Tuesday 26 November 2019

400 Positive Affirmations

400 Positive Affirmations: What They Are and How To Use Them

Positive affirmations are statements designed to help overcome negative thoughts, such as self-doubt, lack of confidence, or self-labeling. Positive affirmations work best when you repeat them throughout your day, as this will result in positive changes. They can be seen as exercises that will improve your mental health and outlook on life.

How Positive Affirmations Work

Positive affirmations are meant to be repeated often to help you deal with self-sabotaging thoughts. Repeating affirmations can reprogram how we think and change the way we act. There are several different lists of positive affirmations to choose from that can be used for different situations (e.g., work, anxiety, stress, and success).

Once you choose a list, find the affirmations that resonate with you most. Next, it’s best to write the statements down on a piece of paper and place it somewhere you will see it throughout your day. As you become more comfortable with this practice, you’ll learn to remember to repeat affirmations without being reminded. If you want to create your own affirmation statements, that is a great option too.

There are several studies which suggest that affirmations can improve your performance at work, reduce your stress levels, and mitigate the effects of low self-esteem. They’ve also been proven to build up the areas of our brain that promote positive changes in our health and well-being. Overall, the impact they have is uplifting and rewarding.

How to Use Positive Affirmations

Positive affirmations can be used for any parts of your life where you’d like to make a positive change. They can raise your self-confidence, control negative thoughts, improve your self-esteem, increase your productivity at work, and help overcome poor habits.

Positive affirmations can be used to:

Raise your self-confidence: This can be for a work presentation, job interview, competitive event, poetry slam, or anything alike. You can use these affirmations to make yourself believe you have what it takes.

Control negative thoughts: Affirmations can serve as an avenue to overcome your negative thoughts, such as self-doubt and self-sabotaging. If we repeat them enough, we can reprogram our brain to think positively.

Improve your self-esteem: There have been several studies that prove these positive statements can help improve your self-worth and self-esteem. Let these statements guide you toward believing in yourself.

Increase your productivity at work: These positive statements can help us in difficult or challenging work situations. Reminding yourself that you can complete the tasks ahead will increase your productivity.

Help overcome poor habits: We have the power to take our old habits and reverse them to positive habits. Through repetition, we can overcome our poor habits.

At the end of the day, these positive statements can have a positive impact on several areas of your life. Although you could use a list provided below, you can also write your own affirmation statements.

4 Tips for Writing Positive Affirmation Statements

Writing your own affirmation statements can be difficult at first. It’s important to think of areas of life you want to change, make sure your statements are attainable, turn negative thoughts into positives, and write your affirmations in the present tense. By following these steps, you can begin to write your own powerful statements.

The best four tips for writing your own affirmation statements are:
Think of areas of your life where you want to improve: It’s crucial to think of the areas you want to change most. Write down the several different areas you want to improve on and begin to build statements around those areas.

Make sure your affirmation is attainable: Making your affirmation statements achievable can help motivate you to keep making positive changes. For example, it’s best to write a statement about improving your confidence compared to one about making a million dollars. The former is more attainable.

Turn negative thoughts into positives: If you experience a lot of negative thoughts, write them down and read over them. Then, think of statements that are the opposite of these negative thoughts and beliefs.

Write your affirmation in the present tense: It’s important to write your affirmation statements as if they’ve already in motion. This helps you believe that these positive changes are already manifesting in your life.

These tips are meant to help you understand the foundation of writing your own statements. However, as with most things, you will learn best by doing. With that being said, if you don’t want to write your own statements, you will find a list of positive affirmations below for all different types of situations.

List of Positive Affirmations

Although writing your own positive statements is rewarding, sometimes a list can get you started on the right foot. Some of the most common lists of affirmations include affirmations for work, kids, women, success, and anxiety. In this section, we will cover these, alongside several others.

Here is a list of 400 positive affirmation statements:

Positive Affirmations for Work

Here are 20 affirmations for work:

I belong in my job.

I am successful.

I trust my work.

I perform well under stressful situations.

I go above and beyond expectations.

I’m passionate about my company.

My work brings me joy and happiness.

My team and coworkers respect me.

I am chasing my dreams.

I’m compensated well.

My company invests in me.

I am taking the right steps to advance my career.

