself or, if that wasn't possible, with his pack in the wild. Talking for hours in a crowded auditorium was not on any list of things he enjoyed—or things he was good at. At least no one had died. Yet.”

― Patricia Briggs, Hunting Ground

tags: alpha-and-omega, charles-cornick, humor, hunting-ground, public-speaking13 likesLike

Dale Carnegie

“There is only one excuse for a speaker's asking the attention of his audience: he must have either truth or entertainment for them.”

― Dale Carnegie, The Art of Public Speaking

tags: public-speaking9 likesLike

“Disabilities are not Liabilities but true test of abilities”

― Emmanuel Ayeni

tags: blogging, emmanuelayeni-com, financial-freedom, inspirational, motivational-quotes, public-speaking, success, writing8 likesLike


“Even hackneyed and commonplace maxims are to be used, if they suit one's purpose: just because they are commonplace, every one seems to agree with them, and therefore they are taken for truth.”

― Aristotle, The Rhetoric & The Poetics of Aristotle

tags: maxims, oratory, public-speaking, rhetoric6 likesLike

John Adams

“Eloquence in public assemblies is not the surest road to fame and preferment, at least unless it be used with great caution, very rarely, and with great reserve.”

― John Adams

tags: circumspection, eloquence, public-speaking4 likesLike

“Perfection, in the form of a flawless stream of words delivered with cool composure, is never as persuasive as realness. An impassioned but imperfect speech, which shows you care too much to hide flaws, is far more compelling.”

― Charlotte Beers, I'd Rather Be in Charge: A Legendary Business Leader's Roadmap for Achieving Pride, Power, and Joy at Work

tags: inspiration, passion, public-speaking, realness, vulnerability3 likesLike

George F. Will

“Because of demagogues, rhetoric has a tainted reputation in our time. However, rhetoric is central to democratic governance. It can fuse passion and persuasion, moving free people to freely choose what is noble.”

― George will, One Man's America: The Pleasures and Provocations of Our Singular Nation

tags: leadership, motivation, public-speaking, rhetoric3 likesLike


“It is this simplicity that makes the uneducated more effective than the educated when addressing popular audiences—makes them, as the poets tell us, 'charm the crowd's ears more finely.' Educated men lay down broad general principles; uneducated men argue from common knowledge and draw obvious conclusions.”

― Aristotle, The Rhetoric & The Poetics of Aristotle

tags: public-speaking, rhetoric, simplicity3 likesLike

Michael Bassey Johnson

“Stage fright is very common and could be overcomed through step by step processes, but stuttering is a fright that takes time to conquer.”

― Michael Bassey Johnson

tags: capacity, disability, food-for-thought, hindrance, how-people-view-stammering, how-to-overcome-it, i-was-a-stammerer, idea, influence, public-speaking, say-it-right, speaking-difficulties, speech, stage-fright, stammerers, stammering, stuttering, talking, training-yourself3 likesLike


“Avoid the enthymeme form when you are trying to rouse feeling; for it will either kill the feeling or will itself fall flat: all simultaneous motions tend to cancel each other either completely or partially.”

― Aristotle, The Rhetoric & The Poetics of Aristotle

tags: enthymeme, public-speaking, rhetoric3 likesLike


“The maxim, as has been already said, is a general statement, and people love to hear stated in general terms what they already believe in some particular connexion: e.g. if a man happens to have bad neighbors or bad children, he will agree with any one who tells him 'Nothing is more annoying than having neighbors,' or, 'Nothing is more foolish than to be the parent of children.' The orator has therefore to guess the subjects on which his hearers really hold views already, and what those views are, and then must express, as general truths, these same views on these same subjects. This is one advantage of using maxims.”

― Aristotle, The Rhetoric & The Poetics of Aristotle

tags: maxim, oratory, public-speaking, rhetoric2 likesLike


“Now if you have proofs to bring forward, bring them forward, and your moral discourse as well; if you have no enthymemes, then fall back upon moral discourse: after all, it is more fitting for a good man to display himself as an honest fellow than as a subtle reasoner.”

― Aristotle, The Rhetoric & The Poetics of Aristotle

tags: public-speaking, rhetoric2 likesLike

“Performers should realize they not only have to prepare themselves for concert purposes as far as memorizing their programs goes, but for the business of just walking out before the people …. It is important to play before an imaginary audience too. Before I play in public I very often play a program three or four times as though I were seated before a actual audience.”

― Leonard Rose

tags: musician, nervousness, performing, public-speaking2 likesLike


“These are the three things—volume of sound, modulation of pitch, and rhythm—that a speaker bears in mind. It is those who do bear them in mind who usually win prizes in the dramatic contests; and just as in drama the actors now count for more than the poets, so it is in the contests of public life, owing to the defects of our political institutions.”

― Aristotle, The Rhetoric & The Poetics of Aristotle

tags: cadence, oratory, public-speaking, rhetoric, speeches1 likesLike

“During the first few minutes of your presentation, your job is to assure the audience members that you are not going to waste their time and attention.”

― Dale Ludwig and Greg Owen-Boger

tags: business-presentations, communication, presentation-skills, presentations, public-speaking1 likesLike

Sara Sheridan

“Being able to read well in public and talk about your work in an engaging fashion is part of most writers' job specification.”

― Sara Sheridan

tags: engagement, job, job-specificaion, public-speaking, talking, writers, writing1 likesLike

Todd Stocker

“Some will, some won't. Look for the ones who will.”

― Todd Stocker

tags: leadership, marketing, motivational, public-speaking, public-speaking-fear, sales1 likesLike

“Just as you can’t rehearse your way to success, you can’t design your way there either.”

― Dale Ludwig and Greg Owen-Boger

tags: business-presentations, communication, presentation-skills, presentations, public-speaking, rehearsal, success1 likesLike

Scott Berkun

“Dacă ești prea leneș ca să repeți, atunci și publicul va fi prea leneș ca să te urmărească.”

― Scott Berkun, Confessions of a Public Speaker

tags: public-speaking0 likesLike

Agona Apell

“Oratory is the highest form of music”

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