Saturday 26 October 2019

Manimal Training Centre

Manimal Training Centre
Training and grooming is such a powerful tool that if one can use it properly, for self or for someone else, it's like changing DNA. It depends on the level when animals start acting like human and vice versa. In some scenarios, even running around Holy Kaaba may not wash their misdoings. Washing their bodies with acid may not clean the stained character. Is it difficult to see expressionless (poor) faces everywhere? When corruption has grown, it has become vulgarity. These 'elites' will never snatch bread from a poor, hungry child because they are afraid of being exposed but what they do is worse than this. Our society trained us to behave like animals. Now we are mixed form of human and animal. We are manimals (manimals - a fanciful life form that is part human and part beast; a creature recognizable as human but possessing physical or primitive behavioral characteristics that are exclusive to animals).

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