I’m a valuable asset to my team.

I am talented and capable.

I can do anything I put my mind to.

I am a leader.

I apply what I learn at work in my personal life.

I am recognized for my achievements.

My colleagues appreciate working with me.

People come to me for help because I am knowledgeable.

Positive Affirmations for Kids

Here are 20 affirmations for kids:

I am enough.

I am growing into who I’m meant to be.

I am an amazing person.

All my problems have solutions.

I can make a difference.

Today I choose to be confident.

My positive thoughts create positive feelings.

When I fall down, I get up stronger.

Every day is a new, fresh start.

I am helpful.

I am friendly.

I smile often because I enjoy my friends.

I listen to my heart.

I am loved.

I improve every day.

My challenges help me grow.

I accept challenges as opportunities to grow.

There is no one better than myself.

I can control my happiness.

Today is going to be a great day.

Positive Affirmations for Women

Here are 20 affirmations for women:

I am a strong woman.

I am more than enough.

I am worthy.

I have something special to offer to the world.

I am offering my best, and my best is enough.

I love myself.

I treat myself with kindness.

I accept my body.

I am a confident woman.

My beauty radiates throughout my body.

I am beautiful.

I maintain a positive attitude today despite any hurdles that come my way.

I am committed to living a positive life.

I embrace my best self today.

I belong where I am.

I give myself permission to love my body.

I am alive for a reason.

I am grateful for loving myself.

I have the power to create change.

I can and I will.

Positive Affirmations for Success

Here are 20 affirmations for success:

I am successful.

I have what it takes to do what I want.

I was put in my life to do amazing things.

I set my mind on something and achieve it.

I am courageous.

I am always more than enough.

I have everything I need to overcome any challenge.

I am living my full potential.

I am surrounded by supportive individuals that lift me up.

I am extremely passionate.

I am constantly becoming more successful.

Every day I become more successful and powerful.

I have the knowledge to make smart decisions.

I acknowledge my own self-worth.

I am grateful for my success.

I am energetic and enthusiastic.

I am confident in my decisions.

I am learning to trust the process.

My success is infinite.

I am a strong person who attracts success.

Positive Affirmations for Anxiety

Here are 20 affirmations for anxiety:

I am calm.

I am collected.

Every breath I inhale calms me.

Every breath I exhale takes away tension.

I love myself unconditionally.

I am relaxed.

My deep breaths keep me grounded.

I am confident about solving life problems.

I live in peace.

I let stress move through and past me.

I like meeting people.

I am happy with how I feel.

I am safe.

My life is wonderful and secure.

I am free of anxiety.

My future looks amazing.

I am strong and this feeling will pass.

I am grounded.

I am unique and important.

I am connected to my breath.

Positive Affirmations for Teens

Here are 20 affirmations for teens:

My friends appreciate me.

I am confident.

I am becoming better each day.

I am happy.

People are kind to me.

I am accepted for who I am.

I am growing every day.

I will savor my youth.

This is only the beginning of my life.

I can do it.

If someone tries to bring me down, it means I’m above them.

I love my family for what they do for me,

I love myself.

My dreams are achievable.

I will ask for help if I need it.

My voice is heard.

The more I like myself, the more others will like me.

I learn about myself every day.

I give myself permission to be who I want.

My opinion matters.

Positive Affirmations for Self-esteem

Here are 20 affirmations for self-esteem:

I deserve to be happy and successful.

I have the power within to change myself.

I am free to choose to live as I wish.

I deserve to be loved.

My best is enough.

I can make my own choices and decisions.

I accept myself for who I am.

I deserve all that is good.

I am grateful for all the positives in my life.

I am unique in my talents.

I am not a prisoner of the past.

I live in the moment.

I am open to new experiences.

I am aware of my strengths.

I am courageous.

I inspire people.

I am calm and peaceful.

I appreciate the things I love.

I am solution driven.

I am capable of solving my problems.

Positive Affirmations for Depression

Here are 20 affirmations for depression:

I am loved.

I am valued for what I bring to the table.

I am separate from my depression.

I am resilient.

I am strong in my weakness.

I am valued when I am not productive.

I have persevered.

My brain is my friend, despite what I hear.

I am needed.

I am wanted.

I am not a failure.

I do not lack effort.

I am happy and confident.

I have uplifting energy.

I am strong.

I love myself unconditionally.

I allow only healthy and loving relationships in my life.

My challenges bring me opportunities.

I am in control of my thoughts.

I am in full control of my life.

Positive Affirmations for Love

Here are 20 affirmations for love:

I love myself.

I am surrounded by love.

I see everything with loving eyes.

I love everything I see.

My heart is always open to love.

I live in abundance.

I radiate love.

I am calm.

I love my friends and family.

Love finds me easily.

I give more love and receive more love.

I deserve love and get it in abundance.

I find love everywhere I go.

I understand my partner perfectly.

I give and receive love freely.

I am loved.

I move through life knowing that I am loved.

I will never give up on love.

My love is unconditional.

I am worthy of love.

Positive Affirmations for Men

Here are 20 affirmations for men:

I am strong and confident.

My voice is heard.

I am smart.

I am capable of anything I set my mind to.

People appreciate my presence.

I am valued by my peers.

I have a high level of self-esteem.

I am growing and developing.

I am in touch with my emotions.

I am in control of my thoughts.

My life gets better each and every day.

I believe in myself.

I boldly approach every challenge.

I always fight for my beliefs.

I am confident in social situations.

I can handle my life.

I am in the process of making positive changes in all areas of my life.

I value my worth.

I speak up for myself.

I am talented.

Positive Affirmations for Healing

Here are 20 affirmations for healing:

My mind is brilliant.

I am safe and protected.

I am surrounded by healers.

I am a healer.

Every cell in my body vibrates with energy.

I have a positive mind.

I have a healthy and healing body.

I am healthy in my mind, body, and spirit.

I am grateful for my body’s healing.

I manifest perfect health by letting go of negativity.

I give myself permission to heal.

I heal in my own time.

I enjoy a healthy life.

I deserve to heal.

I allow myself to heal.

I am able to process and release my emotions.

I choose to be aligned with my body.

I take care of my body and mind.

I believe in my health.

I heal more and more every day.

Positive Affirmations for Weight Loss

Here are 20 affirmations for weight loss:

I make progress every day.

I accept my body.

I let go of any poor habits around food.

I listen to what my body needs.

I let go of any guilt I hold around food.

I accept myself for who I am.

I have hope for my future.

My body is my kingdom.

I am motivated to make positive, healthy changes.

I am in control of my health.

I am the driver of my body.

I believe in my ability to love myself.

I am grateful for my body.

I have a beautiful body.

I accept my health journey.

I am attaining my desired fitness level.

I feel my body losing weight every single day.

I believe in my ability to change my habits.

I eat healthy and beneficial food.

Food is my source of energy, and I know that.

Positive Affirmations for Students

Here are 20 positive affirmations for students:

I learn something new every day.

I am intelligent and unique.

I am a great student.

I am always prepared for my tests.

I come prepared for class.

I value my education.

I am always open to learning in a better way.

I am growing.

I choose to move forward every day.

I am smart and today I prove it.

I love learning.

I am good at learning, and I teach others.

I am a unique student who performs well.

I work hard.

My hard work pays off, and I see it happening.

I am given recognition for my studious skills.

My teachers reward me for my progress.

I am a knowledgeable student.

I am capable of excelling in all subjects.

I am confident in my school work.

Positive Affirmations for Money

Here are 20 affirmations for money:

I attract money.

I am a magnet for money.

Money flows freely to me.

I am financially free.

I do not stress about money.

Money is energy, and I attract good energy every day.

I have an abundance of money.

I am worthy of making money.

I am open to wealth.

I embrace new avenues of income.

I am receptive to the wealth that life offers me.

My actions create prosperity.

I am able to handle large sums of money.

I am the master of my wealth.

I am at peace with having a lot of money.

I attract opportunities to make more money.

Wealth constantly flows into my life.

I am aligned with the energy of abundance.

I release all resistance to attracting money.

There is always more than enough money in my life.

Positive Affirmations for Mental Health

Here are 20 affirmations for mental health:

I love myself for who I am.

I am strong and capable.

My mind is free of any negativity.

I allow myself to only be in healthy relationships.

I choose to forgive and let go of anger.

I deserve happiness.

I take the time to care for my body and mind.

I put importance on self-care.

I fill myself with positive thoughts that life me up.

I am worthy of love, happiness, and healing.

I am more than enough.

I am strong, even when it doesn’t feel like it.

I am not damaged goods.

I am on a path to a healthy mind.

Any negative thoughts are not of me.

I don’t worry about things that I can’t control.

I am never alone.

I surround myself with individuals that make me stronger.

I am strong and I am healthy.

Every day my mind gets stronger.

Positive Affirmations for Stress

Here are 20 affirmations for stress:

I am relaxed and calm.

With each deep breath, I am relieved.

I am strong, mentally and physically.

My tension is melting away.

My mind is slowing down.

I am able to rid of any stressful thoughts.

I am centered and quiet.

I am letting go of any worries or fears.

My challenges bring me opportunities.

I am relaxed in all situations.

I am releasing all negative emotions from my system.

I am grateful for the good in my life.

I am worthy of a stress-free life.

I am practicing working through this feeling.

I surround myself with people who heal my stress.

I am safe and secure.

This situation is neither good nor bad, it simply is.

There is no obstacle I cannot overcome.

I let go of the past, and I focus on the present.

I am comfortable in all situations.

Positive Affirmations for Self-love

Here are 20 affirmations for self-love:

I approve of myself.

I love myself for who I am.

My life is a gift.

I am worthy of loving myself.

I am healthy and confident.

I am worthy of love and joy.

I love myself deeply and fully.

I surround myself with positive people who bring out the best in me.

I embrace love, positivity, and optimism.

I love my inner being.

Today, I choose me.

I alone am whole.

I have the power to change my world.

I have everything I need within myself.

I believe in me because I love myself.

I am more than my body.

I lovingly embrace all my fears and insecurities.

I am balanced.

I am safe and I am protected.

I show myself love every day.

Positive Affirmations for Health

Here are 20 affirmations for health:

I enjoy the foods that are best for my body.

I am constantly improving my health.

I am pain-free.

I am totally in sync with my life.

I am grateful for my healthy healing body.

I am willing to ask for help when I need it.

I trust my intuition.

I get plenty of sleep every night.

My body appreciates how I take care of it.

I am always doing my best to create perfect health.

I love my body every day.

I am constantly healing.

I am worthy of living a nourishing life.

Water is my favorite beverage.

I only consume things that improve my health.

I love life.

I have respect for my health.

I make healthy choices all the time.

I am responsible for my health.

I get plenty of sleep every night.

Positive Affirmations for Relationships

Here are 20 affirmations for relationships:

I am surrounded by love.

I love my partner for who they are.

I make my partner a priority.

I speak loving words.

My heart is open to my partner.

My relationship is strong and powerful.

I am grateful for my relationship.

My love is infinite for my partner.

I forgive my partner.

My partner is a reflection of me.

I will never give up on love.

Energy spent loving is never a loss.

My love is unconditional.

I am worthy of love and deserve to be loved.

My partner is loving, generous, and kind.

The light in me sees the light in you.

I am forgiving.

I express love in various forms.

I am open, free, and joyful.

I have a positive and healthy relationship.

Positive Affirmations for the Day

Here are 20 affirmations for the day:

I chose today as my day.

I am prepared to take on the day’s challenges.

I feel like I matter.

I am meant to be in this moment.

I am purposeful.

I give myself permission to succeed.

I attract positive energy to carry me throughout my day.

I am confident in myself.

Today is going to be a positive day.

I am ready to take on the day.

I am in charge and have a clear mind.

I am happy and successful.

I wake up to smile.

My spirit is great today.

Today, I am a leader.

I am prepared for my day.

I surround myself with inspiring people.

I am in charge of my day.

I make decisions that make my day better.

Today is an awesome day.

Wrap Up

Overall, positive affirmations are a good method of reprograming your brain to think and act positively. You can overcome bad habits, free yourself of any negative thoughts, and improve your overall well-being. These statements can be used for basically any situation in your life that you’re struggling with. All it takes is constant repetition and belief.
If you’re looking to see the impact of positive affirmations, I wrote a book called To Whom It May Concern about how affirmations changed my life. It’s a story of how anything in life is possible, as long as you feed yourself with encouragement and positivity.

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